I'll let you decide... TMFest?


Jan 15, 2007
Amsterdam, NY
Ed Prevost
Don't know the Allens personally, just from their youtube clips and such. They seem (like so many others) to be really ate up with all the nuts and bolts of this craft of carpet cleaning. I don't have an opinion about them attending or in what capacity. Having attended the first MF and the most recent I personally can't justify traveling (plane or train and hotel) to one outside my town.

And so no big deal I'll say why. I've no love for the level of medicrety in the industry. Mike P has managed to keep together a rag tag grass roots gathering in an industry that is factionalized, aging and continues to attract a humorous amount of charactors. Some of em real retards. Keeping it together gotta be a royal PITA.

I've got 17 years left in my cleaning career as a true owner operator. I'm not interested in endless debates about hardware or sytems. I like the discussions but not the obsessive debates. Not interested in marketing "experts" that don't sweat for a living. For instance I don't listen to other master brewers who don't continue to brew. Are you kidding me?

There's two roads in this industry that keep getting squeezed together, true single truck and anything else. I really began to see this when I attended a Polish event over a year ago. I can't be bothered with info that doesn't apply to my situation. In fact I'm offended when the industry is continually cramming non applicable stuff my way.

So never mind the above crap, I won't travel for a fest because they just don't feed me. It would be nice to bond with fellow hard working schmucks like myself but I'm interested in business issues, real world data and trends. If there's spirited debates waiting around the corners it had better be about obtaining higher and more profitable jobs rates. I've no reason to share my successful daily/monthly moves when threads get hijacked by retards obsessed about hardware, trinkets or process.

Spend $1000-$1,500 to travel and hang around a group of carpet cleaners?, including the Allens? Holy sh.. why? To sit in a chilly wharehouse about spot cleaning by a guy who's obviously burt out on his teaching craft? Good thing I lived 30 min away. I would have been livid if I'd traveled.

Soooo much horse hocky and hot air is this nutty industry. Be nice to weed it out here, there and everywhere to so we all benefit in bigger and bigger bank deposits. Invite the Allens and all their friends it wont' matter in my opinion because they'll be to many walls up fueled by all the egos. To much bad ignorant blood and attitudes. Rubber boots should be manditory.

Hall of Fame post.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Scott makes many excellent points.

Keep in mind thought that Scott is as anally compulsive about every aspect of his biz as they come.

He is the ultimate Owner Op.
And unfortunately he did not spend time with the group after hours, where for most of us, the real value of attending happens.

It's amazing how much you can learn about running a carpet cleaning business while sitting in a bar or hotel lobby enjoying a frosty beverage.

An issue I face is all the vendors want class time to present their wares or services. I dont blame them.
I imagine that with just one class going on in the AM and one in the PM that will create more traffic at their booths during the classes by those not attending, so that may help.

Sound like most of you want a seminar on how to grow your balls big enough to ask for more money.

I think only the guys who pull it off can teach that. Look for classes led by actual cleaners.


Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
I have a feeling if we find a way to mix the booth visiting time and the frosty or rather hot beverages and the bar scene then everyone would get it.

Set up small bars between the booths make it a little darker in there have music playing (not loud like the prochem nights at connections where you can even hear yourself talking) and make it a big social gathering where people wont be afraid to meet and talk and have fun or share ideas.

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
You're right CU I ain't gonna waste my time or money to travel to some distant state to meet a bunch of carpet cleaners. I can talk to the locals (if I learn spanish) at any local supplier's yearly BBQ.

Besides I heard that CU has bad teef and smells like he shit his pants.

Only dope smokers and dipshit liberals( SATAN) live in that HELLHOLE Kalifornica.

Good Fortune!




Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
Ruff Hewn said:
maybe it would be good if he teamed up with the knuckleheads at *** to help pick up the slack or "hold the hoses" as it were

more like "hold your noses".....when you walk by their booth :roll:



Jimmy L said:
You're right CU I ain't gonna waste my time or money to travel to some distant state to meet a bunch of carpet cleaners. I can talk to the locals (if I learn spanish) at any local supplier's yearly BBQ.

Besides I heard that CU has bad teef and smells like he shit his pants.

Only dope smokers and dipshit liberals( SATAN) live in that HELLHOLE Kalifornica.

All the above is ture about me except the smell of shit ...its Marlboro cigs and i Never smoked dope in my life
but i am such a nice guy , and will help my friends in any way i can ,that the other stuff about me is forgot about

coming to mf WOULD help people like jiMy maybe they could move from 20 bucks a room to 22.95 a room, make that extra money and be able to pay off the last $1500
on thier single wide trailer in a few months instead of 7 years

Bee Busy

Aug 19, 2010
Folsom CA
Bee Busy
i've always thought u made a mistake not teaming up with Cary and John at DG.com, could have possibly brought in more people.

