Luke sky walker and Darth Vader


Nov 14, 2006
We do not do a lot of floods anymore, but do try and service our existing client base. One of our 20 plus year clients has a flood in his theater room. It turns out that this is one of the top Five Home theater rooms in the whole world. It has been featured on VH1 and numerous shows and publishing’s.
The problem we are having is that the wall panels and the seats are bolted to the floor and the client does not want us to remove any thing. We are trying to dry everything in place. Fortunately, it is a small flood, but after two days we have not had significant drying. We have 2 blowers, one 1200, one phoenix, and one air path. We are opening the outside doors during the day and closing everything up at night.
Open vs. closed drying system. The room is less than 300 sq. ft.

Short of a portable tes, is there anything else we could be doing.
Check out the link:

ps. it is the last one the bottom of the page


Oct 18, 2006
Redding, CT
Kevin Dineen
Keep the room closed so you can control the temperature and humidity. After two days the 1200 should not be pulling any water, so get rid of it. Have your air movers blowing in the same direction, clockwise or counter clockwise around the room and the air path blowing down in the middle of the room. Getting more air movers is necessary to move the dry air around the room and under the platforms if they were affected.
If you can control the temperature in the affected area set it at 90 degrees for the first day and check your progress. The drying equipment will raise the temperature, so closely monitor so you do not damage any electronics. Once most of the evaporation has taken place lower the temperature to 70-75 degrees so the Phoenix LGR does not have to work so hard to hit dew point.
Did you check the pad to see if it has a vapor barrier? Did you extract the carpet and pad with a water claw or hydro x? I would think these walls have insulation, did you check? Can you get air under the stadium seating risers and stage?

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