Rug newbs, it's coming!

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
I agree that some courses veer too far into minutia for my tastes, and your course may be a good starting point, just like an IICRC course. But, to complete the kicking...

I've worked almost exclusively with large carpet and rug cleaning operations over the past 12 years, and what was always interesting to me was who was actually cleaning the rugs in most of these plants... It wasn't some textile god!... No, it was some 23-year old kid that used to work in a video store.

The 'kid' washing the rugs at a rug plant might not be an expert, but he has someone nearby that he can ask, and the kid isn't the one making the cleaning method decisions or explaining limitations to the customer.

PS: This is your honest and honorable sales pitch. Try a cleaned up version of it as your website front page and see how you do:
Listen, I don't think anyone can take ONE class and have a path to riches. But can they at least learn how to not screw things up and start to clean most rugs they're likely to run across, without waking up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night for fear of screwing them up!

That's what this class does. It gets people started. Are they going to be able to give Randy a run for his money? No way, he's been doing it for years, and there's no way to buy experience. This is information, and that's something different entirely. You take the information and apply it, and then you get some experience, and there's no shortcut for that. It takes time and it takes work.

But people have to start somewhere, and right now, it's not very easy to get started cleaning rugs in the industry. Classes are expensive, and few and far between. Rugs are like most other things, once you know how, it's often easier than you thought.

Right now, most cleaners avoid them like the plague, and I don't think that's necessary. (Of course there are a few that cleaners SHOULD avoid like the plague, and hopefully if people get nothing more out of this class... they'll learn which ones those are!)

There are more and more hard floors out there, and like it or not, cleaners probably do need to move into rug cleaning more than most of them are right now.

My hope... is that I'm able to get a bunch more people started down the path of cleaning rugs. I can't see that would be a bad thing. People who do, have taken a first step towards becoming experts.

You really can make more cleaning a rug than you do cleaning a house of nylon carpet. People need to know that and use it to their benefit. That's all I'm saying.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I'll have to agree with the greAt Ozzy.

Mark I' have a special (ed) crowd here as you can see, be honest and forthright and you'll gain their acceptance, choose to be a polish or Howie and you'll go nowhere.

Keep the slick shit for your campaign on Tre's pos brain wash board ..

You're a cool guy Mark and your class is great. Do something ALL the other marketing gimps dont do, and come clean with your pitch.


Oct 19, 2006
I would rather starve than use JP style manipulation. If I buy this program it will be in spite of the marketing.


Oct 19, 2006
I would like to know what the DVD's are like. I looked earlier at the video of the photography video. It is all graphics and audio. Are the DVD's more of the same? Everything I have seen about this program has been just that.

I just tried to listen to the intro video and had to turn it off in a couple minutes. Sorry, but why spend so much time telling us so much about what anyone in this business for more than 6 months surely knows.

I doubt I will want to or be able to set aside certain evenings for an online class, but I might want the DVD's if I knew what they are.

Is there an email address or phone number?


Jun 3, 2009
There is another free video coming, other than the one about the photography. I wanted to give people a real sense of what the class looks like. That's why I did the whole free video thing.

The class is set up that way, it's mostly audio with the mindmap providing structure. One thing we weren't going to do was use bullet points. (That's been beat to death)

We used pictures wherever we could to show people what we were talking about. Some parts of the class have more... some have less.

I'm including the mindmap so people can have that for reference, but what you're seeing is the actual video from the class. I wanted to give people a very real-world idea of what it was. It IS a recording of an internet class, so it doesn't have live video of cleaning or anything like that... the audio isn't perfect, but it does have some really good information, and a lot of it.

Robert also is recommending chemicals by brand name that he knows work. So rather than make it generic, we got real specific with products. Unfortunately that probably means that Bridgepoint and Jon Don will never sell it for us, but oh well.

Robert and I are talking about putting more stuff together. After this launch is done, I'd like to get some input and find out what people would like to see. Personally, I'm thinking that having some video of 'live' cleaning would be very helpful... also basic rug ID, but I'd love some ideas.

