Newbie needs suggestions


Jul 22, 2008

I have been on the boards for a while, mostly searching and reading, and had a couple questions.

I just ordered a new Mytee M5 w/auto fill/dump, a Mytee Hot Box 2000w inline heater, and need a good sprayer. I clean nothing but high-rise condos, so I need to be able to carry everything up to the units in one shot by myself, so I was looking at the hydroforce injection sprayer since mytee has a bracket to hold it on the machine(if you use the slimline 2qt bottle). Right now I use a hydroforce stainless pump sprayer and it SUCKS! I have to constantly screw around with the tip to keep it spraying right. So I would like something easier to use, but cant lug a power sprayer along with the machine(Its a long walk from the truck to the units). I heard the hydroforce revolution isnt great, but the regular high pressure hydro force is.

Is there anything better for roughly the same price or will that do the job?

Do injection sprayers work good with powders(mixed up of course) or only liquid pre-sprays?

THanks for the help

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
If your machine can achieve at least 250 psi your hydroforce should work fine. I only run powders in mine for prespray because of their cost effectiveness. I never have clogging problems with Grease Eraser.


Aug 2, 2008
why not just get the inline sprayer from Mytee???

I have the same machine and think it's great though,,,,you shouldn't be dissapointed :mrgreen: congrats......great porty

I've yet to carry everything all at once personally unless I bring my helper (my wife)

Scott S.

Supportive Member
Feb 3, 2008
i have a hydroforce revolution (hp) and it works great. i like being able to adjust the chem feed on the fly.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
probably one of the VERY FEW times you'll hear me say a POS HF would make cents :shock:

what do you carry your tabs/blocks, spotters and misc items in?
a large cordura or ballistic nylon bag with a shoulder strap would be nice for that



Jul 22, 2008
Thanks for the suggestions. I would like to get the revolution, but Im not hearing good things about it on here, the concept is awesome, but not sure about it. THe machine has 450psi, so good there.

The machine I have now is a Nobles Trooper 1000, it has a big handle on the front of it that I strap the wand to, then everything else I just try to stack on the machine as best I can. I also have to carry tools usually because I do maintenance on these units, so it gets to be a lot. I don't understand why these companies make a portable and don't put a simple little bracket to hold a wand!! I emailed Mytee about it. Told them if they came up with an add-on bracket for a wand, it would sell like crazy. Most people use a portable because they can't get their TM where they need the portable, yet you have to make multiple trips to get all your equipment up there.

I looked at the Mytee sprayer, the price was definately right, is it any good? Anyone have that one?

THanks again


Oct 7, 2006
Just get the mytee slimline sprayer and be done with it.

are you just carrying over your old wand and hoses? you may need to change the jets for the high flow 500psi pump (it'll actually make 600psi) but flow is where it's at.

I agree, an aftermarket bolt on wand caddy would be a nice upgrade....get on it Nathan.


Jul 22, 2008
I might go for the mytee for that price. Just want to make sure its gonna work. Im trying to get a good setup that will just work, and get the results that I'm paying for.

Im not a carpet cleaner, I'm a maintenance man that cleans carpets in our units. We have a lot of units and most of them turn on the same day during our busy season(check out @10am, check-in @5pm), so I have to not only try and keep carpets clean for guests coming in, but also fix anything the housekeepers find to be broken/not working while cleaning the units.

Its easy to say if you have to make another trip, you have to make another trip, but these condos are setup where the parking is across the street and they usually have a crosswalk to get to the elevators where you have to wait a rediculous amount of time to even get one to open, let alone have enough room for you to get on. So, going back and fourth from the truck is not an option. If they sold a porty with the same options/power as the M5 that looked like a gypsy wagon, I would have snapped it up, hehe.

We have tried the so-called proffesional cleaners in my area to clean some of the units that have trashed carpets(the sand and lotions take a toll on the TA's), and they can't do any better than me with my single 3 stage porty w/no heat. So I figured I would throw some money down on a better setup that will clean faster/better/more efficiant.

I will come up with something for the wand, you can be sure of that, I already have a couple ideas, just need the machine to get here to tinker. When I do, I'll post up some pics because it will be pretty unniversal being that most of the top porty's are set up/shaped the same way.

