I think we should do some pre-spray comparisons


Jan 16, 2007
I understand that Les is getting upset because he is the formulator of Judsons o2 and feels as though his product is being slammed. Both John and Les seem to be good guys and have been helpful to alot of us on this board. Both sell quality products and equipment and this industry is better off with both of them in this field. Some guys love one prespray, others didnt like it, for whatever reason. I just had a local competitor swear by a bp product that I have not been impressed with and it hasnt dissolved well for me, he has no problem with it, go figure!! You are both gentlemen, you should apologize for being hasty with the words, shake hands and keep working to make this industry better. My business is better because of o2, quatalot and dd12. It is also better because of products like Extreme Clean and Ultrapac. Thanks to both of you for helping make my business more sucessful!

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Les you're not supposed to actually drink your kool aid and it's Olson get it right.

It's Mikeys Board your supposed to expect the truth. Just because you didn't like isn't a reason to lose your head. Your rant borders on the pshycotic.
oh and my sig line is one of Kimberly Costa's life lessons it is something I try to remember but fall short on often. Including that
in your rant just made you look silly.

I'll accept that I shouldn't have called it kool-aid but I said over and over everyone should use what works for them but I guess you missed that. I was serious that Bob really didn't want your juice going head to head with products that would whoop it though.

Les I never attacked you or your character but your post sure shines bright light on it.
I'll end this by apologizing for calling your juice kool aid and won't refer to it as that again.

Now stop drinking it for hells sakes.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Come on John.


Truth or opinion, dont confuse the two please.

You gave away 3 gallons to some Idaho broke dicks and YOU now have an opinion on how good a pre spray it is?

I cleaned that big ass rug today with it and POW baby!

Wooly bully and looking damn good for a 40 year old beast.

02's only negative is over use and not rinsing enough will leave a trace of Deelimo.


Oct 7, 2006
That is what I'm trying to tell my friend John, it's beyond bulletin board hype, it works very well for many people, and it's not a health hazard or a Stain Resist warranty violator, to say it doesn't "work" is really erroneous. THe guys who understand agitation usually give it round two, the ones who don't want to scrub and allow dwell i recommend something else, usually quite a bit more caustic.

Now can we get back to the usual suspects.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Marty was way over the line.

I'm sorry one of my Admins stooped to such a low.

Please accept my apologies Lora on behalf of Pig Slop.

Let me take this moment to bring up my favorite quote regarding Morons.

Make fun of it all you like. But no other version of Christianity has delivered more fresh young pu*sy to smelly old geezers. And when you get right down to it, what could be a better sign that god loves you than helping you get laid?


Jan 15, 2008
Bloomington, IL 61704
David Sweeney
Now spinning it to you from the MB's Top 1000, its that crazy hit!

Its the end of the world!


John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Read and re-read my posts..never did I say it didn't work sheesh...Only thing I said was Bob didn't want to put it up side to side in a clean off because it had a very al chance of losing. I also if a product wporks for you and someone you like carries it then that is the best one for you.

so get it right before saying or thinking I said something I didn't just because Les been drinking his juice and lost his mind and decided to attack me for calling it kool aid instead of juice.

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
its funny once you paint someone into a corner all they can do is attack you in another way that is off the subject, such as using religion, that is pretty low if you ask me, we all piss on each other, but using religion is over the line.

so john, no one came back to buy the JJ, I assume they DID come back to buy the ultrapak???

The thing most of you guys need to understand is your average cleaner is a dumbass, some of you guys may be in this group. you still have guys touting procyon as the shiznizzle, I have some tell me they tried ultrapak and it foamed up their hoses, WTF??? I have never ever had this happen and if it did, they are not even close to using it as directed. lets just say if you are not using a measuring cup or know exactly how much prespray you are putting in, you are not worthy to offer a fair comparison on anything.

I stand by what I said in another thread, someone send me some jj, I will give it a fair shake and report my results back, however I will warn that I typically don't do alot of agitation, I don't need to with ultrapak, if a prespray has to have agitation, that is not good, as IMO any prespray from just about any manufacturer can clean if you are using a 175 on the carpets.

John made the comment that JJ is a board viral prespray, lets not forget on another board in another time the recoil was a board viral portable, we all know how that ended.


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
First off, it wasn't an attack on her religion. (I have to assume, judging from John's posts that Lora is the only one who is Mormon) The same statement can be said about painting someone in a corner and he will attempt to gain support by playing the religious or racial card. John's "religious feelings" were about as hurt as my social feelings were by that exchange.

And you're no different Steve. You just switched the religious card to the intelligence card to support your claim. Not all carpet cleaners are stupid. Not even the ones who don't agree with your position.

Lora Olson

Mar 5, 2007

I'm still trying to figure out why my religion or my husbands, or yours or ANYONE'S has ANYTHING to do with some over-testosteroned bunch of men trying to figure out whose juice is the best???