I think we'll get better at this as we go, but I think there is great validity in learning information from home, without having to go out and travel to take a class. Especially since cleaners these days have a lot more support than they used to. Personally I used to clean a lot of rugs, but when I started, it was all just a matter of sheer guts and stupidity... I had no bloody idea what I was doing!

I eventually learned, but it was dumb luck that I didn't get into more trouble than I did. I did have to pay a few 'experts' (there's that word again!) to fix some screw-ups that I did, but all in all, I came out of it in one piece and eventually learned enough to not be dangerous to myself or the rugs I was cleaning. I would have killed for something like this back then! But it didn't exist.

It's not for everyone, but if you look at the sheer volume of information you get vs. the price, it's got to be one of the best values out there.

"It slices... it dices... it cleans rugs!" Now all I need is a Ron Popiel avatar!

I think I'll change the name from 'Rug cleaning demystified' to the 'Rug-o-matic cleaning class'... What do you think? Kind of has a ring to it doesn't it?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Mark and Robert's rug class was perfect for me.
At the time I was in the process of opening up my rug plant.

The class helped us decide on some lay out issues as well as tons of great chem advice.

Just enough ID stuff covered to not bore the crap out of you and loads of things to look out for.

My only complaint of the class was not enough pictures which Mark tells me they addressed.

Will you be Randy Hyde when you've completed the course? No, (god forbid) but assuming you are just cleaning rugs in the home at this point you'll be a Ken Snow with better taste in clothes, if you've been cleaning in a mini plant for a while you'll be a Harry Myers with out the annoying red neck accent, If you've already taken all the other classes available and just want a few more tid bits and you've got nothing better to do that week then you' could possibly be a DA O'Halick but with out the pompous know it all smirk.

It's $300 bucks and you learn from the comfort of your own home and beer cooler, what more can you ask for?

I personally guarantee it will save you thousands in mistakes if you've been cleaning rugs for under one year.

Now sign up quick so I can pay off this Lunchpail.


Oct 12, 2006
Portland, Oregon
WOW that was beautiful mikey I almost cried you’ve take some of the sleazy used car salesman feel out of the post …..big thumbs up


300.00 it was 299.99 ..inflation?

The best part of the class was the Mindjet flow chart I think that is the most underutilized part of the program from my understanding it’s not included in the course. The software to run its 300.00 or so I have it and I’m working on for rug Id/ cleaning charictoristc program that I think could be good .... If and when I get time to work on it


Jun 3, 2009
Actually Randy we ARE including the mindmap with the class. There's a way to export the map using the windows version of the program, so people will be able to view it etc., however it doesn't work on macs. (Which sucks but whatever...)

Harry Myers

Oct 13, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Harry Myers
The way I see it is this. The class is good for beginners. It did not help me any . I did like the area of contacts, Where to guide lets say. I have a plant that is more lead to hand cleaning instead of the fast operation of machine cleaning. I honestly feel Randy is one of the most smartest people in this business. I have and will always takes his advice. 8)


Nov 14, 2006
Mikey P said:
I'll have to agree with the greAt Ozzy.

Mark I' have a special (ed) crowd here as you can see, be honest and forthright and you'll gain their acceptance, choose to be a polish or Howie and you'll go nowhere.

Do something ALL the other marketing gimps dont do, and come clean with your pitch.

That's just plain is just one man's opinion and echoed by the like-minded crowd. That stuff sells regardless of your opinion..........just go to Howie's or Joe's events, you can use their stuff without the so called snake oil used car sales chit. Good marketing programs stress great customer guys get confused by the hype, and then get blinded with so much rage that you can't see the merits of the program.

There are alot of people who really need these programs , but get turned off because of the bad mouthing that takes place on boards like this one. The loudest are the very ones who have NO personal experience with the programs at all. It feels good to gang bash something ,but serves little purpose other than to make the author feel accepted.


