Referrals/Testimonials - System(s)


Apr 7, 2008
Bill Martins
I'm trying to put a "system" that works a bit better than what i've been doing with my current clientele. The first part of this system is how to properly get referrals. What we do is have a flyer that we give out to every client along with their invoice, i explain to them how our referrals program work, and mention to them during the cleaning a few times as an incentive. They seem to like it, but i have not gotten actual referrals from people right away. So far it's been in the 2-5% return on say 100 clients that i've cleaned for. Don't have the exact number but i believe it might be around that. Obviously i'd like to get referrals right away, rather than just waiting for the client to refer me sometime in the near century. Would asking for referrals while doing the cleaning or after, be a better approach or would it be too pushy? People tend to be happy when i'm done, now if they could only actually send me referrals.

Testimonials, what has worked for you in terms of getting testimonials? Other than "You did a great job, i will deffinately refer you to my friends!" That's usually just something verbal. I've seen companies that leave behind a survey/testimonial postcard w/ a stamp on it, so customer can send it in. Than they upload it to their website. Seems more real than someone just leaving a testimonial on your site in plain html text. I've been slacking in this dept, would be nice to get a testimonial from every client, good or bad. I've done follow up calls, and get the usual "i'm happy, thank you" and i mention about the referrals program too. But would be nice to get a written letter, email, so i can put something together for the next cleaning.

Trying to go for the franchise look/system, w/out actually being a franchise...people tend to ask me if we are a franchise sometimes.

What has worked for you and could you share it.


Oct 7, 2006
Referrals - Explain to the customer how important referrals are to your business and ask for them. Also it helps to give an incentive for them to do so. We give away $25 off referral cards to the customer to hand out to their inner circle and give the referrer $25 off the next cleaning once they've referred someone.

Testimonials - Here's how we do ours. Every customer gets a pre-stamped testimonial card. We try to make it painless and easy to fill in and send back to us. You can see an example on our website of how we use them in advertising:



Apr 7, 2008
Bill Martins
Thanks Scott,

Referrals -

We have a very similar referral rewards program, except we give them a $25 bank gift card that can be used towards their next cleaning or as a debit card for any purchase they would like. I thought the response would be higher for this, but hasn't been quite what i expected. Maybe i could make a few changes where we would give $25 off cleaning to their friends and the referrer would still get the $25 gift cards. Which is basically similar to your system.

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
As far as testimonials. The best way is to bring your flip video recorder and document the customer's glowing response and post it on you website.

For referrals I have done several things the best way is to just keep it simple. A flyer of how it works will often times not get read.

I leave a card that looks like a $20.00 bill for the client to give to their friends. Then I give the referring client a 10% referral fee that is taken as credit towards their next job.

It bring in a few new clients every month.

If you or anyone else wants a template for a$20.00 coupon that is in MS Publisher

E-mail me at:


Mark Imbesi

I too, gave the 10% OFF reward, in the past, for referring me. Though I hadn't run into this problem, what do you do for the person who referred you 3 times since their last cleaning? 30% OFF?

I'm leaning real hard toward the $25 gift card idea for my referral rewards campaign this time. I'm confused as to why this hasn't worked for you, Tony.

As for testimonials, I have used a postcard that was part of the Squid Marketing Forms CD ( ). I included the stamped and addressed card with a thank you letter. It was very similar to Scott's and worked like a charm. The key here, was it was made easy for the client to comply.

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
As far as %.

I give back a credit that s 10% of the referred job.

Example- Client referrers a job that totals $300.00
The client gets $30 credit.

2- referred jobs like that $60.00 credit.

With a few referrals the next service could even be free.

But, It's not really about the money. Their friend recommends a service from someone that is trusted.

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