The door-to-door chemical salesman.....

Wayne Miller

Nov 7, 2007
Wayne Miller
....isn't at my door for more than twenty seconds when he whips out this spray bottle, starts yapping about how safe it is, spraying on his hands and then licking it off. After a four minute, whirlwind performance telling me why I had to have this stuff I pointed to the Butyl Cellosolve next to "ingredient" and mentioned he probably didn't want to go around licking this stuff. He informed me it was a"form of alcohol," implying it was an okay thing to do. When I suggested eating cleaning products might lead to cancer, and this one night too, he quickly corrected me that kidney damage, not cancer, was the concern and that after two years of doing this his doctor says he's as healthy as a horse.

Health concerns aside, it can't taste good.....

Wayne Miller

Nov 7, 2007
Wayne Miller
I went on a commercial demo with a buddy one time and watched in disbelief as he stressed the safety of his water stain remover with a dab of his tongue.

Judging by the way he carried on after the customer was out of sight I can only surmise the taste of sodium metabisulfite in powdered form is a taste not soon forgotten.
Sep 7, 2008
Yea some kids came by my house about 2 months ago trying to sell me an all purpose citrus cleaner. Before I could do anything he started spraying my carpet at the front door to show me how effective it was. All I could see was white soap being whipped up. I told him do you see that van out there? It is full of chemicals so no I don't need any more chemicals. Then he got rude and started talking crap. I called my dog Bevis and that was the end of our conversation.


Feb 2, 2007
Wayne Miller said:
....isn't at my door for more than twenty seconds when he whips out this spray bottle, starts yapping about how safe it is, spraying on his hands and then licking it off. After a four minute, whirlwind performance telling me why I had to have this stuff I pointed to the Butyl Cellosolve next to "ingredient" and mentioned he probably didn't want to go around licking this stuff. He informed me it was a"form of alcohol," implying it was an okay thing to do. When I suggested eating cleaning products might lead to cancer, and this one night too, he quickly corrected me that kidney damage, not cancer, was the concern and that after two years of doing this his doctor says he's as healthy as a horse.

Health concerns aside, it can't taste good.....

Too funny, I had a visit from one of those nutcases a few years ago. Closed his eyes and sprayed his face. He said " it's so safe you can wash your face with it." I said what would happen if you sprayed it into your ears, he then did. I then asked if you could wash your hair with it and he sprayed his head. I then asked if he has ever used it in an enema bag and he got pissed and left.

My guess is he has...............

I hate these door to door sales clowns.

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
Had that black guy on I believe HGTV hawking his cleaning chems stop by my house years ago before he was famous. As I know something about chems he went on his rant spraying the sidewalk and this and that. He just managed to plow thru his demonstration and ignored my questions. I laugh at him eveytime I see him on TV now.

As I laugh at everyone of you guys too.


Jul 19, 2009
I was working in a shop a couple of years ago, sitting in the office. This guy comes in selling some kind of orange crap. He takes the bosses pen and writes all over the front of his white shirt. Then he takes out his magic juice and sprays it on the shirt. The ink disappears but his shirt is all wet in the front.

The boss looks at him and says does it work on the floor. Of course the dummy sprays a whole big patch of the dirty floor. He reaches in his bag and is crawling around on his hands and knees wiping the dirt and spray up. The whole place has stopped working and is watching this show. The guy gets up and says in newfenese: Wadda ya tink der by. (WHAT DO YOU think there BOY). The boss laughs and says I ain't interested. The whole place was roaring.

I can't imagine what his next sale is going to be like with that wet shirt and knees all dirty.

Magic Al

Oct 25, 2006
Reminds me of the International Sales Manager for Dry Treat. He would spread around the Stain Proof (VOC = 650 grams/liter!!!) and tell us how harmless it was.

After a couple of years of that, he developed pancreatitis and may lose his life. Yeah, really worth doing stupid stuff like that!

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