VegiFest in Bangkok Thailand- anyone interested?



I'm thinking of putting on this seminar. My planing and effort will depend on the interest, otherwise I'm just going to have a even more fun in Thailand.

Vegifest will be seminar for future millionaire carpet cleaners. If you follow the ideas taught at Vegifest you can become a millionaire carpet cleaner.
In Bangkok you will enjoy the--

Understanding of
Strategies and

The topics may include:
What it takes to be a millionaire. Do you have the Millionaire Mind?
How to get on the right side of the “Cash Flow” quadrant.
How to tap into and control your customers’ subconscious mind to get them to do business with you.
The number one thing that is keeping you from reaching your goals.
How to increase your productivity and get things done. Put the power of TNT to work for you.
The “Cheese” has moved and what to do about it.
Why you should NOT ASK for a referral—do this instead for greater success.
Nearly everything I learned from a marketing guru was wrong—but when I tweaked his ideas they worked great.

The seminar will cost $300. I will lower the price if more than 10 people attend. The classes will be held from 10 am to 2pm so that you can enjoy the nightlife of Bangkok.
When: July 17th – July 19th
Where: Nana Hotel in Bangkok
We were able to get Air and Hotel for 8 nights with single occupancy for under $1200 from San Francisco. Attendees will need to make their own travel plans.

gary mackay

Sep 2, 2007
Way too hot & polluted for any kind of veginaturalgreen fest! Probably could split a banquet hall and even share rooms with N.A.M.B.L.A members to save costs who hold meetings there very frequently.
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