When to provide a price quote?


Dec 19, 2010
Houston, TX
Hey All,

As some of you know I'm pretty new to this industry. I've been in it about 4 months now. I attended Mikey Fest this year for the first time and got quite a bit of info that has been helpful.

I was wondering. If someone calls you from your website and wants to schedule a carpet cleaning appointment. Do you automatically provide them a price quote over the phone or wait until you get to their home?

I feel like I lost a sale yesterday and caused the customer to go price shopping when it seems like they were ready for me to come on over. I inquired about the number of rooms then provided a price, which seemed to shock them because they couldn't remember how much they paid last time. I could see it as being an advantage that once you are already in the home and the customer is sold on the idea of their carpets being cleaned "today" they would be more receptive to a price quote. They did not ask for a price quote over the phone, however I could see it being a waste of time showing up at the house and not coming to a mutual agreement. Does anyone have any good advice?

Thanks in advance!

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Many factors involved and everyone is different.

First I should say generally if you have low prices...that's when the pricing over the phone works. If you have fair prices...it's usually not a good idea to give an exact quote over the phone because the customer will tend to be shocked at the prices we actually need to keep business flowing....they don't understand and for the most part, it isn't their fault.

I generally try to give a ballpark and let them know that every home is different and we need to see it first.

I will say something like
"When I get to your home I'll have a look at the areas to be cleaned and give you an exact price before I start. If everything is ok with you, I will be able to start cleaning right then. You also have the option of setting up the appointment for another time."

You need to give them some security of it NOT being a "set in stone commitment" and that THEY are in charge of their schedule but NOT in charge of the price.
This gives them some illusion of control.

If they have to have a price I will generally tell them to be weary of the low low prices as those cleaners may try to raise it when they get there.
That's not good practice for any business.

You need to stick to your guns somewhat BUT you need to do what's right for YOUR business...not what everyone here TELLS you is good for your business.

Hope this helps.

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