Sooooooooo...IS JOHN JIGGLIN


Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
Mardie said:
Brian R said:

It probably looked better when it dried... No wick backs... No residue.

Not seeing what the problem is.
That looks even easier than using my VS on the grease. See all you need is looking around at different methods and techniques.. and you will realize there are other ways to do it
Did you pre-spray and go over it with the brush to open it up before you did this job.
If i had one of them and wanted to get real real fancy i could see incorporating the VS to do a dig out on a job like that either pre or post dig out, don't know until i tried it.
The beauty of low moisture is that we can see our true results with each pass and don't have to wait at least a week to see what happened with our clean job to see the true result of the job. And you go back to being a total rookie and say dumb things like that. Where do you get this "wait at least a week" bs? we can have the carpets rinsed real well and not leave all the foamy residues like your von schrader and have the first rooms dry by the time we finish a job. A couple hours of dry time is not unheard of, even with high flow wands. (But lemme guess: you don't even know what high flow wands are)

I wana offer you this: If you are in SoCal sometime come on over and take a couple days to go out on the jobs with me and see how its done and what is possible. I employ high flow steam cleaning equipment, OP pad cleaning padcapping, straight up encap cleaning, rug badgering and pit washing orientals, cimex, rotary steam clean, territowel square pad machine etc etc..

Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
Gee whiz Zee - Can't you make up your mind and stick with ONE thing? Oh, sorry - you don't have a VS machine........ shiteatinggrin

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Thanks Zee
I thought about making a similar post when i saw Mardie's...but was growing weary :lol:

the progression of a CC'er with some smarts

years one to three...rookie stage that's been convinced/persuaded of something..but doesn't really "know"..know

years three to six ...firm understanding of his primary method and what it takes to get results in most situations...if he's sharp, he's also got his feet wet (or dry depending on his start) into other methods .

years six to 10 ...the "know it all" stage ..he's a true journeyman by now (or never will be) with his primary method
confident and cocky he's "got it all in the bad" he "thinks"

years 10 to 15+ ..the Master stage
(if he made it thru the "burnout stage" somewhere between years 7 and 13 )

Figured out thru real world use there's LOTS of ways to catch crawdads and all have their place and time..he may or may not use them "all" ... because he targets specific markets .
but he "knows" what he knows and chuckles when rookies and "know it all" stage CC'ers tells him "how it is"

note... that's the progression of the "sharp" operator that's able to figure things out for themselves.
but it's been my observation that many don't have that ability

I have a good feeling about Mardie though..I think he's going to progress nicely once the mind control chip battery wears out... :lol:

BTW, the above is not necessarily related to whether they're a sharp "businessman" .. that's a whole 'nother matter



Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
Willy P said:
Gee whiz Zee - Can't you make up your mind and stick with ONE thing? Oh, sorry - you don't have a VS machine........ shiteatinggrin

Von Schrader I used to run is still in the shop rusting away. Thats one thing that never get used. We even had 2 of the big daddy Von Schrader double wide units. (mach12 type)I used to put it in the van alone thru the side door. I remember the marines hated it when I was doing hallways with them in the barracks at Miramar base (thats where the movie Top Gun was situated) ooo the good old days- How I DON'T MISS THEM :lol: :lol:


Feb 26, 2012
London Ontario,Canada
Mardie VanBree
Zee said:
Willy P said:
Gee whiz Zee - Can't you make up your mind and stick with ONE thing? Oh, sorry - you don't have a VS machine........ shiteatinggrin

Von Schrader I used to run is still in the shop rusting away. Thats one thing that never get used. We even had 2 of the big daddy Von Schrader double wide units. (mach12 type)I used to put it in the van alone thru the side door. I remember the marines hated it when I was doing hallways with them in the barracks at Miramar base (thats where the movie Top Gun was situated) ooo the good old days- How I DON'T MISS THEM :lol: :lol:
I gave the mach 12 a fair trial and found no use for it in the level of cleaning i expect. Gave it back,did not like it.


Feb 26, 2012
London Ontario,Canada
Mardie VanBree
Zee said:
Mardie said:
Brian R said:

It probably looked better when it dried... No wick backs... No residue.

