Make room for Danny Strickland.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
-Please list all the jobs you have had besides running your own cleaning business.

-You more than any else on the boards, talk about quitting cleaning and doing something else, why are you still at it?

-What keeps you from growing your CCIng biz and getting your fat ass of the truck?

-Are you really a deacon in your church?

-How did you talk yourself into getting a Mikey's Board tattoo?

-Does Chad get more Danny than Jessica?

-Would you buy another Duano machine?

-Have you ever been to Cooters Pond?

-What are your kid's names and what do you predict for each one's future?

-When you dream of Marty is he in boxers or briefs?

-Tell us how you justify using a waste tankless Truckmount when you know that the run off goes into the Everglades?

-How many times have you scrubbed and ran a carpet that you knew small children would be crawling over?

-Is your mother proud of you?

-What five MBers would you take to that island in the middle of Cooters pond?

The Preacher

Oct 13, 2006
Mikey P said:
-Please list all the jobs you have had besides running your own cleaning business.

I have worked at a janitorial supply house, and am about to return to that industry starting Monday. i also officiate sports (football, baseball, soccer) and although i may not look it, could probably run circles around 95% of you BDCC!!!

-You more than any else on the boards talk about quitting cleaning and doing something else, why are you still at it?

as you all know this biz is like CRACK! i think being a people person and liking to serve people keeps me doing it???

-What keeps you from growing your CCIng biz and getting your fat ass of the truck?

i'm too nice to have employee's! i'd never be able to be a hard ass to do it the right way to make a boat load of $$$.

-Are you really a deacon in your church?

yes i am. have been since about 1998. before you think it has to do with how "holy" one is, being a Decon is more about serving and helping people at the "spiritual hospital" (church). i'd more than most likely bend over backwards to help anyone on here as well. BTW, when will you start the Prayer room like you promised me??? :p

-How did you talk yourself into getting a Mikey's Board tattoo?

i really can't answer that. i think it's a cool piece of art and i gets lots of cool compliments from people about it. I do want to dress it up a bit. Maybe if I win a scholarship to MF 5 I’ll show off the “upgrade” to my Tatt! it's funny to see people looking at it trying to figure it out!!!

-Does Chad get more Danny than Jessica?

i haven't talked to cHAD in quite some time. i know you two took your jr. high pranks too far a few years back, and that the fued continues to this day, but if you guys want me to mediate a truce, join me in the "prayer room"!!!

-Would you buy another Duano machine?

i think i would. Duane is a good guy and has been on the wand so he knows what we go through. once the bugs got worked out the Predator has been a great machine. i still have to keep a coupler on hand, but over all i probably have far fewer issues than your V! i will say the Greenie upgrades have made the P suck like a $300 hooker!!! :shock:

-Have you ever been to Cooters Pond?

only as an intervention favor to Mrs. Sutley!!! :p

-What are your kid's names and what do you predict for each one's future?

Taylor (20) Kyle (17) Carson (12) Harley (10) Hayden (7) all girls!!! i hope they turn out like Jessica, as 5 more of her in the world would be a good thing! i just hope that we turn out modest young ladies that respectful young men would like to have as a wife. the youngest is most like me in personality, she's delevloping good delivery when she jokes with people!

-When you dream of Marty is he in boxers or briefs?

thank god i've never had a dream with MArdy in it!!!

-Tell us how you justify using a waste tankless Truckmount when you know that the run off goes into the Everglades?

filtered waste water running onto some type of ground cover (grass, straw, rock) is no more harmful to the environment than that Vegan crap you flush 6x a day down yore toilet!!!

-How many times have you scrubbed and ran a carpet that you knew small children would be crawling over?

very few, and i've prayed and asked forgiveness for it, so i'm good!!!

-Is your mother proud of you?

very much so. i'm her "baby" and like you, i take care of my mom! my mother in law also lives a stones throw away from us so we can attend to her needs as she grows older.

-What five MBers would you take to that island in the middle of Cooters pond?

1. MArdy- he knows the area like the back of his hand.
2. JimMy - just cause he makes me laugh, and MArdy would be so busy trying to impress his Idol that he'd leave me the hell alone!
3. Meat Crapatoni- someone needs to shoot or hook the dinner!
4. Chavez- everywhere you look around here there's a mexican, why not Cooter's Island (someone has to mow the grass!!!)
5. HArold- we’d need someone to tell us boring ass stories to put us to sleep at night!!!

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I have worked at a janitorial supply house, and am about to return to that industry starting Monday. i also officiate sports (football, baseball, soccer) and although i may not look it, could probably run circles around 95% of you BDCC!!!

Dude, in your case it's called rolling, not running!
Running is upright.

Daniel I'll go but I ain't cutting no stinken grass!!! :mrgreen:

The Preacher

Oct 13, 2006
Mikey P said:
-Tell us more about your new gig. Can we order bowl scrubbers and fiber plus pads at cost from you?

NO! these guys believe in making a PROFIT! low volume, high margins is what i like about them. they have a good reputation and are deversified in other businesses.

it's a family owned biz (dad, son, daughter) they've been after me since i got "canned" from the other place. they had to compete against me in the market, so they know my talent! they also manufacture their own chems on site.

they also own a couple aircraft, so i'll get to fly some which i really like. when i get debt free i'm gonna get my pilot's license!!!

Ernie G

Mar 7, 2008
Good post Danny, nice to get more insight, sounds like you have a great fam.- maybe all get a chance to meet you some time.

Doug Cox

Supportive Member
Dec 17, 2006
Delavan, WI
Doug Cox
So why do you not do this full time? After all the circles you can run around us, I would think you'd be a full timer.


Oct 26, 2006
amen my brotha !

Even if, as a Christian you are not under His will, you are still, under His grace.

too bad more Christians don't realize that.

The Preacher

Oct 13, 2006
I'll try to do better John. I know i'm no where close to being the example i should be, but i'll encourage as many people as i can to seek Jesus, as He saves people, not me!!!

and I'mabessy, i onlycover my HALF of the soccer field or 1/3depending on the level. i know where to be and ehat to look for, and that my Yankee friend is what counts!!!


Oct 9, 2006
Danny has been buy our shop several times on his way thru Atlanta, or over here to see Doo Daddy. His post was an insight to the man. I wish you the best, and you are always welcome here.

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