Funniest Carpet Cleaning Stories

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
Please post your funniest true life stories. Its ok to give some "I heard of a guy who had this happen to him" type of stories, but ones that have happened to you would be best.

You never know......there might be a movie in the works....... :wink:

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
This is one of the best I have ever heard. You may not be able to use it because of it's content, but it's funny!

Plus it couldn't have happen to a more deserving guy! :p

The Reverend's turd
Posted By Martin Sutley on 5/29/2001 at 11:49 PM

I have been working on installing a wood floor for a Dr. Reverend Baptist Preacher this week. I got the bathroom done yesterday but couldn't get the toilet back in because the bolts were not long enough to compensate for the raised height of the toilet.

Last thing I told the "good" reverend before leaving yesterday was that I would get some longer bolts and install the toilet this morning AND to have his freezer unloaded today so I could move it out to finish in the laundry room.

Upon arrival this morning, I immediately proceeded to the bathroom so I could remove the toilet and install the new bolts. (the toilet was merely left sitting in place yesterday with no water hooked up.)

When I pulled the toilet up off the floor, out gushed about a gallon of brown water onto the floor and my shoes! I cussed and fussed, but continued to move out the door with the toilet (and my wet shoes).

I was about halfway out the door when I heard a large SPLAT! I froze in place praying I didn't hear what I thought I heard. Sure enough, I looked down and between my shoes is a rather large and slimy TURD!

I look around me and the bathroom and halfway down the hall is covered with brown water! I immediately hurry out the door and into the garage with the toilet. Then hurry back and raid HIS linen closet for his BEST towels. I sling about 8 of these down onto the floor, swirl them about and kick them out into the garage.

After completely soaking a dozen or so of his towels in brown water (and sopping up the turd in one), I make sure the towels are ALL kicked into a pile right at the back door.

Satisfied that I have cleaned enough so that I can keep working, and have deposited the stinking towel in the best place to annoy him upon his return, I then proceed to go about moving the freezer.
Guess what ... the idiot hadn't emptied the freezer!

Seems all he bothered to empty was his bowels!

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
I'd forgotten that one.

That one ranks up with Mikey's story of the guy with the trach!

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Bear with me.

Helper Boy and I went out to do some spot cleaning at a job today.

Helper Boy cleaned the home two weeks ago while I was away. He was aware that the man of the home had Parkinson's disease but did not see the man there on his visit.

The wife sets up the job for today to have us clean up an area where his catheter bag leaked in her word's "two quarts" of urine out over night, plus a few other new spots. She would not be home but hubby would let us in.


Long, windy drive out there, my first time there. I thought we would just charge the minimum but after I suffered through the drive up, over and around the mountain I was dead set on hitting them up for $200.

Still with me?

It gets better.

We knock on the door and can hear some real strange noise from behind the door..

Imagine a in heat Tom Cat stuck in a set of bag pipes.
We think we hear "Come In" somewhere jumbled in the mumbling so we do.

Here behind the door we find a mid 50's man who is obviously having a hard time standing up, his pants are half down, a tracheotomy tube is in throat, he has awkwardly curved limbs and hands but a look in his eyes that despite his physical state he mind is all there. He knows who we are and tries to communicate with us despite all the strange noises coming from his trache tube.

I remain calm and ask him to show us the areas to be cleaned. He got himself up stairs amazingly enough to show us the urine spill. When I commented that I could not smell the piss at all he replied "Good news" with a smile on his face.

After that he left us alone to clean up.

Now it gets good.

Career highlight type of good.

While helper boy is packing up I try to start a conversation with the guy. 80% of what he says is indiscernible. At one point he gets so excited that he accidentally pulls out his tracheotomy tube from the hole in his throat.

His AND my eyes go wide as he tries to get the message across that I need to come over and put the damn thing back in RIGHT NOW!

Here comes Florence Nightingale to the rescue.

Good lord but that was a act of courage that I'll never forget.


After we both catch our breathes he wants to to tell me about a special van that his millionaire friends gave him to get around in. "It's so cool" was uttered half a dozen times.
He gets into his automated, hi tech wheel chair and signals for me to follow him outside to see the van.
Helper Boy at this point wants to see whats going on so we both follow him out. There is an outside switch on the van that for some reason wont open it up.The poor guy gets real frustrated and spits out a lot of gibberish but we get the point the he REALLY wants us to see how the ramps and special seat work. He motions that he is going inside to look for the key. We stay by the van and shake our heads in humor, sorrow and amazement at this guy's great attitude. Not a second later we hear a big crash bang boom coming from the other side of the Vortex.

