Offering customers a choice of protectors

Paul Demers

Supportive Member
Sep 11, 2008
Paul Demers
Any of you good folks offer a choice of two different protectors to your customers, with one costing less than the other? If so what products do you use and what is the difference in price you charge? Do you offer a warranty with one or both?

I currently use Bridgepoint Maxim and give the customer the one year warranty. I also keep some scotchgard on the truck if they want that brand, and I charge the same for both.... $25 per room. Someone recommend somewhere offering two, one cheaper w/o warranty and one more expensive with warranty.


The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
If you want to be in the insurance business offer warranties and make sure there's enough money to pay for claims.

If you just want to sell the application service you don't have that expense and can charge less.

We sell Teflon, Teflon for Wool, and a private-label Teflon in a solvent carrier. All have different costs to us so get charged at different rates. No warranties sold here, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't be a good idea for your business.

Paul Demers

Supportive Member
Sep 11, 2008
Paul Demers
The warranty says I will return the amount they paid for the protector application IF a stain cannot be removed, with some exclusions such as bleach, inks, etc. The warranty does not mean I buy them a new carpet.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
Paul Demers said:
The warranty says I will return the amount they paid for the protector application IF a stain cannot be removed, with some exclusions such as bleach, inks, etc. The warranty does not mean I buy them a new carpet.

your setting yourself up......get rid of the warranty...

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
Offer them the protector that fits their cleaning requirements .

In other words don't offer them a choice of brands just say do you want protector?

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Switch to Prochems FourGuard and use the Prochem Warranty. Prochem is then responsible for helping them get the spot out with just water or their leave behind Carpet Spotter. If they cannot get the spot out Prochem sends you out and pays you your min. to remove the stain.

Dupont Teflon cost 4.2cents per sqft and fourguard cost you 4.3 cents and the waranties are 10 per pack for $75

Oh and the new Fourguard has the new dupont capstone.

Captain Morgan

Supportive Member
Feb 23, 2008
Bill Morgan
Paul Demers said:
Any of you good folks offer a choice of two different protectors to your customers, with one costing less than the other? If so what products do you use and what is the difference in price you charge? Do you offer a warranty with one or both?

I currently use Bridgepoint Maxim and give the customer the one year warranty. I also keep some scotchgard on the truck if they want that brand, and I charge the same for both.... $25 per room. Someone recommend somewhere offering two, one cheaper w/o warranty and one more expensive with warranty.

[quote="Paul Demers":31mm0cqu]The warranty says I will return the amount they paid for the protector application IF a stain cannot be removed, with some exclusions such as bleach, inks, etc. The warranty does not mean I buy them a new carpet.

That sounds like script I got word for word from a sales meeting/training I attended with Craig Jasper about 2 years ago. I tried it... it doesn't work, at least not for me.. people don't want to listen to you ramble on about how protector A protects from the outside and protector B from the "inside out" while I fumble around with a plastic tube and a pen and another one that's been all scratched up, with a little peice of carpet, offering 2 different prices per foot and one with a warrantee and one without...blah blah blah?

The only thing they are thinking about is "why is he offering me something cheaper that doesn't work?" Maybe it works, I don't know.. some people can't remember which cleaning company they used the last time they cleaned their carpets. Think they are going to hang onto a stupid carpet protector warrantee certificate?

I just ask them if they want carpet protector to better protect the carpets from stains and dirt prematurely wearing out the carpet fibers? Some will ask if it really works and I look them right in the eye and tell them yes it does and then keep my mouth shut... the next one who talks loses. I can see having a water based and solvent option but solvent is wicked expensive to splash on carpets.. I can see upholstery though.

rick imby

Jun 5, 2009
WJMorgan3 said:
Paul Demers said:
Any of you good folks offer a choice of two different protectors to your customers, with one costing less than the other? If so what products do you use and what is the difference in price you charge? Do you offer a warranty with one or both?

I currently use Bridgepoint Maxim and give the customer the one year warranty. I also keep some scotchgard on the truck if they want that brand, and I charge the same for both.... $25 per room. Someone recommend somewhere offering two, one cheaper w/o warranty and one more expensive with warranty.

[quote="Paul Demers":3tki76fp]The warranty says I will return the amount they paid for the protector application IF a stain cannot be removed, with some exclusions such as bleach, inks, etc. The warranty does not mean I buy them a new carpet.

That sounds like script I got word for word from a sales meeting/training I attended with Craig Jasper about 2 years ago. I tried it... it doesn't work, at least not for me.. people don't want to listen to you ramble on about how protector A protects from the outside and protector B from the "inside out" while I fumble around with a plastic tube and a pen and another one that's been all scratched up, with a little peice of carpet, offering 2 different prices per foot and one with a warrantee and one without...blah blah blah?