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
Mikey as you remember that we were walking all freakin night up and down that strip in vegas like zombies.

Looking for some place interesting. I should have went with those couple cleaners I met who went to some high class strip joints and got some glitter smeared on my face and smelled like exotic cheap parfume!

Walking all night only to end up in some casino bar at 4 in the morning sucking suds.

And you think I was boring?

LikE TalkinG about carpet cleaning all freakin night was exciting?

But I didn't mention ole' Harold numbing my freakin mind with his constant "Intellect".

Now the guy calls me and tries to discuss the IiCrC BS.

I don't want to hurt his feelings so I lay the phone down and let him talk while I pick my nose and laugh at my favorite TV show "The BIG Bang"

So don't tell me ANY OF YOU DUM MF'ers are Interesting!



Mikey P said:
Do you have friends other than family Jimmy?

What hobbies/interests do you share?

JiMmy has family.....they let them breed...aint there a law against that sort of thing

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
I gravitate to the more insane type of individuals.

And it is said that they are closer to GOD than any of us.

I do admit that I am hard to be friends with.

You see once you get passed the fact that I'm a "Abrasive Farter" you'll find me quite likeable.

Ask Richard (aka Reeko) Chavez as he suffers from the same condition.


Nov 14, 2006
dgargan wrote:
Art there is one guy out there for you O/O guys. Steve Marsh has a great program that will make you very profitable. Maybe not so much if you have been around for a few years but just starting out I wish I had his program.

Mikey wrote:
are you speaking from proven experience David?

No but I have a friend that used it to build his business. I have seen all the material and its rock solid. Excellent for being a one man band.


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
dgargan said:
dgargan wrote:
Art there is one guy out there for you O/O guys. Steve Marsh has a great program that will make you very profitable. Maybe not so much if you have been around for a few years but just starting out I wish I had his program.

Mikey wrote:
are you speaking from proven experience David?

No but I have a friend that used it to build his business. I have seen all the material and its rock solid. Excellent for being a one man band.
Steve Marsh is a solid and honest guy.
And I personally know, that he ran a top notch high earning carpet cleaning business when he was cleaning carpets. That is if you prefer to work with someone who actually knows the business from both sides.
Also his marketing is not Rah Rah, in your face, super hype oriented as JP. And to boot he's actually an ethical guy.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
And I won't lie to you like Merfy does every time he opens his mouth.

And if Steve Marsh was such an upstanding citizen the cheap **** would have paid me something to work my audience in Sacramento.


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Mikey P said:
And I won't lie to you like Merfy does every time he opens his mouth.

And if Steve Marsh was such an upstanding citizen the cheap ACE would have paid me something to work my audience in Sacramento.

Steve's a good guy. He was a Piranha member, and in Platinum, for a number of years while I was there. And one of the things Piranha hammers into marketers heads is return on investment. Your tables are not super expensive, but it is 2 days of time, which also is a cost to a vendor, and unless you are a great closer like the "hype-ier" Joe (LOL), you won't be able to make enough sales to justify that time as a marketer.

That's how Howard got into the marketing business. He had Joe speak at a dying PCRA convention, and Joe sold $40,000 in programs to the group, and Howard came up with a big smile on his face (his group got 10%) and said "I want to be able to do what you just did!" and he decided to become a "marketing guru"... though he did that by coming out and talking trash about Joe, which was ironic, considering he was a Piranha Member and he actually built his company from the trunk of a car by merging 3 companies into one. LOL.

Manufacturers and distributors will be much more likely to exhibit in events like MF with the hope of showing their stuff and someday make a sizable sale that justifies their time. Besides the bigger companies budget for this, so they plan to spend it - you just need to put the request in early in their year to make the cut.

But to marketers, who may not have that chance to someday make a big hit of a sale, they have to gauge the return on the expense of that money and time. Steve's not a good pitch man. Neither is Howard (that's why he has all of these joint ventures with people who hard sell at his events, like Michael Gerber - to try to make money on the event through getting 20 or more percent of those sales made). So I would not take a "no" from them as an insult to you Mike, I think it's just a matter of their sales ability in a smaller show environment.

If you were to frame it maybe with allowing them to do some webinars prior to the event, so that they foster some relationships prior to the event to assist in creating sales, that might attract them more - if you seriously want them at your show. Otherwise it's the product/tool makers who are your best prospects, or services that sell well to your audience, like Full Circle.