Oct 26, 2006
There are alot of people who really need these programs , but get turned off because of the bad mouthing that takes place on boards like this one. The loudest are the very ones who have NO personal experience with the programs at all. It feels good to gang bash something ,but serves little purpose other than to make the author feel accepted.

I'll agree w/ya there.

As for Joe Polish.
I bought one of the very first if not the first JP program in 97.
($1500 total spent w/him, since then)
Used a bunch of little stuff hear and there, made some money w/it, certainly enough to justify the purchase. Fooked up my "image" w/some clients doing one of his strategies that didn't fit the rest of my biz image, the "dust mite" letters. Shoot what was I thinking on that one? :roll:
Actually in fairness, now that I sit hear thinkin, I implemented a three stage reminder post card, based on JP's three stage letters, that alone has to have produced tens of thousand for us. :? :shock: :roll: :wink: :shock: Went one one of his boot camp cruises in 03, but was too busy trying to save a dying marriage to get any value of it, too bad really. Really found good value in his stuff, when adapted to my business style, cause it really isn't a good fit the way he presents it, for me anyway.

And Howard Partridge.
Bought his first program in 97 too.
($10k+ spent w/him since then )
Given the backbone of his "strategies" is to gain retailers/designers referrals, I was VERY fortunate to be one of the first in my area to implement a lot of his strategies, and it has benefited immensely. Easily had a 10;1 ROI, using HP stuff, bought several, more of his "modules" (of which would love to sell if anyone's interested), all in all would say JD SFS workbook(s) was a way a better value there.

Dang it Steve!
:evil: Now you got me thinkin, a 10;1 ROI w/HP, I'll bet I had a 15;1 or better ROI, w/the lil bit of JP's stuff I actually implemented! :x :x :x

Kinda looks now like JP MIGHT have better strategies, and HP is a better salesman, huh? :?


Oct 12, 2006
Portland, Oregon
steve said:
The loudest are the very ones who have NO personal experience with the programs at all. It feels good to gang bash something, but serves little purpose other than to make the author feel accepted.
Steve did you take the class do you have the CD? I did here’s the CD ….

Back to this particular CD. I want to make it clear.., I didn’t bash the content honestly I think the information is good I Bashed the advertising and over the top claims for this CD. Relative to a 800.00 class or a 650.00 book it is a bargain however… Becoming a knowledgeable, competent rug cleaner isn’t quick, easy or convenient it takes a commitment of time, energy and money. Anyone here that’s been in the rug cleaning business more than 2 years disagree..? The tag lines below are inaccurate and deceptive the make you believe it’s quick, easy and cheap. The rug cleaning elite spent years ..most of us over a decade handling rugs that’s how they become the elite not a CD or a few tidbits of carefully guarded information thats the point i'm trying to make.

"This Inexpensive Class Takes The Mystery Out Of Rug Cleaning And Makes It Easy."

"Believe It Or Not... There's An Unbelievably CHEAP Way For YOU To Become An Expert In Area Rug Cleaning, And Do It Right From Home!"

"Now, for the first time ever, YOU can get the SAME TRAINING as the rug cleaning elite, for LESS than you'll charge to clean ONE RUG!"


Jan 15, 2008
Bloomington, IL 61704
David Sweeney
I completely agree with Hyde! We have the cd and I've gone through the program. It does give some very noticalbe advice but it leaves out alot of details and information that simply can not be learned by watching or listening to some material on your home computer.

You demphasize rug ID and while most people could get by pretty safely on most Indian hand knots or machine woven rugs. But its important to be able to recognize the difference between a Indo pearsian copy of a tabriz and the real thing or what about if a French Aubusson comes into the shop? It only take buying one of these rugs to obliterate any profit.

You make these claims about these 23 year old kids cleaning rugs and like oz pointed out, you fail to mention the rug experts who are id'ing and sorting the rugs as they come in to make sure the rugs are cleaned properly. I would also be willing to bet that there are a lot of "kids" who grew in the family rug cleaning biz much like I grew up in the carpet retail and installation end.

