Rug equipment from Clark


Oct 19, 2006
Went down to Clark's Tuesday and picked up his portable drying racks. I like the hooks on the posts that serve as a ladder system where 1 man can lift a heavy rug up one end at a time to get it up to the top. I got the wheel kit so I can move the racks around even when loaded with rugs. I think this will work well for my small shop.[attachment=1:2akzxbgo]DSC00197.JPG[/attachment:2akzxbgo]
He is almost finished designing and building his new centrifuge. It is a dude. Inner and outer cylinders are both heavy stainless. It has springs and shock absorbers to stabilize it. I'll be able to slow the unit down and flood the rug with water for as many rinses as needed. I hope to have that in a week or two. I'm looking forward to building a bigger rug business.[attachment=0:2akzxbgo]DSC00174.JPG[/attachment:2akzxbgo]


Oct 19, 2006
This is what Clark posted here back on March 16.

"In cleaning a rug I've never seen it done better than with any centrifuge. We rinse in 3 cycles. That is flush the rug 3 times. This takes 5 minutes. The 1018 (shown) list price is $35,000. For the next 2 machines I'm asking 20,000. And I will deliver it and set it up at no charge."

I really don't know how many orders he has taken or what pricing he has settled on.
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