The only thing they are thinking about is "why is he offering me something cheaper that doesn't work?" Maybe it works, I don't know.. some people can't remember which cleaning company they used the last time they cleaned their carpets. Think they are going to hang onto a stupid carpet protector warrantee certificate?

I just ask them if they want carpet protector to better protect the carpets from stains and dirt prematurely wearing out the carpet fibers? Some will ask if it really works and I look them right in the eye and tell them yes it does and then keep my mouth shut... the next one who talks loses. I can see having a water based and solvent option but solvent is wicked expensive to splash on carpets.. I can see upholstery though.[/quote:3tki76fp]

Do you mean if the customer speaks next and buys your protector she loses?

Larry Cobb

Oct 7, 2006
Dallas, Texas USA
Larry Cobb

I have lots of protection customers, that offer warranties.

It does require some spotting expertise, but is pretty effective.

I would offer a solvent-based protector for the best protection.

One option might be "traffic lane only" protection for a lower total cost.

Some customers really need protection due to the carpet color or the household age groups.


Captain Morgan

Supportive Member
Feb 23, 2008
Bill Morgan
rick imby said:
Do you mean if the customer speaks next and buys your protector she loses?

No, of course not. When I was in sales, most newbies who felt insecure would feel awkward by the silence and feel it necessary to start speaking. Lots of times appearing desparate for a sale, make unrealistice claims or lower the price of their product or service thus giving away the farm for cost or free.

That's all I meant.. a poor choice of words, I apologize.
Sep 7, 2008
Paul Demers said:
The warranty says I will return the amount they paid for the protector application IF a stain cannot be removed, with some exclusions such as bleach, inks, etc. The warranty does not mean I buy them a new carpet.

First of all, you are not charging nowhere near enough to offer a warranty for carpet protector. Two rooms protected for 50 dollars and you are going to warranty it for a year. You need to charge 20 cents a foot with a warranty to cover the times people call you back.

Second. Water based carpet protectors do not work very well on residential carpet. There are just too many factors that will lead to subpar results you will get with whatever protector you use. Sure they might work for carpet that is bone dry when you apply it and give it 24-48 hours to fully cure without any foot traffic. Even then a months worth of foot traffic is going to wear it off. I have litterally soaked peoples carpets with Teflon, Four Guard, and Maxim and went back a month later and the carpet was full of stains. I even applied water to the carpet to see if it beaded up and the liquid just soaked right through. People purchase protector so their carpets will stay clean longer and have not had any luck with them in achieving this.

The only customers I actually offer protector to are the ones with perfect carpet, no kids or pets, and can let the carpet fully dry before walking on it. Everyone else gets it if they ask and I always undersell the results so they will not call me back if their carpet wears and resoils as it did before having it applied.

I charge half the price of the cleaning to apply protector. I was thinking about offering a solvent protector for customers that don't mind paying for the best product and would likely charge whatever the cleaning total is and just match it.

Paul Demers

Supportive Member
Sep 11, 2008
Paul Demers
danielc said:
The only customers I actually offer protector to are the ones with perfect carpet, no kids or pets, and can let the carpet fully dry before walking on it. Everyone else gets it if they ask and I always undersell the results so they will not call me back if their carpet wears and resoils as it did before having it applied.

I charge half the price of the cleaning to apply protector. I was thinking about offering a solvent protector for customers that don't mind paying for the best product and would likely charge whatever the cleaning total is and just match it.

I would think homes with pets and kids would benefit from protector the MOST... NO?

Paul Demers

Supportive Member
Sep 11, 2008
Paul Demers
Bridgepoint claims a 3 percent call back on thier Maxim warranty. That seems pretty low, and if the warranty helps sells the protector it seems like good business to offer it.... assuming the products works as advertised !!!! I am fairly new to the business, 6 months.. so I can't say this stuff works for sure or not.... But some folks I trust very much tell me that Maxim is a very good product.

The marketing folks always say to offer customers a choice.... a choice between products or a choice between a protector w/o warranty or one with a warranty..... this makes sense to me......

So... my questions concern which two products to offer..... and at what price.

Sep 7, 2008
Yes you would think that would be the ideal situation to apply a protector, but in reality that is when your warranty is going to get called on. I guess it all comes down to the fact that carpet protectors don't work like suppliers and manufacturers would lead you to believe. After years of real world testing I can say carpet protectors simply do not work. The ones baked on at the factory might, but after market protectors haven't worked for me. Well you did say if the spot can not be removed. Just be prepared to remove a ton of red stains cause they aint coming out with just a regular cleaning. Thats right I soaked a lady's berber carpet with Teflon and went back two months later to clean up after her kids and had to do heat transfers on atleast 30 red kool aid stains. They should have just cleaned up with a regular steam clean, but no they were locked in like no protector was even applied. And yes I apply it heavy 4:1 like the jug says and groom it in.

