Todd V the Trinity


Everyday is Saturday.
Sep 20, 2008
Fort Worth , Texas
I am in no way defending John , let this be clear!

I believe his Business decision and overall choices were bad business practices, but they were just that business actions.

To go after personal assets, even though it is in the law to allow, I have always thought was cowardly.
If you are warning people to be cautious in dealings with him, fine. If you want to go after biz assets, fine.

TO GO AFTER A MANS HOME is UNEXCEPTABLE and hope this doesn't happen to me or anybody else ever has to go thru that type of situation.

This eye for an eye business or in this case an eye for a head, is stuff of cowards. This is why we live in a world that is messed up.

Do not take me as a passavist (don't think I spelled that right) but sometimes you have to decide where the line is and how far you are willing to take it.

I don't understand where decency and mercy have gone. You must believe, even though you can't see it happening to you one day, it might. You will be the one looking for mercy for the mistake(s) you made and looking for the mercy yourself.

Personal is personal, this is my opinion. I believe John should pay the debt and all fees associated and turn this situation around.

This is not a horse or other animal that is dying here, and need to be euthanized, it is a person and should be treated as such personally.


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
if $4500 comes down to taking someone's home or personal assets, well ya cant fix stupid or stubborn apparently.

i don't see the defendant letting it get that far. who could be that stubborn after reading Randy's post.


Feb 9, 2009
Bronx, New York
Frank Mendo
I am in no way defending John , let this be clear!

I believe his Business decision and overall choices were bad business practices, but they were just that business actions.

To go after personal assets, even though it is in the law to allow, I have always thought was cowardly.
If you are warning people to be cautious in dealings with him, fine. If you want to go after biz assets, fine.

TO GO AFTER A MANS HOME is UNEXCEPTABLE and hope this doesn't happen to me or anybody else ever has to go thru that type of situation.

This eye for an eye business or in this case an eye for a head, is stuff of cowards. This is why we live in a world that is messed up.

Do not take me as a passavist (don't think I spelled that right) but sometimes you have to decide where the line is and how far you are willing to take it.

I don't understand where decency and mercy have gone. You must believe, even though you can't see it happening to you one day, it might. You will be the one looking for mercy for the mistake(s) you made and looking for the mercy yourself.

Personal is personal, this is my opinion. I believe John should pay the debt and all fees associated and turn this situation around.

This is not a horse or other animal that is dying here, and need to be euthanized, it is a person and should be treated as such personally.

I kinda see your point ( In certain scenarios), but I'm not sure this is the one.
There are a lot of different ways of looking at it.

That 4300 could have been a few months of mortgage payments on Todds home......
4300 worth of food for his little kids moufs....
A nice vacation for him and his family......

Did John G give a fook about those things???

That's PERSONAL in my book.

Try and beat me for 4300 hunert and it's open season on your azz.

G Man

Jan 28, 2013
Beaver Dam, KY
Joseph Gilstrap
I am in no way defending John , let this be clear!

I believe his Business decision and overall choices were bad business practices, but they were just that business actions.

To go after personal assets, even though it is in the law to allow, I have always thought was cowardly.
If you are warning people to be cautious in dealings with him, fine. If you want to go after biz assets, fine.

TO GO AFTER A MANS HOME is UNEXCEPTABLE and hope this doesn't happen to me or anybody else ever has to go thru that type of situation.

This eye for an eye business or in this case an eye for a head, is stuff of cowards.

I couldn't disagree more in light of the facts of this entire scenario. If John had said to Todd, "Hey, sorry about the machine and I would make it right but I don't have the money right now", or " Let me send you a new handle", then your point would have more validity. But instead, john proceeded to tell one lie after the other in a pre-meditated attempt to stiff Todd on this deal. Even though Todd went out of his way to work the situation out, even to the point of paying $160.00 out of his own pocket to ship the machine back. Todd was met with multiple deceptions, derision and intimidations. This goes well beyond "making a mistake" and Todd has the right to do whatever the law allows in order to get paid. It is laws like these that keep people from blowing somebody's brains out. Todd is in no way a coward or would he become one if he uses every inch of the law to get what is rightfully his.