If anyone has any experience with the Mytee sprayer and can tell me if it works as good or better than the HF, that would be awesome.

Thanks for all the help so far.

Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
I'll try and get some pics up to help you out. People always say, that's a lot of equipment just for cleaning. I have my extractor and a wheeled cart that I haul a Little Giant #3 heater and the rest of my cleaning equipment on. I fit everything into the elevator 1 time. However it does require 2 trips but since I always play with the equipment, I can make it in 1 trip. The only time I really get pissed is when I need to go upstairs to get to the elevator. :x


FixrUpr said:
I might go for the mytee for that price. Just want to make sure its gonna work. Im trying to get a good setup that will just work, and get the results that I'm paying for.

Im not a carpet cleaner, I'm a maintenance man that cleans carpets in our units. We have a lot of units and most of them turn on the same day during our busy season(check out @10am, check-in @5pm), so I have to not only try and keep carpets clean for guests coming in, but also fix anything the housekeepers find to be broken/not working while cleaning the units.

Its easy to say if you have to make another trip, you have to make another trip, but these condos are setup where the parking is across the street and they usually have a crosswalk to get to the elevators where you have to wait a rediculous amount of time to even get one to open, let alone have enough room for you to get on. So, going back and fourth from the truck is not an option. If they sold a porty with the same options/power as the M5 that looked like a gypsy wagon, I would have snapped it up, hehe.

We have tried the so-called proffesional cleaners in my area to clean some of the units that have trashed carpets(the sand and lotions take a toll on the TA's), and they can't do any better than me with my single 3 stage porty w/no heat. So I figured I would throw some money down on a better setup that will clean faster/better/more efficiant.

I will come up with something for the wand, you can be sure of that, I already have a couple ideas, just need the machine to get here to tinker. When I do, I'll post up some pics because it will be pretty unniversal being that most of the top porty's are set up/shaped the same way.

If anyone has any experience with the Mytee sprayer and can tell me if it works as good or better than the HF, that would be awesome.

Thanks for all the help so far.


Sorry to hear your boss is making you guys do this; Usually property managers want their investment cleaned by pro's. Mytee makes a Great Heater; never used their sprayer. Good advice is to invest in a Green Glide; Hybrid for apartment carpet.

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
Prochems powerburst prespray works great in those situations.

I would seriously look into a portable with at least two 3 stage vac motors.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Buy a cart to put the machine on, add a straps or a shelf or tie downs.

We use similar carts for when we are doing commercial work with Orbot or Cimex. Buy one long enough to store all your buckets and tools on, but make sure it is short enough to fit in small elevators.


Shane T

Nov 7, 2006
Waukesha, WI
Shane Tiegs
Perhaps you should consider storing the machine on site, if you don't use it for anything else.


Jul 22, 2008
Yeah, the flat cart idea is a good one. Its not that my boss is making me do this, my boss ran a truck mount for 15 years back in the day, and taught me how to clean. I definately don't mind it, its a good money maker. Plus, I have to do it because there is no way we could get this many units done by using a seperate CC company. Besides, I do a better job with my single 3 stage Nobles machine than they do with their steam cleaners. I can't wait to try the M5 when it gets here.

We have units at several different condos, so storing on site is out also. I think I'll try the Mytee sprayer and let you guys know how it is, even though I won't have anything to compare it to.

Thanks for everyone's suggestions, I like the cart idea and will look for one.

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
Also to get around the hydroforce thing is to just use about 2 gallons in your fresh water tank and spray out a prespray. Then after its sprayed out then you can fill it back up and run your emulsifier.

Get a cheap spray gun at a car wash supplier and put a quick connect on and use your solution line.


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
Welcome, Newbie. Glad to see you here.

Normally, Jimmy's suggestions are better, so don't misjudge him by that one dumb-assed suggestion.

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
admiralclean said:
Welcome, Newbie. Glad to see you here.

Normally, Jimmy's suggestions are better, so don't misjudge him by that one dumb-assed suggestion.

I was thinking to myself "if space is at a premium why NOT use your portable for prespraying" and then Marty comes along and calls it a dumb-assed suggestion. Whatever. It's an inspired idea. Why bring along a Mytee sprayer or a hydroforce when the tool for prespraying already exists right in front of you? Like Jimmy sez, all you need is a spray wand.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
FixrUpr said:
Plus, I have to do it because there is no way we could get this many units done by using a seperate CC company.

huh?? why not??

