Vortex replaced by a floor buffer


Feb 26, 2012
London Ontario,Canada
Mardie VanBree
Mr. Chavez,
You are correct sir, I am not familiar with Mardie's past post's condemning hot water extraction. I can see if that is the case, how it may ruffle some feathers around hear.

Mr. McFadden,
I have yet to meet any method of carpet cleaning that at some point finds it's own limitations.
All I was trying to say (albeit not very well) is that there is more than one way to accomplish what we are all trying to achieve, pleasing our clients enough to use us repeatedly and refer our services.

Richard is a good guy but he suffers from symptoms of "Steam Cleaneridess" which is so common on this board. The symptoms are very easy to see. All you got to do is first of all not be a steam cleaner then talk good abut what you are accomplishing. They will then become very confrontational and tell you that you are wrong and some may call you names and tell you what you think such as if you talk good about OP they will accuse you of saying that you think it is the best CC machine in the world. Then if you say something good about VS they will try to tell you that you keep changing your mind. All attempts will be made to discredit the promoter of non HWE CC. They will also see anything good that a non HWE user says about VLM cleaning as a slam on HWE. There are many more symptoms of "Steam Cleaneridess" but the ones I show here are the most prominent.
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Supportive Member
Jan 29, 2012
East TN
C. Lee
You two are the badgerinist fookin salesmen I ever seen, lol

Got Cobb flat smoked!

Sent from da parking garage of dee detention center

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Richard is a good guy but he suffers from symptoms of "Steam Cleaneridess" which is so common on this board. The symptoms are very easy to see. All you got to do is first of all not be a steam cleaner then talk good abut what you are accomplishing. They will then become very confrontational and tell you that you are wrong and some may call you names and tell you what you think such as if you talk good about OP they will accuse you of saying that you think it is the best CC machine in the world. Then if you say something good about VS they will try to tell you that you keep changing your mind. All attempts will be made to discredit the promoter of non HWE CC. They will also see anything good that a non HWE user says about VLM cleaning as a slam on HWE. There are many more symptoms of "Steam Cleaneridess" but the ones I show here are the most prominent.
I suffer from a lot but mostly I suffer from you! You're fookin nutz! :lol:

I'm a cleaner restorer, I use many tools, not just one and you sir are just one tool! :p

Sorry Miller, I couldn't help it. It's Mardie.... he asks for it! :biggrin:
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Sep 25, 2012
parts unknown WA state 90210
Andy McFadden
Mardei as usual I disagree with you, and once again a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

For the most part on this board, it is recognized that VLM has strong points and a time and place for it's use. I think the majority carry some sort of VLM tool on the van. The objections only come when a guy like you tries to make it out to being something way beyond what it is.

Mr. Miller,
I understand your point and it's fair and fine that you feel the way you do. However , regarding the idea "as long as customers are happy" I disagree, the reason I do is thus. .. Weather a customer is happy or not doesn't change the reality that VLM is a substandard method in many cases.

If the customer is happy with substandard cleaning that is due to ignorance on their part, (they have an excuse to be ignorant) , but we don't cause we are professionals. For that reason , I reject the idea " as long as the customer's is happy that's all that matters"

Just My Opinion others are free to disagree with out enduring indignation on my part.


Supportive Member
Jan 29, 2012
East TN
C. Lee
Another 8 pages a this again

What round is it?

Sent from da parking garage of dee detention center
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Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG/> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings> </xml><![endif]-->

Ain't dis fun!

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Jul 25, 2011
Mr. McFadden

Until we as an industry have a way to attain quantitative scientific on-location results, how the customer perceives the value of the cleaning, is about all we have to go on. Unless there is a way of doing it now, aside from the Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) that I have read, I am unaware of it. Besides if the client is happy, refers us and uses
us repeatedly, thus helping us grow our own database and hopefully profits, why then should people not consider a more profitable much easier to duplicate method.

I am not saying John's Trinity or any other OP machine is the be all end all, and while you, I, Mr. Chavez and many others have a more experienced background with many different cleaning/restorative situations, I would not blame someone contemplating entering this industry to pick a low moisture methodology, with the understanding that while it may not perform the best in every single situation, it can perform well enough in most situations.

Either the method cleans or it does not, as you stated "For the most part on this board, it is recognized that VLM has strong points and a time and place for it's use."

I agree, and I also think the same could be said about hot water extraction,

For people to be able to accept the limitations of the systems they elect as their main, or mainly used system, no matter what system they decide on in the end, as long as it it working for them, so be it. I am just not comfortable telling someone they are a "lemming, retard or have no morals" because they made a decision they felt best suited their business model. That's all I was saying.


Mar 25, 2014
Oswego, IL
Ryan Kettering
Andy, what if a vlm cleaner markets to a specific niche and those "cases" where vlm does well? that would mean we are using only vlm and always satisfying our client. I am vlm (mostly) and have done very well with it. However I get the jobs I want and seem to do well at them. VLM might be sub par in "many cases" but if I rarely see those cases than what does it matter to me?

point being that a certain business model can make vlm work in almost all cases that it sees, if you know what i mean. other business models it may not work so well for.