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
Gee is throwing out his treble hook into the stream of newby carpet cleaners...
snagging a few and letting them flop on the shore untill dED......


Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
I thanked Lockharts's post and Goomer's as well as Gman's..

And that is because you all raise good points and that is where we all collectively can perhaps find that proverbial "third side" to the story. Hopefully -as I said before- John G is going to make this right- IF Todd was right in the case- and start finally restoring his credibility and his business can go on and make a living.
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bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
I thanked Lockharts's post and Goomer's as well as Gman's..

And that is because you all raise good points and that is where we all collectively can perhaps find that proverbial "third side" to the story. Hopefully -as I said before- John G is going to make this right- IF Todd was right in the case- and start finally restoring his credibility and his business can go on and make a living.

EZCUSE ME.....but hahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha!



Mar 11, 2013
Joel Hall
A little time will go by and the $4500 will long be forgotten..stings for a bit and then life goes guys acting like your so interested in being advocates for "the industry"...just just don't like John and you love every second of seeing others as well as yourselves stick it to get of your self righteous soap boxes....anyone who has been on these boards for any time can see right through you....mike was right on

G Man

Jan 28, 2013
Beaver Dam, KY
Joseph Gilstrap
A little time will go by and the $4500 will long be forgotten..stings for a bit and then life goes guys acting like your so interested in being advocates for "the industry"...just just don't like John and you love every second of seeing others as well as yourselves stick it to get of your self righteous soap boxes....anyone who has been on these boards for any time can see right through you....mike was right on

That was a BIG swing and a miss. Most of us were friends with John at one time. He has been to my house 3 times. I bought one of his CM's, (number 4 or 5) it fell apart and John even had me test one for him for a couple of months. When I ultimately decided not to get on board with his new machines, that's when his attitude toward me turned sour. Since then he has told some "whopper" lies on me and this thing with Todd just revealed in a more public way what John is really like. So this is exactly about "the industry" and keeping cleaners informed.
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Feb 2, 2007
Exactly. Joel you haven't been in this industry but a few years so quite frankly you are totally clueless with respect to what has happened here and why. Many of us have know John nearly 20 years ( and in the past even defended him). He has destroyed his reputation and the majority of his business all on his own with fraud, lies and deceit. It's as simple as that. When you provide the bank a new and different warranty than the customer was given to "win" a credit card back charge, that is fraud as a matter of law. Specifically credit card fraud and in this case it's already being investigated. United Parcel service has also opened a fraud investigation. Lastly it turns out the State of Kentucky didn't even know about a certain business operating it its STATE. Obviously there will be tax consequences there. Before this is all over Geurkink may very well lose his merchant account and the ability to ship through UPS. He could be charged with a crime. Banks don't play around with merchant account misuse. When you repeatedly lie and say the case will expose Todd as a liar only to have the exact opposite occur, that is something that will long be remembered within this industry. Geurkink has placed himself in the same category as a glide salesman from Canada. He has never really recovered from his dishonest business practices and neither will Geurkink. Sure a few current Trinity owners will defend him and even talk up the unit but this is a very small industry and his reputation will follow him permanently. Just as Ken Harris if you don't believe me.

Joel you should probably know a little more about this situation before taking on the role of John's public defender. It's a thankless job and eventually he will lie to you also. Many of us have learned that the hard way. Best of luck.
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Jeremy N

Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
I am in no way defending John , let this be clear!

I believe his Business decision and overall choices were bad business practices, but they were just that business actions.

To go after personal assets, even though it is in the law to allow, I have always thought was cowardly.
If you are warning people to be cautious in dealings with him, fine. If you want to go after biz assets, fine.

TO GO AFTER A MANS HOME is UNEXCEPTABLE and hope this doesn't happen to me or anybody else ever has to go thru that type of situation.

This eye for an eye business or in this case an eye for a head, is stuff of cowards. This is why we live in a world that is messed up.

