I think we should do some pre-spray comparisons

Feb 26, 2008
Long Story Short if yoru happy with whatever your using then USE IT. If your un-happy keep trying stuff util YOU find what works for you and someone you like carries it. That is ALL


John's right! As long as YOUR happy with what YOUR using and it works for YOU, that's all that matters! I personally love the 02 and use it every day with excellent results!
Sep 3, 2007
Victoria, BC
Bill Soukoreff
Why not just try the products you can get locally. Give them a real test, going through at least a gallon to give them a fair test over many different fibers and soil conditions. Then you can make an informed choice based on what works for you.

I find with high flow and 240F I can use products that other cleaners claim don't work or when I test the new trendy product it is pretty disappointing.

There are too many variables to try to come up with a test that would mean anything.

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
Bill Soukoreff said:
There are too many variables to try to come up with a test that would mean anything.

For me, any test that didn't include a machine agitation on heavily soiled areas augmented with trigger sprayers containing stronger detergents would be meaningless as this would be my normal procedure. Anything less and I wouldn't be happy. For someone else, a heavy dose of emulsifier in their rinse step is how they roll and to hell with the resoiling issues. Some use an acid rinse. I use a fresh water rinse with high flow. You can't just take one step of the cleaning pie out of context and expect to get a meaningful test result. Unless you have found the perfect prespray that can clean every soil condition by itself and leave no residue, I haven't.


I like your idea BOB!
Just think it's best suited for testing on a trashed out apt. / or chinese resturaunt! ????
So we can find the toughest with no agitation cleaner???

Cheers, AL :mrgreen:


Oct 7, 2006
I sell a fair amount of the O2 (have a pallet of Prespray enroute as I type this), and I must say the guys who are happiest with it, and use it as their primary tool on everything from wool orientals to restaurants, are the ones who agitate well, which gives dwell time, and then rinse using the O2 rinse specifically.

My Apt. types that tend to move quick don't much like it, they are looking for a bit faster reaction, and somethign that melts stuff on contact....but even those guys love the rinse and the DD-12 and the Quat-a-lot, so Les has got something here. A certification or two and he'll have a big something here, it's all about playing the game for the certs, for me it's all about selling one bottle that replaces 10.

Any prespray that can remove gum, remove the yellow from piss, not cause butyl cancer, and give free deodorizing with every application is a winner in my book.

And Les did something to the formula about a year ago, if it's been longer than that since you tried it, you are in for something, I'll give you a gal. of the Prespray for free to give it another go around you pay shipping...this time I'm including a measuring cup.
Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
Greenie said:
I sell a fair amount of the O2 (have a pallet of Prespray enroute as I type this), and I must say the guys who are happiest with it, and use it as their primary tool on everything from wool orientals to restaurants, are the ones who agitate well, which gives dwell time, and then rinse using the O2 rinse specifically.

My Apt. types that tend to move quick don't much like it, they are looking for a bit faster reaction, and somethign that melts stuff on contact....but even those guys love the rinse and the DD-12 and the Quat-a-lot, so Les has got something here. A certification or two and he'll have a big something here, it's all about playing the game for the certs, for me it's all about selling one bottle that replaces 10.

Any prespray that can remove gum, remove the yellow from piss, not cause butyl cancer, and give free deodorizing with every application is a winner in my book.

And Les did something to the formula about a year ago, if it's been longer than that since you tried it, you are in for something, I'll give you a gal. of the Prespray for free to give it another go around you pay shipping...this time I'm including a measuring cup.

Can 02 prespray be put into a tip-n-measure jug and not have any problems with it being a clear jug? It comes in a white bottle, that's why I raise the question. Any other precautions to watchout for ie direct sunlight?
Nov 8, 2006
Ron lippold
I have been without o2 for the last week and im hating all the other shit that is out there. I have run dirt chase power bursrt and several other samples I have been given.

Judson is the best stuff out there.
Feb 26, 2008
Thats a hell of an offer, Greenie! Probably doesn't apply to guys who just ordered 3 cases of O2 from Les, huh? Oh well. Anyone who doesn't take you up on it is a FOOL!!!!!


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
but being a supplier and having an attitude is so Terri-esque that you'd think John would know better. No wonder he doesn't sell much to bulletin board members.

I think I have found my steady prespray in the O2 product. I like it and have been using it for about a year now. Only thing I would change is making the rinse more of an emulsifier than a rinse.

We don't rinse much down here in Bama.

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Greenie said:
liars and hucksters is worse than mormon slander....jeeze man.
Insulting ones wife will get a MF'er killed where I come from. Marty I was serious apologies to my wife.


Oct 7, 2006
Most valuable advice I got this year, never type anything on the internet that you don't want repeated in a court of law.

Now offing Marty is acceptable, his wife won't miss him, she'll probably buy a motorcyle and sports car.


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
If I thought for one moment that I had offended your wife, I would apologize to her in a minute. She seems to have some class. However, I suspect YOU are the one with the hurt feelings and I couldn't give a rat turd for how you feel. Don't bother threatening me either. I have no fear of you. I've had my ass whipped before and survived.

My advice to you is grow a set, or quit posting.