Not seeing what the problem is.
That looks even easier than using my VS on the grease. See all you need is looking around at different methods and techniques.. and you will realize there are other ways to do it
Did you pre-spray and go over it with the brush to open it up before you did this job.
If i had one of them and wanted to get real real fancy i could see incorporating the VS to do a dig out on a job like that either pre or post dig out, don't know until i tried it.
The beauty of low moisture is that we can see our true results with each pass and don't have to wait at least a week to see what happened with our clean job to see the true result of the job. And you go back to being a total rookie and say dumb things like that. Where do you get this "wait at least a week" bs? we can have the carpets rinsed real well and not leave all the foamy residues like your von schrader and have the first rooms dry by the time we finish a job. A couple hours of dry time is not unheard of, even with high flow wands. (But lemme guess: you don't even know what high flow wands are)

I wana offer you this: If you are in SoCal sometime come on over and take a couple days to go out on the jobs with me and see how its done and what is possible. I employ high flow steam cleaning equipment, OP pad cleaning padcapping, straight up encap cleaning, rug badgering and pit washing orientals, cimex, rotary steam clean, territowel square pad machine etc etc..
I am always looking at different ways to do things.That is the reason i am on this site. On page 2 of this thread about half way down i mentioned that "in my perfect world for cleaning carpet i would like to have 4 methods available". VS and Cimex which i have and O/P and yes even HWE
As far as the statement i made about waiting up to a week to see the true results.This has nothing to do with dry times or carpet being wet for a week.This statement is in regards to cleaning very very heavily soiled carpet with HWE.The more you work on it with HWE and on this very dirty carpet you will have to work on it, it will get wetter and wetter no matter how much suction you have,then the wicking will first go down and below the base of the carpet then back up as it dries. The problem i see is that you have activated the dormant soil under the top base of the carpet. This soil will then work its way to the surface in time even though the carpet is dry.Hence wait up to a week or more to see the true results. I do know that HWE can get fantastic dry times without wick back. BUT only on lightly soiled carpet that you can get away with a fast skimming of the carpet surface.
I have spoken to a TM supplier about spending a week on one of his trucks so i can see how it is done the wet way.He welcomed that idea. He even offered me one for a 2 week free demo. I demoed the Cimex for 6 weeks before i bought one.
Don't want to waste his time until i grow some more and can justify the expense.
I appreciate your offer and if i were made of money i would be on a plane tomorrow Thanks.

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
Mikey P said:
How was I full of shit?

I pulled a filthy chunk of carpet out of a dumpster, did not alter it in any way and scrubbed it with my 175 and rinsed with my HWExtractor, just like I said I was going to do in print, your method against mine.

My method made the carpet look clean enough that a land lord or tenant would have paid my invoice.

Your method on the other hand made no visible difference to anything other than the dozen or more bonnets you used on a 8x8 chunk of nylon. You would not have gotten paid IMO.

Your refusal to admit that padding has limitations is nothing short of amazing.

Urine, blood, shit, cat 3 water damage.. whats next John? Window and chimney cleaning too?

John, baby, do you have no response to this quote? Many of my customers have dumpster grade carpets right where they live and sleep. And their children play on. I have to come in and make things perfect. Do you really think I would pad such a carpet? I have to live with myself. And look at the guy in the mirror.

Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
Mardie - would you drive a couple of hours to do a ride along? I know a few people in your rough area that might get you some obviously needed help to learn the dark side.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Many of my customers have dumpster grade carpets right where they live and sleep. And their children play on

I told this TRUE story before

it was many years ago, on HOT humid summer day.
The last job of a LONG day, I'm cleaning the bed rm in a TRASHED sec 8 unit.
I'm tired, soaked in sweat and just want to be DONE for the day.

I'm wondering why I'm busting hump doing a great cleaning job on this POS rag... when I know the next round of lazy azz cheese eater losers will trash it in month with their bong piss, wine, beer, booze and ciggy butts ..

Then i look out the window and see some little kids out front playing in the yard ...that's more dusty barren dirt than grass .
clean streaks from sweat running down their dirty little faces and shirtless bodies.
they're laughing and playing in the dirt without a care in the world...and then I KNEW why I was busting my azz to restore that salvage rag ...I was doing it for them's not their fault their parents live in squalor ..but I'd be damned if the kids were going to move in on squalor !gotcha!



Jul 10, 2010
Happened too me last summer parents absolute scumbags.Between the piles of clothes beer cans junk and just filth were 2 beautiful little girls. I figured if there parents wouldnt keep the floor clean I would give it my damndest. Best piece of work I did all last summer. Didnt pay squat after all the wok I did but I didnt do it for the money it was for them

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
I live in a retirement community....for me it was for the old folks, who are struggling to stay independent despite no assistance from their kids, failing health, eyesight, sphincter and bladder control and sometimes.....minds. Too proud to ask for help, but getting really overwhelmed.

This society really has little time or respect for our seniors...

Take care,

John G.

Dec 29, 2008
Your refusal to admit that padding has limitations is nothing short of amazing.

Urine, blood, shit, cat 3 water damage.. whats next John? Window and chimney cleaning too?

John, baby, do you have no response to this quote? Many of my customers have dumpster grade carpets right where they live and sleep. And their children play on. I have to come in and make things perfect. Do you really think I would pad such a carpet? I have to live with myself. And look at the guy in the mirror.