Captain Morgan

Supportive Member
Feb 23, 2008
Bill Morgan
Paul Demers said:
The marketing folks always say to offer customers a choice.... a choice between products or a choice between a protector w/o warranty or one with a warranty..... this makes sense to me......

The marketing guys want you to steer the customer to making a decision between 2 protectors and not a yes/no decision to "if" they want protector. In theory it makes sense, but in the real world.. not the case for me. I've tried the script, the blotter cards, the little plastic tube demo... none proved to be effective for me. People seem attentive to listening to me but I think they have a huge mountain of disbelief to get over. Those that bought probably felt guity if they said no after all the effort I put into the presentation. :p

Personally, I haven't done enough testing of the different products yet, but I've picked up carpet scraps to do some so I can carry the best products for my customers when they want it. All these sales aids necessary to help people make a decision... makes me feel like the Sham-wow guy or the English dude selling the bullit blender trying to make you belive that it will be an indespensible part of your life used for everything you put in your mouth all day long. When in reality, you'll use it for a few weeks, realize it's a pain in the butt, too small to make anything worthwhile, whatever and ends up in a box in the garage collecting dust.

It's all just a bunch of hokie hooie by chem manufactures to sell product to insecure new carpet cleaners who feel they need a crutch to help sell the product. Jasper had a print out that showed if I sold protector on 50% of my cleanings at .20 and .35 sq ft how much I'd make in "easy money" "low hanging fruit" "profits other cleaners were getting and I should too" etc, etc.. Then he handed out his sales flyers for battery operated multisprayers and discount offers on 4 cases of of Teflon and Matrix with free shipping.. if I order today! Talk about low pressure... It was the same crap with Asthma relief treatments sales pitch... that stuff is just sitting in my basement I can't hardly give it away to customers who I know who's kids have asthma.

Increase your price per square foot and tell people cleanings include protector. If they balk then offer them ways to decrease the charges by vacuuming or moving the furniture themselves, open areas only as opposed to wall to wall cleanings, offer to clean a recliner for free while your there... thus making protector to appear valuable. Too many cleaners myself included quickly axed protector to decrease the quote. It's easier to decrease your charges than to increase them later with a protector sale when the customer has already been sold on the price quoted over the phone without protector ever being mentioned. That way they are making a decision between getting a free furniture cleaning or not (and who would say no to that?) rather than a protector vs. no protector sales question. Then you avoid the whole dog and pony show issue.

I need to practice what I preach a little more so I'm not a know it all by any means.. these are just my opinions and what I've found since I've been in the business for the last 2.5 years.

Good luck

Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
danielc said:
Yes you would think that would be the ideal situation to apply a protector, but in reality that is when your warranty is going to get called on. I guess it all comes down to the fact that carpet protectors don't work like suppliers and manufacturers would lead you to believe. After years of real world testing I can say carpet protectors simply do not work. The ones baked on at the factory might, but after market protectors haven't worked for me. Well you did say if the spot can not be removed. Just be prepared to remove a ton of red stains cause they aint coming out with just a regular cleaning. Thats right I soaked a lady's berber carpet with Teflon and went back two months later to clean up after her kids and had to do heat transfers on atleast 30 red kool aid stains. They should have just cleaned up with a regular steam clean, but no they were locked in like no protector was even applied. And yes I apply it heavy 4:1 like the jug says and groom it in.

I realize I am no longer alone.I thought I was doing something wrong for years until I came to the same conclusion:


I tell the same thing to my customers. I simply suggest they take the money they would spend on protectors and up the cleaning frequency. I don't use it in my home so I don't sell it to them.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I use Cobb's solvent based 90% of the time, Hardball's "green" water based the other 10.

No guarantee on anything other than proper application.

Larry tells me it works.


Oct 26, 2006
I started using Hardball solv. protector about 6 months ago, and from seeing the results in my own home, all I can say is, IT WORKS WELL.
Yes, better than SG IMO. Dries fast (Shud up Mikey), smells nice (yes, even though it's a solv. base), releases stains waaay better, keeps it cleaner, in my own house. AND... the price is right.


D's new too waddya think?

Paul Demers

Supportive Member
Sep 11, 2008
Paul Demers
JB said:
I started using Hardball solv. protector about 6 months ago, and from seeing the results in my own home, all I can say is, IT WORKS WELL.
Yes, better than SG IMO. Dries fast (Shud up Mikey), smells nice (yes, even though it's a solv. base), releases stains waaay better, keeps it cleaner, in my own house. AND... the price is right.


D's new too waddya think?

I could not quite make out that small print.....looks like "Stud up Mikey" ????

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