His super wheel chair is to darn fast and he lost control in a corner and crashed in to a bunch of pots and drift wood. The poor bastard is leaned over in the bushes covered in potting soil and fragments of Terra Cotta. Of course we run over and pull him up and get him back in his chair. He is laughing so you know me, I loose it too.
The 3 of us are practically crying when he yells "ACE, my wife is gonna kill me"!!

He begs me to put the pots back while he goes and gets the damn key to his damn van.
Helper Boy has to grab him by the horns to brush off all the soil and chunks of pots that are all over him before he drags it across the wet carpet..
So he goes inside to search for the key while we straighten up then not minute later we hear another Crash Bang Boom coming from inside the house.

Good lord we say to each other.

We run in and find him hanging over a wooden ledge pinned under his super chair, He was reaching for something and his chair tipped over forcing him into a shelving unit where there WAS a bunch of china and pottery displayed. Things are happening so fast now because he is panicking about what his wife is gonna do to him and we are real concerned for life. Next thing I know he flies down a few steps into the room where all the broken ceramics are and tries to pick them up. I tell him I'll handle it and the dislodged shelf. I ask him to go sit down and instead he trips on the steps and takes a header. he is now laying on the floor crying.

Talk about awkward.

We clean up the best we can and fix the shelf and you bet your ass he still wants us to see the damn van in action.
Turns out he was sitting on his fanny pack the whole time in the super chair. Well we all got a kick out of that. Before we go out side again he says" What the hell am I going to tell my wife?" ( when I say he "says" I mean he utters. mumbles or spouts out and we take five or more guesses as to what he is trying to get across) At this point I am no longer interested in making any money here but just getting the hell out of there and to the last job of the day. So I tell him "You know what bud, you tell you wife that our hoses knocked over your plants and china so there will be no charge, and hopefully get you off the hook.

He looks at me with tears in his eyes and says "damn, you guys are the best."


We all go outside again to see this damn van and sure enough his key ain't in his fanny pack...
He motions he wants to go back inside to find the key but I tell him it's gonna have to wait until the next visit.

As we follow him back in he stops by the area where he wiped out and asks us to move a few pots and pieces of wood to try and camouflage the damage better. After a long painful conversation we come to understand that is not allowed to go out side and he is trying to hide his tracks. Seems last time he went out on his own he biffed it in the drive way and passed out. He got burns all over from the scorching hot asphalt. He asked us to get a broom and clean up a little better. No problem.

You could just tell that this was a great guy who you or I would have loved to been a pal with. He told us he built his house entirely by his self as well as ten other homes on the hill before the Parkinson's hit him.
I asked if the tube was related to the Parkinson's to which he replied "no, I had colic as a baby and back then they attempted to cure colic with radiation....."

Throat cancer.

What an experience.

On our way out asked how much we would have normally charged to come and clean the carpet. I told him about $150 and I think he started to cry again.

How's that for a Wadjadowednesday?

Blue Monarch

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Lincoln, NE
Dirk Wingrove
Mikey's is one of the funniest stories I've ever read period.

I saved a copy of it just to read every once in a while. Not too many things can get me to laugh to tears.

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
I'm sure you and he both knew it wouldn't be long.

You showed compassion and at the same time let him laugh with you too.

I hope I could have such a good attitude about what life I had left if I were in his place.

Chris A

Sep 25, 2007
I was in a very nice ~3500 S.F. repo house back in the fall, customer was rehabbing, and I noticed this 6' long white patch in a Great Room of grey berber. the carpet had the same weave, just white. When I cleaned the room I found out it was WHITE PAINT! Apparently somebody had a spot to cover up and...


Oct 7, 2006
One my old techs - probably 8-9 yrs ago - had a dog attraction problem. Dogs didn't like him for some reason and bit his heels, ankles, the wand while he was cleaning, and just generally gave him the business often. Even dogs that were normally people-friendly didn't like him. The customers loved him, though.

Anyway one day he jumped out of his truck to meet the customer at the door. He took out his sack lunch and set it beside the door so it wouldn't spoil while running the truck. It was hot out and the old Steam Ways got HOT.

After inspecting the carpet he came back outside and saw a yellow puddle around his lunch. He took a sniff and determined that something peed on it. He was not a happy camper. He told the woman that he thought her dog peed on his lunch but she doubted him saying the dog was well trained and would never ever do something like that. He told her it could have been another dog but he had seen their dog wandering around the truck earlier. He threw his lunch away and went to work.

