question for Jim P

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
In my area we are seeing a lot of insurance vendor programs being taken over on the national level by mainly the S companies. This is leaving us independants out in the cold. We are also seeing almost all compaines going to a program where they use seperate compaines for the emergency serivce and a seperate company for the recontruction. What do you see happening in regards to this in the future?? will the pendulum swing back or are we in for more of the same??

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
Sorry, no crystal ball on this one. I think if anything, the trend will continue with insurance companies trying to control costs by using less companies. Its never fun doing business with someone who is losing money, or at least says they are!

Work in conjunction with the reconstruction people, make yourself known to larger property management groups and commercial establishments that essentially "self insure", and make sure your cleaning clients know that they ultimately have the right to choose the restoration contractor, and that they can trust YOU in their home at late hours, and when they aren't home.

None of this is easy, but its the type of marketing that works in such environments.

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