How to dance around the fact that you dont have a TM..

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
and you ain't Chem Dry....


Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
Personally, I have never mentioned in my marketing or to a custy anything about our equipment or heat or suction or anything of that matter. 2-3 times I had a custy ask if we had a truckmount. I think custy's care more about if you are going to do a good job. That being said, a truckmount will do a better job than a porty and faster.

Larry B

Jun 23, 2008
Pigeon Forge, TN
Larry Burrell
Question: Is this some type of steam cleaning?

Answer: No…It is called VLM (Very Low Moisture)

Question: What makes it different from steam cleaning?

Answer: For starters, it uses a lot less water, and when combined with agitation( of “The Brute”machine), and with specifically designed cleaning solutions for commercial carpet, it is an excellent vehicle for removing soil and stains. I used truck mount steam cleaning since 1985, but with this new system, it cleans much better on commercial carpet!

Question: Is this similar to other dry cleaning companies?

Answer: No, I use a totally different type of machine and cleaning solutions, all very unique.

Question: Is this considered “deep cleaning”?

Answer: Yes!

Question: How long will it take to dry?

Answer: This is another great benefit! It not only cleans deep, but it dries in approximately 1 hour! This will take away any possible concerns of the carpets not being dry in time for your employees, customers or clients.


It's NEW! VLM stands for Very Low Moisture .

It is revolutionary in carpet cleaning technology!

Some people think that truck mount steam is the best, but in my opinion, this *new* method is the "Cats Meow"! Keep in mind I've been using truck mount steam extensively from 1985 up until early 2004, but after having been introduced and having experienced VLM myself , this method cleans better, dries faster (about 1 hr!) and you'll no longer have to worry about those irritating / reappearing spots!

Before photo of a badly stained apartment.

You can see the white cotton cleaning pad (top right) that is now filthy from cleaning a small area of the carpet.

After photo... ahh YES!
It was dry to the touch within 1 hour!

A different before photo (residential job).
This carpet had yellow & brown spots every where!

After photo...(same residential job). Cleaner than clean!
Same hall, opposite view.

Question: Isn't this system really just a surface type of cleaning method?

Answer: Not at all, by applying an organic & environmentally / baby safe cleaner, I can get more dirt out than other methods. When I use the absorbency of 100% cotton pads, and combine the agitation of the oscillating machine, I have an excellent vehicle for removing soil and stains. The difference? The oscillating pad (by the floor machine) causes *all* sides of the fiber to be cleaned. Many systems over the years have tried using "bonnets' but unless they are 100% cotton and unless the pads are driven by an oscillating motion instead of a rotary motion, well, you simply cannot be removing near as much. I've tried and used a number of cleaning systems in the past, but this (in my opinion) is the best method under most situations.

Check this out.....

Quick Drying!

Safe and Non-toxic for children & pets

Safe for those who have allergies (it is odorless)

It will remove many stubborn spots and stains

No reappearing spots

No residue to attract dirt

No hoses that require leaving your front door open

No excess water left in your carpet

And best of all, your carpet will stay cleaner longer!

This will be the most thorough cleaning your carpet will ever have!

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
What a load..

VLM will still get you reappearing spots if there is a puddle of goo in the backing or pad.

And since 8 out of 10 homes ave pets I would say it's a improper mother 80% of the time.

Forrest was soaking carpet due to poor skill for all those years


Supportive Member
Oct 22, 2006
"I won't bore you with the dull information about why my system is grossly inferior."

"Can you clean my carpet? There's blood everywhere!"

"Absolutely! I got pads!"

Remember the "There was blood everywhere!" post by Forreest on the Blue Board a couple years ago?

Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
IRDGAS- As long as your customers are happy and you provide for your family WTF does it matter if you're using a scrub brush and a shop vac or a $90000 SuperSucker? Forrest is freak, but if he's able to make it work, good on him. Personally, I think when you have a face like a can of crushed a$$holes, you shouldn't put it in an ad. I don't.


Willy P said:
IRDGAS- As long as your customers are happy and you provide for your family WTF does it matter if you're using a scrub brush and a shop vac or a $90000 SuperSucker? Forrest is freak, but if he's able to make it work, good on him. Personally, I think when you have a face like a can of crushed a$$holes, you shouldn't put it in an ad. I don't.

roflmao.....I agree, too. If the custy is happy that's all that matters.

In all honesty, I think I've been asked maybe twice about my equipment. Most people I talk to either DGAS, or don't know the difference. They're more interested in the price, and that the carpet will look great when done, and not take days to dry.


Oct 26, 2006
Personally, I think when you have a face like a can of crushed a$$holes, you shouldn't put it in an ad. I don't.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I agree w/Willy, of course. :wink:

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