While rugs are just fibers, you'll rarely find as many carpets that have as much history and sentimental value as you will with rugs. And that is why rug cleaning has been held in such high prestige over the years. Part of being a reputable rug cleaner is understanding not just the cleaning and methods to get the dirt out but being able to relate to your customers and understand the history that makes a particular rug unique.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Ken Snow's sweat shop has had the windows painted black and only a candle light to help find the on off switch on the Moore Machine...

Do you think his "kids" ID each rug?


Nov 14, 2006
Back to this particular CD. I want to make it clear.., I didn’t bash the content honestly I think the information is good I Bashed the advertising and over the top claims for this CD. Relative to a 800.00 class or a 650.00 book it is a bargain however… Becoming a knowledgeable, competent rug cleaner isn’t quick, easy or convenient it takes a commitment of time, energy and money. Anyone here that’s been in the rug cleaning business more than 2 years disagree..? The tag lines below are inaccurate and deceptive the make you believe it’s quick, easy and cheap. The rug cleaning elite spent years ..most of us over a decade handling rugs that’s how they become the elite not a CD or a few tidbits of carefully guarded information thats the point i'm trying to make.

"This Inexpensive Class Takes The Mystery Out Of Rug Cleaning And Makes It Easy."

"Believe It Or Not... There's An Unbelievably CHEAP Way For YOU To Become An Expert In Area Rug Cleaning, And Do It Right From Home!"

"Now, for the first time ever, YOU can get the SAME TRAINING as the rug cleaning elite, for LESS than you'll charge to clean ONE RUG!"[/quote]

You are the exception to the rule Higgins. Your opinion on rugs and cd content are without dispute. It's your marketing knowledge that I question.



Jun 3, 2009
Let me clarify something. Never in a million years would I expect to sell Randy one of these classes.

The man has forgotten more than I will ever know about rug cleaning. I freely admit it.

But there are thousands if not tens of thousands of carpet cleaners out there that COULD be cleaning rugs but AREN'T because they're afraid. They've heard the horror stories, and truthfully, without some additional skills and knowledge, they have no business tackling rugs.

But rugs aren't rocket science. They are made of fibers, usually wool and cotton. If you understand some basic principles, you can successfully clean them and do a really great job.

This knowledge does not have stay in the realm of the rug cleaning elite. People have to start somewhere. And somewhere back in the mists of time, when the experts were starting out, this probably would have been a good way for them to do it. It wasn't available back then, but now it is.

Are you going to take this class and be where Randy is? No... I've said this before.

But you will be able to have a better business, make more money, maybe be able to offset some of the economy's effects for a small business owner.

I fail to see the harm in that... In fact I honestly think it will help people.

Nothing like this has ever been available before in this industry.

Does it take the mystery out of rug cleaning? Yes
Does it make it easy, or at least easier? Yes
Compared to the other options is it unbelievably cheap? Yes it is. (The other classes are often $5,000 and up!)
Are you going to get a lot of the same training taught in the hyper-expensive classes? Yes you are.

Sorry... I'm not feeling like I'm a liar and a cheat here.

And, while we're at it: Do you need to devote years to really master something? Yes you do.

The class is cheap. It's easy to get started. I do believe that someone could go through this class a few times and successfully clean rugs... And now they've started on a path. Maybe someday they'll be a rug expert in your eyes... but meanwhile, they'll be a rug expert in the eyes of their market. They'll be a rug expert compared to some guy who looks like he slept under a bridge and is trying to do the bait and switch so he can survive. So that helps the customers as well.

Is it hyped a little bit? Yeah, sure. But underneath that is something that's real. This isn't BS. It's a good class, and honestly if there weren't a need for this, I wouldn't be getting such an overwhelmingly positive response from most cleaners.