Geez...give it a rest...stop wondering what kind of underwear I wear...pervert!! :twisted:


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
It has nothing to do with cleaning, or John's ability to formulate, or sell, juice. It possibly COULD explain his pissy-ness. However, upon reflection, I can certainly understand how my statements could have been taken in an unintended way and do apologize to you (and the butthead) for hurting both your feelings.


I would not normally butt in here,but I think you took what Marty said a little too personal.I know his remarks were made just to annoy John mainly about business and the relegion part was just a roos.I have lurked on the first boards that started and there was Marty,and he has been a consistant ass/funnyman the whole way.I also agree with that everybody likes to use what they want to use and not what the reverand "Jimmy Jones" on the board recommends.So get back to the heart of the matter (which is the kool aid)and leave Marty alone,he has enough to deal with,with the founder(the reason I stay on this board,so the newbies dont get steered wrong)

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Now back to the issue at hand. Based on John's remarks he infers that he would be willing to participate in these comparisons along with Judson.

It should be noted that if there is a will to do this testing (and the initiative to do it is not sabotaged by insecure pre-spray manufacturers) it isn't necessary that we have any manufacturers cooperation at all as samples can be easily acquired.

Its my opinion that the only ones afraid are those who feel their products won't stand the rigors of comparison with some very basic simple testing.

As for aggitation as part of the process I understand that all products will likely show a better result and this will likely make the results closer. If agitated and non agitated comparisons were done it adds more credibility to this process but doesn't mean the non-agitated comparisons are any less credible considering in the real world probably less than 50% are exposed to electromechanical agitation

In the end all we are looking for are the most effective products based as close as possible to real world conditions and not some CRI lab.

I have a hunch that a lot of people are getting hosed for what the results and what they pay for prespray based on comparative results of other pre-sprays.

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
Well, if you're going to actually clean the dang carpet, prevac, precondition, agitate, rinse. Oddly enough it works every time.

Its interesting to me to note that the cleaners around here that didn't like the O2, they like the UP because they move so fast there is no time for agitation or dwelling. There is also no time for prevac'ing either.
SO, it seems you can spend less, and put the extra effort into cleaning and you can charge more.
OR you can spend more but clean faster and charge less.
I think thats been discussed before! :roll:

Being more on topic, I don't think there really is a fair way to compare presprays in a side by side test, for the above reason. One will do a fantastic job when given the time and agitation, another will clean as soon as it hits the carpet. Would also need to compare the safeness (is that a word?) to the user, ie what are the ingredients?
A lot of variables to consider.

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
On the topic of attacking one's religion, Christianity has been attacked by more notable people than Marty ( I won't delve into the differences between "CHristian" religions.)
My God won't be mocked, SO if Marty were to attack my faith, I don't have to worry about defending it, HE will.

Its a different story if someone were to attack me personally.


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
Ron you have a big round yellow head and a giant smile and I don't like your kind :lol:


Jan 15, 2008
Bloomington, IL 61704
David Sweeney
Ron, we use different presprays for different situations, I'm a thorough prevac guy and and I use adequate dwell time and agitate with the broom or the machine. And I admit that the first time I used the O2 after using the ultrapac pl grandslam, I was slightly disappointed but only because my expectations where so high at that point from the bb talk up of the board, but I've stuck with it and now have a few more cases. Like every prespray, it has its drawbacks but when it works, it works very very well. Its my go to for pet problem houses, rusty water clean up, general smelly places etc.. However there are some stains and soiling that for whatever reason even with the proper agitation, the O2 didn't touch while grandslam took care of it. Now I understand I had some old hot sauce modifier so I'm looking forward to testing that new sauce out.

I'm all in favor of the tests, but I think we are going to find that different products clean up different soiling situations.

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
Bob Foster said:
So what pre-spray do you guys want to see tested?

What are you going to rinse with? Fresh water, ROI, emulsfier or acidic ? !80 ATW or 290? High flow or piddle? Machine scrub or not? Do you care if the stain resistance is stripped?


Dec 9, 2006
Iv'e been watching this post for a while now, and as a carpet cleaner that actualy made a living cleaning carpet and upholstery for over ten years, i have to tell you that i've used JJ and it does work very well when used according to directions. That beening said, I believe that most carpet cleaners don't agitetate after pre-spraying or they don't use a rotery tool.
I stopped cleaning for a living last August and now I work full time at Steam Action Supply.
While I was cleaning, I used JJ and it cleaned very well.
I gave away the samples that Les gave me and it seemed to me that the ones that were pre-spraying and wanding were the ones that weren't impressed, but the ones that took their time and allowed dwel time or aggitated were very happy with the results. Iv'e noticed in my time as a supplier, that most people want something that will allow them to get in and out for $100 an hour, but if you spent a little more time doing a pre-scrub and they see you doing it then you can get more then that.

And on a seperate note useing an electric sprayer or a battery powered sprayer (Mightee) will give you the exact dillution rate that you mixed up to pre-spray with.



Fred is right,and if you have to agitate "it" and not the other,imagine how well the other one will do if you agltate it.

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