Looking For Comments From Higher End Cleaners. Mike Can Delete If Not Appropriate


Supportive Member
Dec 6, 2009
Youngstown, Ohio
Robert Hodge
It's a common problem, especially in older clients homes. You're cleaning carpet, and customer insists on walking around. Not a problem if they stay on carpet. But if they wonder onto ceramic/hard floor, it becomes a slip problem. We take many precautions when cleaning, like tarps/floor covers for our hoses. I even use cotton encap pads for walkoff points when I'm on a job with slip hazards. (Too expensive to leave behind, but some customers want me to). Why not small, printed, inexpensive floor walk off mat made of viscose chamois to place at each danger zone. Say about 27x15"? One that you can leave behind. Or 2, maybe 3, if needed. Wouldn't cost you but a few bucks. When the slip danger is gone, carpet dried, your customer can use the mat at the door, for cleaning/wiping things, can be washed and reused. And it would have your company name and phone number on it. If there's any interest, I can send enough samples for everyone at the next RMH Cleaning. If there's enough interest, I can send samples out to prospective cleaners. I have the equipment to produce these, so costs would be minimal, and a minimum would be 50 mats. One color, or for a few cents more, 2 colors. Your logo, your contact info. Spending a few bucks on each job for peace of mind is priceless.

Of course, you can use them on the job, and take them with you when you leave.

Give me some feedback on this idea. I can get some pics up soon.


Loren Egland

Oct 18, 2006
Antioch, California
Loren Egland
If I am worried about customers slipping I set up cardboard signs that are bright yellow with words like caution slippery wet floor.


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Aug 11, 2012
We are in the process of buying some paper door matts and something a little more durable. Haven't seen the or got the prices yet of the better ones.
We will leave them at new construction jobs and other select locations.


Boy Sprout
Feb 4, 2016
Your post timing is perfect. I'm convinced that old people are incapable of staying in one place while their carpets are bring cleaned. I get so nervous cleaning for them. They have this need to roam around the place constantly. I had one lady last week that insisted on standing in the middle of the living room. It frickin drove me nuts. Then she kept walking back and forth to the kitchen. Usually when I see this behavior I put down rubber backed neoprene mats. I carry 60' on my van. I'll throw down my Studebaker and Stealth fans and get the carpets dry in about 15 minutes.

The nice thing about the fans; they are so loud I can't hear the old ladies when they try and talk to me. I don't know if you ever noticed this, but women can't sit quietly in a room when there is another person around. They need to have a conversation or comment on things to justify and validate their existence. When I'm in this situation, I put on my headset and pretend to listen to music. I tell them I wear the headphones for ear protection from the loud sucking sound my manly wand makes as the powerful 870 sucks all the available oxygen out of the atmosphere. Also, when in this situation, never EVER make eye contact with the female customer. Once you are locked into her tractor beam, her jaw will start flapping and sounds will emit from her mouth. They will sound similar to "Wow, that is some fancy equipment you got there," or, "I've never seen any carpet cleaner do the stuff you do." Whatever you do, don't respond! This is the dangerous gateway to wasted time and burnt fuel. Just look down and grunt while wiping the sweat off your brow and pushing your earplugs deeper into your ear canals.

You are spot on with your observation.
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Apr 3, 2017
Bill Cheryl
Your post timing is perfect. I'm convinced that old people are incapable of staying in one place while their carpets are bring cleaned. I get so nervous cleaning for them. They have this need to roam around the place constantly. I had one lady last week that insisted on standing in the middle of the living room. It frickin drove me nuts. Then she kept walking back and forth to the kitchen. Usually when I see this behavior I put down rubber backed neoprene mats. I carry 60' on my van. I'll throw down my Studebaker and Stealth fans and get the carpets dry in about 15 minutes.

The nice thing about the fans; they are so loud I can't hear the old ladies when they try and talk to me. I don't know if you ever noticed this, but women can't sit quietly in a room when there is another person around. They need to have a conversation or comment on things to justify and validate their existence. When I'm in this situation, I put on my headset and pretend to listen to music. I tell them I wear the headphones for ear protection from the loud sucking sound my manly wand makes as the powerful 870 sucks all the available oxygen out of the atmosphere. Also, when in this situation, never EVER make eye contact with the female customer. Once you are locked into her tractor beam, her jaw will start flapping and sounds will emit from her mouth. They will sound similar to "Wow, that is some fancy equipment you got there," or, "I've never seen any carpet cleaner do the stuff you do." Whatever you do, don't respond! This is the dangerous gateway to wasted time and burnt fuel. Just look down and grunt while wiping the sweat off your brow and pushing your earplugs deeper into your ear canals.

You are spot on with your observation.
My deafness cause an old lady to sit in the car with her 2 cat and dogs(they're her comfort animals, she says) and listen to music because she couldnt talk to me while i work.

..Thank god...

darcie smith

Aug 19, 2015
Meadville, PA
darcie smith
I don't know if you ever noticed this, but women can't sit quietly in a room when there is another person around. They need to have a conversation or comment on things to justify and validate their existence
False. Stereotyping at its worst, Damon. When there's someone at my house working, the last thing I want to do is talk to them. I show them what I want done, make sure they have what they need, and maybe ask if they'd like a drink because you know, manners...


Aug 11, 2012
Its the widows who's kids don't visit that just want to talk to someone.

I'm learning to give them more of my time.

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