I doubt you have cleaned any dirtier carpets than I have, I even spent 3 years in south Dallas in the ghetto cleaning. Your assumptions of what I do or can do with cleaning extremely filthy carpet is your failing. If I remove the soil and contamination as well as you what is YOUR problem with it? I didn't do it your way? I did it in less time? I made more profit? What exactly is your problem with it? Maybe you business ROI isn't what it SHOULD be, don't blame another operator who removes this crap a DIFFERENT way than you do and didn't spend a fortune on less efficient equipment to make a higher ROI!

Urine , shit and blood are NO problem for me to REMOVE, period! And no, I don't need expensive equipment to do a better job than others.
Your understanding it, doesn't have ANYTHING to do with what is being done, only with YOUR perception.


Nov 11, 2011
Urine , shit and blood are NO problem for me to REMOVE, period! And no, I don't need expensive equipment to do a better job than others.

That is just nasty,for Gawd's sake get a cheap portable then for those bio jobs and combine them.

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
Ruff Hewn said:
Many of my customers have dumpster grade carpets right where they live and sleep. And their children play on

I told this TRUE story before

it was many years ago, on HOT humid summer day.
The last job of a LONG day, I'm cleaning the bed rm in a TRASHED sec 8 unit.
I'm tired, soaked in sweat and just want to be DONE for the day.

I'm wondering why I'm busting hump doing a great cleaning job on this POS rag... when I know the next round of lazy azz cheese eater losers will trash it in month with their bong piss, wine, beer, booze and ciggy butts ..

Then i look out the window and see some little kids out front playing in the yard ...that's more dusty barren dirt than grass .
clean streaks from sweat running down their dirty little faces and shirtless bodies.
they're laughing and playing in the dirt without a care in the world...and then I KNEW why I was busting my azz to restore that salvage rag ...I was doing it for them's not their fault their parents live in squalor ..but I'd be damned if the kids were going to move in on squalor !gotcha!


Larr that's the funniest thing i ever read.........reallY!

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
John G. said:

Urine , shit and blood are NO problem for me to REMOVE, period! And no, I don't need expensive equipment to do a better job than others.
Your understanding it, doesn't have ANYTHING to do with what is being done, only with YOUR perception.

Overloading the carpet with parfumy scents and spreading the piss, shit and vomit around while absorbing a small percentage of it is NOT CLEANING.


When you get stuck in traffic and poop your pants, after you waddle upstairs hoping the wife dont notice, do you just spray some pixie juice on a towel and wipe up or do you hop in the shower?


May 27, 2011
Mikey P said:
[quote="John G.":2nxtgv6h]

Urine , shit and blood are NO problem for me to REMOVE, period! And no, I don't need expensive equipment to do a better job than others.
Your understanding it, doesn't have ANYTHING to do with what is being done, only with YOUR perception.

Overloading the carpet with parfumy scents and spreading the piss, shit and vomit around while absorbing a small percentage of it is NOT CLEANING.


When you get stuck in traffic and poop your pants, after you waddle upstairs hoping the wife dont notice, do you just spray some pixie juice on a towel and wipe up or do you hop in the shower?[/quote:2nxtgv6h]

Probably both. :mrgreen:


May 27, 2011
If you really think about it, you can OP the dirty pads by facing two OP machines opposing one another. The dirt must be magically transported to the fourth dimension.

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
aHH any elementary RR'r's

Gravity that is the 1st dimension, Light the 2nd and Matter the 3rd ...although
gravity will sometimes pull things into the 4th dimension..........will will cause you to wash those mop rags......when ya get home!

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
When you get stuck in traffic and poop your pants, after you waddle upstairs hoping the wife dont notice, do you just spray some pixie juice on a towel and wipe up or do you hop in the shower?

Do you pull the carpets up and take them into the shower with you?

That analogy is so wrong to use, words can't describe.

Mikey, If you think you're getting all the crap out of the carpet etc with YOUR method... .You're fooling yourself and you don't believe it.

You're just spreading it around with water and making MORE of it than it started with.

Some people I swear. :roll:

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
Sorry Brian, he's right.

Now that being said a good OP operator can remove a lot more soil than a HWE person who is going so fast they can do 5-8 jobs in a day. You can't just lean in the shower, with some shower gel for a second and be clean. You have to give it as much time as it takes to do it right....for either method.

On a really dirty residential cut pile nylon, with both operators being knowledgeable and skilled and conscientious, the HWE guy will get out more soil.

On a thin commercial gluedown olefin, the LM guy will, HOWEVER if the HWE guy follows the cleaning with a dry cotton bonnet, the difference is negated.

I should say in the thin commercial scenario above, though that the HWE guy will remove more dirt, but the soil embedded in the backing or below the backing will wick....unless they dry bonnet it.

Take care,


May 23, 2010
Lee Stockwell said:
I've seen many minutes of the new machine video, but nothing about the pads?

I'd like to hear more about the pads as well. Was that a fiber pad in the video?

And where does one find these microfiber pads with the scrub strips?

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