You know what occurs to me? Someone would have to have some pretty heavy chops to come in here and impress this crowd with their knowledge of rugs. My god, look at who hangs out in here! It's like a who's who of rug cleaning. Some real major players. That's not who this is for. This is for the guy that is conscientious, wants to do a good job, would like to get started becoming a real specialist, but can't afford the massive expense of one of the brick and mortar classes. Now that guy's got an option... Now he has a place to start.

I'm proud of that.

Anyway, I'm afraid we're all beating a dead horse. Marketing will always sound like marketing. As much as some of these guys have studied rug cleaning... spent years of their lives learning how to do it, not from a textbook but from experience... that's what I've done with marketing. But the product is real, it is good, it's a good idea, and it WILL help people.

PS. (All marketers can't resist putting a PS in any written communication) :p I can't wait 'til you see the 20-page sales letter! :D

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I think it's cheap class for $300.00, it's the delivery I had issue with.

I also would have liked the free CD but I didn't want to sign up for anything, I hate giving up my email address for sales info.

As much as I like the rug Badger, I had to ask to be taken off his email list, too many emails.


Jan 15, 2008
Bloomington, IL 61704
David Sweeney
But there are thousands if not tens of thousands of carpet cleaners out there that COULD be cleaning rugs but AREN'T because they're afraid. They've heard the horror stories, and truthfully, without some additional skills and knowledge, they have no business tackling rugs.

Will all ten thousand of these cleaners be investing in proper dusting equipment, taking the time to completely wash and take the time to rinse out all of these rugs? And will they be willing to purchase the extra insurance to cover the very expensive rugs?

But rugs aren't rocket science. They are made of fibers, usually wool and cotton. If you understand some basic principles, you can successfully clean them and do a really great job.

This could be said ten years ago.. but as of late there are some pretty wacky things coming out that will entering the rug cleaning market. Cross woven machine rugs that can be mistaken as hand knotted. Jute fringe, Jute pile rugs that feel like and look like wool, tons more visose and rayons on the market, and lots of weird fibers like cocunt husk and banana leaf rugs. But I guess this isn't important becuase Rug ID is demphasized. Carasoul Mills rugs are mentioned but what about Stark or what about boardered wiltons?"

This knowledge does not have stay in the realm of the rug cleaning elite. People have to start somewhere. And somewhere back in the mists of time, when the experts were starting out, this probably would have been a good way for them to do it. It wasn't available back then, but now it is.

Are you going to take this class and be where Randy is? No... I've said this before.

But you will be able to have a better business, make more money, maybe be able to offset some of the economy's effects for a small business owner.

I fail to see the harm in that... In fact I honestly think it will help people.

Nothing like this has ever been available before in this industry.

Does it take the mystery out of rug cleaning? Yes - the colorfast wool rugs with out too many problems
Does it make it easy, or at least easier? Yes
Compared to the other options is it unbelievably cheap? Yes it is. (The other classes are often $5,000 and up!) You can attend an RCT with a number of expert rug cleaners for alittle more than this cd and get hands on training and the same type of support from the individual instructors. The 5000 dollar classes are those like Ellen and Aaron's who are are aimed at advancing the basic classes, or the Phil's classes whom your buying and entire rug cleaning system and education for that money, or the RIA advanced CRS designation.

Are you going to get a lot of the same training taught in the hyper-expensive classes? Yes you are.

Not even close Doc! Show me where the Cd lets you go through 200 to 300 hundred rugs, get down on the inspection floor and point out the rug origin, the cleaning problems, the soiling conditions, and then take 30-40 of these rugs through the full wash process and throw in successful marketing tips in growing a rug business and tons of resourses to get you up and running as well as discounts and teach repair and conservation techniques and give you tips and advice on how to setup your plant for the best use of space... the list goes on. But I guess because they don't have the marketing hype you wouldn't know the difference between these types of classes and your cd's. So unless you have invested in and attended these classes, I suggest you drop this claim.