Hope that gives you some ideas. Steve is a good guy. He's also a smart guy, and a numbers guy, so I'm sure he's just looking at that and it's not personal. And he's not cheap... like I said he was in Platinum a number of years and traveled to AZ quarterly, so it's not that he will not spend, he's just picky on what he spends money on - at least that's my guess on why he did not participate.

Why Howard doesn't come is probably because you guys all use Adult Language at MF. =)


Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
You missed part of the story Lisa

Steve called me asking about a booth.
He said no to the initial price and the reduced price I offered a few days before when there was a misunderstanding about him getting to speak for free with no booth purchase.Still said no.

Yet he showed up brochures in hand and sold his wares while walking around. Even told one cleaner he has better success by mingling rather than being stuck in a booth

All fine and dandy but good lord, you'd think he would have at least offered to buy me a drink when we were at the bar on the last night.

No donation to the raffle (people with nothing to sell were donating things) and not even a thank you..


May 27, 2011
LisaWagnerCRS said:
Mikey P said:
And I won't lie to you like Merfy does every time he opens his mouth.

And if Steve Marsh was such an upstanding citizen the cheap ACE would have paid me something to work my audience in Sacramento.

Steve's a good guy. He was a Piranha member, and in Platinum, for a number of years while I was there. And one of the things Piranha hammers into marketers heads is return on investment. Your tables are not super expensive, but it is 2 days of time, which also is a cost to a vendor, and unless you are a great closer like the "hype-ier" Joe (LOL), you won't be able to make enough sales to justify that time as a marketer.

That's how Howard got into the marketing business. He had Joe speak at a dying PCRA convention, and Joe sold $40,000 in programs to the group, and Howard came up with a big smile on his face (his group got 10%) and said "I want to be able to do what you just did!" and he decided to become a "marketing guru"... though he did that by coming out and talking trash about Joe, which was ironic, considering he was a Piranha Member and he actually built his company from the trunk of a car by merging 3 companies into one. LOL.

Manufacturers and distributors will be much more likely to exhibit in events like MF with the hope of showing their stuff and someday make a sizable sale that justifies their time. Besides the bigger companies budget for this, so they plan to spend it - you just need to put the request in early in their year to make the cut.

But to marketers, who may not have that chance to someday make a big hit of a sale, they have to gauge the return on the expense of that money and time. Steve's not a good pitch man. Neither is Howard (that's why he has all of these joint ventures with people who hard sell at his events, like Michael Gerber - to try to make money on the event through getting 20 or more percent of those sales made). So I would not take a "no" from them as an insult to you Mike, I think it's just a matter of their sales ability in a smaller show environment.

If you were to frame it maybe with allowing them to do some webinars prior to the event, so that they foster some relationships prior to the event to assist in creating sales, that might attract them more - if you seriously want them at your show. Otherwise it's the product/tool makers who are your best prospects, or services that sell well to your audience, like Full Circle.

Hope that gives you some ideas. Steve is a good guy. He's also a smart guy, and a numbers guy, so I'm sure he's just looking at that and it's not personal. And he's not cheap... like I said he was in Platinum a number of years and traveled to AZ quarterly, so it's not that he will not spend, he's just picky on what he spends money on - at least that's my guess on why he did not participate.

Why Howard doesn't come is probably because you guys all use Adult Language at MF. =)


Wow, you learn something new everyday.

Bee Busy

Aug 19, 2010
Folsom CA
Bee Busy
Mikey P said:
Cary got pissed when I opened a tile room here and sided with GMT.[/quote I'm not sure what GMT is, but I remember u saying he wanted a G rated version on everything, but we all know that's not happening with some in this crowd (myself at times as well) shiteatinggrin It would have been cool to have your carpet site linked with their tile and stone site.


May 27, 2011
Brian R said:
I just like to go and meet the people I annoy day in and day out. Good times.

Just think what the attendance would be if you didn't show up. :mrgreen:


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Mikey P said:
You missed part of the story Lisa

Steve called me asking about a booth.
He said no to the initial price and the reduced price I offered a few days before when there was a misunderstanding about him getting to speak for free with no booth purchase.Still said no.

Yet he showed up brochures in hand and sold his wares while walking around. Even told one cleaner he has better success by mingling rather than being stuck in a booth

All fine and dandy but good lord, you'd think he would have at least offered to buy me a drink when we were at the bar on the last night.

No donation to the raffle (people with nothing to sell were donating things) and not even a thank you..

Wow. I'm really surprised. I guess he must be struggling. If that is true that is just rude.

I guess I have to take back what I said. If he can't afford a table for $500, and shows up to shill for free... then... he must be having financial tough times.

Sorry for my post,

P.S. Is broke dick marketing taken?

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