Do not take me as a passavist (don't think I spelled that right) but sometimes you have to decide where the line is and how far you are willing to take it.

I don't understand where decency and mercy have gone. You must believe, even though you can't see it happening to you one day, it might. You will be the one looking for mercy for the mistake(s) you made and looking for the mercy yourself.

Personal is personal, this is my opinion. I believe John should pay the debt and all fees associated and turn this situation around.

This is not a horse or other animal that is dying here, and need to be euthanized, it is a person and should be treated as such personally.

Good post. I can't see the need of trying to destroy someone over this. Yes, there is a "right" to do so lawfully but there is also personal conscience to guide us.


Mar 11, 2013
Joel Hall
Actually Randy been around these boards since 1997....since the things started up...known about John since the get go too ( as far as the internet world started ) fact owned his original ol blue maybe its you who should quit assuming and telling me im far as not defending him...cant stand the guy and would never do business with him again.....And Joe...good hell dude i read the boards...i know all about your Trinity experience...who all should just call if for what it is.....say you dont like him...dont care if you were once friends and that he has been to your house...the fact is you obviously dont like him now...and are loving every minute of watching him crash and burn....BUT drop the whole industry saviors parade....most people in the industry dont even know who the hell John G is.....ive seen your many online arguments with him..etc etc....this is nothing more than your victory dance....just call it for what it is!! but i get it...i mean if you are just loving watching the demise....then you also risk coming across as an ass....where as if you try to mask it with the ... im just trying save any poor new carpet cleaners from the same terrible fate premise then your a saint sure sure.... and hhhmm im sure there are all sorts of guys out there lying and stealing and committing all sorts of frauds in this industry......after John who is next....go get em go get em...........
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Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
This thread has run it's long and torturous path.
Unless John indicates that he would like to respond, it is time to put it out of its misery.

Retire the damn thing Fred/Mike! It is long due.
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May 27, 2011
Ya, Joel Hall was the first person I ever pissed off when I joined the old blue board. It was a thread about his local "Christians" being "loving" to Mormons.

I'm a jerk.


Feb 2, 2007
My apologies JOEL, I mixed you up with another Joel from the other board. That being said if you have been around this long and are defending John Geurkink, you're just an idiot. If you really think you can get on this board and demand that people "just quit it" you are worse than clueless, you're a fool. You don't get to legislate this thread or people's opinions. What is happening to Geurkink is well deserved. Why it seems to bother you so much raises a question. Maybe you were counting on a free Trinity like the compensated shill in Alaska and are concerned that John won't be able to hold it together long enough to get a free machine ?

Now go read your MSDS, yes every one of them so you aren't so clueless about why a butyl solvent shouldn't be in an encap product. You were correct in an earilier post, I'm not a chemist but neither is Steve Smith. He is a carpet cleaner that started mixing up and testing chemicals. Just because a guy puts a white lab coat on doesn't mean his product is safe. Google butyl solvent, there is no excuse for leaving it in a carpet to crystallize. Any first year cleaner should be able to figure that out, unless they are clueless.
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Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
Ya, Joel Hall was the first person I ever pissed off when I joined the old blue board. It was a thread about his local "Christians" being "loving" to Mormons.

I'm a jerk.

oh and how did that one go???
Aug 22, 2012
Nampa, ID
I am very pleased to say that John FINALLY paid me the full judgment amount of $ 4503.15

Even though I am still out over $700 for attorney fees and well over 100 hrs of my time preparing for this case. I am glad that he finally realized he was wrong in the way he handle this dispute.

The lesson learned is don't buy a machine without demoing it first, ( be aware of internet hype ) and Please make sure whatever company you are giving your hard earned money to will be there if a problem arises. It will save you a TON of time and money in the long run. Thanks everyone for listening to my situation, it sure has been a wild ride.

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Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Good deal!

Hopefully this saga is over and done with.

The lesson learned is don't buy a machine without demoing it first, ( be aware of internet hype )
I think this is good advice for any machine, OP, portables or TM's. Know what you're buying before you buy so you won't be disappointed later.

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