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
Richard is a good guy but he suffers from symptoms of "Steam Cleaneridess" which is so common on this board. The symptoms are very easy to see. All you got to do is first of all not be a steam cleaner then talk good abut what you are accomplishing. They will then become very confrontational and tell you that you are wrong and some may call you names and tell you what you think such as if you talk good about OP they will accuse you of saying that you think it is the best CC machine in the world. Then if you say something good about VS they will try to tell you that you keep changing your mind. All attempts will be made to discredit the promoter of non HWE CC. They will also see anything good that a non HWE user says about VLM cleaning as a slam on HWE. There are many more symptoms of "Steam Cleaneridess" but the ones I show here are the most prominent.

Richard, Please tell me again, how many Cimexes, OP's and rotaries do you own ??


Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
The symptoms are very easy to see. All you got to do is first of all not be a steam cleaner then talk good abut what you are accomplishing.


and tell you that you are wrong

only when you are .
What you insist on ignoring, Mardie, there are too many experienced IN ALL METHODS veterans here.

. They will also see anything good that a non HWE user says about VLM cleaning as a slam on HWE.

that's not true at all, Mardie.
It's the SLAMS on HWE (something you know nothing about) that we see as a slam on HWE (something you know NOTHING about)

There are many more symptoms of "Steam Cleaneridess" but the ones I show here are the most prominent

what you've shown is a myopic, one sided perception of things that doesn't jibe with reality .
you just don't recognize it...you don't know what you don't now...but think like you do

But i still love you, Mardie, cause your heart is right...it's your head that's in the wrong spot...:errf:




Feb 26, 2012
London Ontario,Canada
Mardie VanBree

telling us with authority what the greatest machine evah is, but no experience with any of the others :oldrolleyes:
You'd think he'd of learned a lessen in taking out his hat when he was a VS cheerleader (but NOW knows a shake 'n shine machine is superior) and more efficient than his scampoo box

i have little doubt a couple/three years ago he would of argued how VS was superior to OP (even though he had NO experience with them)

YES, Mardie, "another mod' telling you what a bOOb you are.
let me share something, if 10 people (WITHOUT an agenda) tell you the same thing and you're the only one saying other, it oughta be a clue....


Larry to clarify and FYI i still use the VS regularly in situations where it thrives. I also now own the best OP machine ever made and use it in situations where it thrives. Now Larry i did not say best CC machine ever made because it is my opinion and always has been that there is no such thing. I also find the VS OP combo to really compliment each other in certain situations.
My first thread on this BB stated that i would like to own an OP

You may want to join the circus so you can practice your perception and mind reading skills LOL

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Ummm that's the best for now.

Just a few years ago it was the CM, now its the Rock, next.......you're falling behind Mardie! Hurry whats next????
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wtf are you talking about ?
What Doc is trying to say is that the name of the machine keeps changing.

It's common in many. Industries, instead of making improvements over the years to the existing name brand that has built a solid reputation, companies reinvent and introduce a " new " model

Premium brands don't require this sales BS to ignite sales

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
OK look here....we are dealing with two morons here....
John G and his sock puppet Mardie......
John has relied on simple minded people
to hawk his worthless wares....since the first day that i called his bullshit
much lik the traveling medicine man that sold alcohol laced syrup in the old west.....
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Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Andy, what if a vlm cleaner markets to a specific niche and those "cases" where vlm does well? that would mean we are using only vlm and always satisfying our client. .

No one here disagrees with that, Ryan..and if they do, they're wrong
BTW, welcome and good post

I am vlm (mostly) and have done very well with it. However I get the jobs I want and seem to do well at them. VLM might be sub par in "many cases" but if I rarely see those cases than what does it matter to me?

point being that a certain business model can make vlm work in almost all cases that it sees, if you know what i mean. other business models it may not work so well for.

zaccally right on
Not a thing wrong with being a niche cleaner


Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Amen Bawb!!

Simple BS method for simpletons.

That Vortex conversion guy cracked me up with his line about how to clean edges and corners

Can you imagine cleaning a furnished home with a 19 inch round head?


Just toss your morality into the trashcan.


Supportive Member
Sep 23, 2013
Grant Baverstock
What Doc is trying to say is that the name of the machine keeps changing.

It's common in many. Industries, instead of making improvements over the years to the existing name brand that has built a solid reputation, companies reinvent and introduce a " new " model

Premium brands don't require this sales BS to ignite sales


And that's why you NEVER see Apple deviate from it's timed new models. No "me too" products and no "also rans".

A lot of these inventors of machines and technologies should look hard at examples like Apple. If Steve jobs ever saw a machine with such poor construction as the one in the video above...... somebody's head would roll.

The HUGE difference for me from moving from an Apple dealership to carpet cleaning is seeing just how many "Bozos" as Jobs would have put it paddle in the pool - and piddle in it too sometimes.

Remember real innovation is being able to say "no".

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Feb 26, 2012
London Ontario,Canada
Mardie VanBree
What Doc is trying to say is that the name of the machine keeps changing.

It's common in many. Industries, instead of making improvements over the years to the existing name brand that has built a solid reputation, companies reinvent and introduce a " new " model

Premium brands don't require this sales BS to ignite sales

That may be one version and a good one a that but there could be many reasons. As with us and anyone trying to sell for a living , the marketing thing will always come into play. I do not get suckered in by marketing schemes at least I sure try not to.

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