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
Now while Shawn is looking up some big works on Google maybe we can get some more ideas on how to do these tests.
forget your Midol Bob? It is very insensitive for you to assume that carpet cleaners have a low IQ and can not understand what shawn is saying because he is using BIG words us carpet cleaners can not understand.
I think a few have had parameters they would like to see in place. I say it is a good idea but I would also say that the companies choose a panel of testers who will give honest feedback.
I can tell you all the chems I have used and purchased from the boards that I thought were great to later on find something much better. I drank the JJ juice and liked it reasonably well, got embrioled in the powermax hype(decent/really good product) of Cobb and bought a bunch of crap I don't need from pad prick. When is Steve Smith making a prespray

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
Come on John............relax................smoke a dooby.


John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
admiralclean said:
If I thought for one moment that I had offended your wife, I would apologize to her in a minute. She seems to have some class. However, I suspect YOU are the one with the hurt feelings and I couldn't give a rat turd for how you feel. Don't bother threatening me either. I have no fear of you. I've had my ass whipped before and survived.

My advice to you is grow a set, or quit posting.

I don't want you to fear me Marty. Most of the time I laugh my ass off at what you post. Saying it is a drag to be married to my wife becuase she is mormon crossed the line.

As for your last line marty I suggest you grow up and apologies for insulting my wife in an attempt to poke at me and sound funny.

Lora Olson

Mar 5, 2007
admiralclean said:
I know being married to a Mormon can be a drag at times ... what with having to fight with that funny underwear and all, but being a supplier and having an attitude is so Terri-esque that you'd think John would know better. No wonder he doesn't sell much to bulletin board members.

Marty, I don't know you, have never talked to you and have never met you. What in the world gives you any right to make a slam like that on my religion?

We don't rinse much down here in Bama.

You don't have any manners in "Bama" either.

You should be ashamed of yourself. Leave my religion out of your jibs at me or my husband. It ain't fair game!!


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
for a guy who acts like a mans man John sure does whine alot

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Matt Murdock said:
Now while Shawn is looking up some big works on Google maybe we can get some more ideas on how to do these tests.
forget your Midol Bob? It is very insensitive for you to assume that carpet cleaners have a low IQ and can not understand what shawn is saying because he is using BIG words us carpet cleaners can not understand.
I think a few have had parameters they would like to see in place. I say it is a good idea but I would also say that the companies choose a panel of testers who will give honest feedback.
I can tell you all the chems I have used and purchased from the boards that I thought were great to later on find something much better. I drank the JJ juice, got embrioled in the crappy service of Cobb and bought a bunch of crap I don't need from pad prick. When is Steve Smith making a prespray

So was mine Greg!

Geeze everybody is extra special pissy today ....

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
WOW! I had not been following this thread because lately I am a powder, nuke it into submission kinda guy. Lets take a step back and count to ten. No need for this to get anyworse. Seriously!

I must admit I am more pissy than usual with the way my sales have been the 1st quarter. I have even found myself taking things I would normally laugh off too personal. I have even made a few nonproductive comments that may have been hurtful.

I hate to see good guys going at each other. Lets smoke the peace pipe. :D
May 12, 2007
Re: I think next MikeFest there should be some pre-spray testing

Lora Olson said:
This is John not Lora by the way....and because the Kool-Aid Drinkers will freak right out......Maybe you should do some testing first (and talk to Les) before putting the kool-aid out there like that. it wouldn't matter and would be a good thing for me and everyone else but with so many followers it could be determintal to someone's buisness.

Les, Run For The Hills –

This important news story has just broken. Judson Labs and Dow Chemical have just had a well planed and well executed conspiracy exposed. Les Jones owner of Judson Labs has been named as the brains behind the conspiracy. He used money earned from development and installation of vacuum equipment used by the US Government, textile mills and the airline industries to fund the operation.

The conspiracy was working well until exposes by the smartest man in the carpet cleaning industry. What ever this man says is true, as he never makes accusations without through research and investigation.

This man is also noted to MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT
He believes that Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY.

It is also widely known that everything he does has a greater purpose.

Were not sure at this time exactly what the greater purpose of exposing this conspiracy is but Were are sure he will explain later.

What he has uncovered is that Les Jones put together a fake chemical lab to supposedly manufacture cleaning chemical products. What he actually made was Kool-Aid and water. Jones then hired a group of the most respected carpet cleaning gurus in the country to lie about his products. He must have paid them a fortune in order for them to eventually ruin there reputations for Jones. Jones then hired some of the leading cleaning companies to lie about the products. They were actually using products that they buy from John Olsen who spends all his time and efforts promoting his superior products. Olsen never waste his time cutting down a competitors product or undermining cleaners who stand by products they have personally tested and like better than the products he purchases for resale. (There is twice as much water in the products Olsen buys for resale as in the Judson products thus the shipping to and from Olsen is double)
(That smart man should look into that as it is only half strength))

Seeing how the products Jones makes is Kool-Aid the most Jones and his band of conspirators could ever hope for was to sell each carpet cleaner in America one gallon each. No one would reorder a second gallon as it dose not work. Once everyone had one gallon Jones planed to shut down the operation and start a new scam.

What Jones plans to do next is put the Kool-Aid in a fancy bottle and sell it to people as a miracle cure-all. If he can get just two people to buy a bottle and then each person just get two people, to just get two people, to buy two bottles and so on…………….after 25 levels everyone could buy a jet airplane.

Jones would not need proof that it works because other company don’t either. He would only need the word of mouth testimonies from his users that love and stand behind him and his product.

This should work great until another smart man comes along.

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