As everybody has already stated, we don't have a problem with the material in the CD. We DOOO have a problem with your attempt to market to the masses with info that is misleading. If you make it seem so easy, you WILL end up with alot of cleaners who really shouldn't be cleaning rugs and who have no intention of pursuing any further education or investment relying entirely on this class and cd, BUT as you said, they will be seen as the "expert in their area," and as a result will devalue the industry of rug cleaning. Look at what Chemdry and Stanley Steamer have done to the carpet cleaning industry, look at what box stores have done to the image of carpet retail stores. Mass marketing devalues quality. Flood the rug cleaning arena and you'll wash out the value rug cleaning as well as the ability to maintain 4-9 dollars a square foot.


Jun 3, 2009
I think you are confusing fiber ID with rug ID.

Those tens of thousands of cleaners will only invest in the proper equipment etc. if they do what we tell them in the class.

It doesn't take ten years to learn how to clean rugs very well. If it did, rug plant technicians would earn what airline pilots do... they don't.

Will this class let you be a museum restorer? No But truthfully, there are very few people that can really do that... but there are a few.

When we put on the class, we invited many 'notable' people from the rug cleaning community. People from NIRC. Instuctors... people who know rugs as well as anyone on this board. They were impressed. I haven't highlighted that because pedigree doesn't matter to someone who wants to learn rug cleaning... information does. But it's there. This class is also taught by someone with 18 years of real-world experience running a large rug plant, and who holds a CRS designation. I didn't design the class, I just edited the video and did the marketing. The class comes from someone who's lived it as much as anyone here.

As far as those other companies, I don't know about you, but those guys were my best friends. I got my best customers from them. It was never a problem. I can't think that this would be any different.


I am NOT a doctor...

I only play one on TV.


Jan 15, 2008
Bloomington, IL 61704
David Sweeney
Those last two posts, were better stated than anything else you wrote. If you market along those lines, you might just meat with less oposition in this crowd.


Oct 12, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Steve, I take it you don’t have the CD?

IMO, If the marketing had been put together more responsibly to a professional to cleaners there would have been a long thread about the value of the CD and not the over the top Carney marketing exaggerations.

As far as my marketing prowess I’m not claiming to be a “marketing guru” and I’m not planning a rich cleaner conference anytime soon. Perhaps People like you likely need all the help they can get but honestly, I don’t have problems finding work, never's rug & carpet cleaning for god sake!

steve said:
"This Inexpensive Class Takes The Mystery Out Of Rug Cleaning And Makes It Easy."

"Believe It Or Not... There's An Unbelievably CHEAP Way For YOU To Become An Expert In Area Rug Cleaning, And Do It Right From Home!"

"Now, for the first time ever, YOU can get the SAME TRAINING as the rug cleaning elite, for LESS than you'll charge to clean ONE RUG!"

You are the exception to the rule Higgins. Your opinion on rugs and cd content are without dispute. It's your marketing knowledge that I question.



Nov 14, 2006
Steve, I take it you don’t have the CD?

Nope....and do not need it. Been doing just fine for the last 31 years without it. I did win the Dvd thru an auction, but have not view it as of now.

IMO, If the marketing had been put together more responsibly to a professional to cleaners there would have been a long thread about the value of the CD and not the over the top Carney marketing exaggerations.

Can't comment to the way it was put together, as I have not seen it. Nor were my comments made about its construction

As far as my marketing prowess I’m not claiming to be a “marketing guru” and I’m not planning a rich cleaner conference anytime soon. Perhaps People like you likely need all the help they can get but honestly, I don’t have problems finding work, never's rug & carpet cleaning for god sake!

Me either...............never had problems getting work.
My good looks and charming personality have always provided me with tons of work........pricing was my achilles heel. You got to weren't there to help.


sounds like this DVD should be right next to the rug doctors at Home Depot just a little heavy on the get rich type hype.


Jun 3, 2009
You know... something just came to me.

I started my cleaning business to pay for a recording studio. I was a musician.

I studied classical voice for four years.

I had a teacher that was an amazing woman, a real mentor for me.

She told me once:

"There are two types of people in the world: Musicians... and music critics!"

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