Besides, I do a better job with my single 3 stage Nobles machine than they do with their steam cleaners. .

you mean your boss or the management company is too cheap (or can't afford) to pay what it's worth to have done right and they only use low ball priced Speedy Squirt 'N Suck outfits



Oct 7, 2006
The M5 has equip. hangers rotomolded into the body, if you get the lil' 2qt. slimline sprayer, you just hang it on the side of the M5. And yes the quick 2 gal of prespray in the tank will get you by, but the slimline will make you some time, with 8:1, the 2 qts. will be fine for these units, put 1/2 of the recommended concentrate as per the HydroForce instructions and the rest water, and that will give you a stiff mix, don't forget a few ounces of a rinse agent in the 15 gal tank.

And change the wand jets when you get a glide.


Jul 22, 2008
Hey meat,

Dont act like you know a damn thing about our outfit or what my boss wants to pay for, or how easy it would be to have an outside company come in to do the job. The cc companies we have used(we have tried a few) SUCK!!! And we are all sick of dealing with it. So I clean our carpets when they need it. It would take longer to stay on top of them with what unit they are in, what unit is next, how much longer till their done, then it does to do it myself, and I do a pretty damn good job if I dont say so :lol: . As I said, we have a limited amount of time between guests to get these done and have to do them after the housekeepers are out. Anything else you want to know? There are guys like you on every forum isn't there? Nobody is as good as you, are they? You can't come on here to help someone, you just want to hand out lectures like you know what youre talking about. Save it.

Greenie: Yeah, I noticed it has a spot for the sprayer and was told I could use any inline sprayer as long as I hook the 2qt bottle to it so it can mount to the machine. I just wanted to make sure the mytee sprayer is decent. It sounds like a good unit, so Im gonna give it a shot. Oh by the way, I read about you having an M5 on your site that had some extras, but when I went on there, you were out of stock. What did your M5's come with?


Jul 22, 2008
That setup is good, but still two trips as far as I can see. Like I said, I'll figure it out, I just dont understand why they can't put a spot for the wand ON THE MACHINE from the factory. It just seems like a no brainer to me. I would rather not get a seperate cart to load everything on if I dont have to, but will if its the best option.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
FixrUpr said:
Hey meat,

The cc companies we have used(we have tried a few) SUCK!!! And we are all sick of dealing with it. So I clean our carpets when they need it. It would take longer to stay on top of them with what unit they are in, what unit is next, how much longer till their done, then it does to do it myself, and I do a pretty damn good job if I dont say so

well, there you have it.
"they all suck"
and a maintenance man with a porty out cleans them all and gets it done faster and better...

There are guys like you on every forum isn't there? Nobody is as good as you, are they?

there are maintenance guys like you at every apt complex isn't there? Nobody is as good as you are they? :lol:

You can't come on here to help someone, you just want to hand out lectures like you know what youre talking about.

I DO know what I'm talking about and I also gave you some advise/help with my first post.
I don't doubt you may be a carpet cleaner.
It ain't rocket science. All it takes is a little common sense and good work ethic.

I also know your boss is getting the job done CHEAP if he's paying your hourly wage to clean them.
If he's paying you $50 to 60 pr unit, he's still getting them done for CHEAP

and don't take so personal




Jul 22, 2008
Yeah, your right, you did give me some advice earlier, and I appreciate it. Afterwards, you want to tell me how much money we are willing to fork over to have a job done right. That is what you don't know anything about. We HAVE told these guys ahead of time what they are walking into(HORRIBLE traffic areas on white carpet/spills/red stains/etc..) and that we want the best results possible no matter the cost and still get crap. Besides, WE don't pay for maintenance on these units, they are privately owned. Since you seem so interested, I'll let you know how our company works. I take care of all maintenance and get whatever I charge, they dont pay me by the hour. This is a family business and we work our ASSES off. Yeah, there is always that maintenance guy, but I DO know what Im doing and don't half ass anything. I don't know how many times you have subbed work out or had a so-called proffessional do a job for you, but its easier said than done to find someone thats worth their weight in dirt. I shouldn't take things so personal, but sometimes thats easier said than done also.
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