After wrapping up the truck and getting paid, he was standing outside of the home talking with the customer when the family dog showed back up, lifted his leg, looked at the woman, and promptly peed on the tech's leg.

She called me to apologize and we both broke out laughing our fool heads off. Dogs just did not like that guy.
Oct 19, 2006
Lansing Mi.
Kevin McCreary
I once went on a job with my Dad, I let him do all the p.r. work that day and I was the "mule".

My Dads name is Dick and he had it embroidered on his uniform shit. The custys name was John.

My Dad introduced us and said " you must be John, well you don't look like a John". The guy replied

"thats funny because you don't look like a Dick"

We all got a good laugh out of that one!
Oct 19, 2006
Lansing Mi.
Kevin McCreary
Also back in my Sears days we didn't get paid too well with out selling Scotchgard.

So we have this husband and wife backed in a corner telling them about what a great job

we will do and high pressuring them into purchasing Scotchgard from us. The Husband says

"is this high pressure?" (referring to the cleaning equipment or process of cleaning) and I

quickly replied "no you don't have to buy anything from us if you don't want to". Then I

realized he was talking about the cleaning process. I think I sat in the van on that job!

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
Another toilet story:

A cleaning technician, we’ll call him Bruce, had finished his pre-inspection and was getting ready to begin cleaning in the basement of a multi-level house. The customer told him she was leaving and to lock up when he left.

Just as well he thought, I feel a cramp like diarrhea coming on and I’ll use the bathroom as soon as she’s gone.

But the customer just kept talking, and Bruce finally said he had to get to work and she probably had things to do as well.

Bruce was listening for the garage door opener, but the customer kept moving around the house, even coming down to get things from the laundry room a couple of times. He was about to give up and ask to use the facilities when he heard the garage door open. He remembered there was a sink and toilet in the laundry room and as soon as he heard the door going down he rushed to the toilet.

After being nearly unconscious with relief, he thought about the best way to kill the odor, and then noticed that the morons that designed the room put the toilet paper holder so far away that he would have to get up to reach it. He then noticed the hole in the floor by the toilet paper holder, and that as soon as he got up from the toilet brown water began flooding the room.

He was able to clean everything up, but no longer eats 7-11 burritos for lunch. :mrgreen:

PS: John Watson witnessed the recounting of the story, and by the redness of his face as 'Bruce' talked I believe it to be true.
Oct 19, 2006
Lansing Mi.
Kevin McCreary
One last good one!

I was a manager in training for a bait-n-switch company that ran a large

carpet cleaning outfit for major dept. stores. One day the Manager had me do a ride along

to observe what field techs do. So I get this guy named Leo he has a maroon and wood grain 1981 Dodge Valari

station wagon with a ninja portable in the back and a milk crate of chems. We head off to the first job

as he chain smokes the whole way there with the windows up. We get there and the lady is very well to due.

Nice thick WHITE DuPont Grand Luxura carpet with dog poop stains everywhere. So the guy goes

through the job hacking away and to my disbelief it didn't look to bad when he was done. Some of the poop didn't

come all the way out though. It was still yellowish brown. After the job Leo tells the lady the poop stain wont come all the way out.

She questioned him and asked ,why not? He proceeded to explain to the lady " its just like when you poop white underwear

you can wash them in the washer and the stain wont always come all the way out". Needless to say I didn't last too

long on that job!

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
The whole MB saga and it's cast and crew would make a terrific sit com.

Every week a few cleaners are show up close and personal on dealing with home or client life all the while the MB regulars comment, bicker, and love one another.

Sort of The Office meAts Seinfeld meAts Dirty Jobs.


Apr 2, 2007
a friend of mine had a lady that spent $600 to $900 every three months....her cat puked on the carpet all the time...the guys called her the cat puke b!tch....the tech calls her to confirm her appointment and they clean the job....the tech calls into the office and says I just finished the cat puke b!tches house and then she says excuse me? what did you just call me? The tech accidently called the customer back not the


Nov 5, 2006
About 10 years ago I went to clean at a nice apartment complex in Marin County for a single lady about 30 years old that had a couple of cats. I was writing up the invoice while talking to her. I ask what she thinks this brown stain in the living room might be. She semi reluctently tells me she thinks it from one of her cats.
I often joke around with the customers to break the ice, so I say " well, what does it smell like?" Expecting her to give me "an are you serious look" at which point I would say I was just joking and let her know I will treat the spot accordingly.
To my surprise she bends down and rubs the spot with her finger and gives it a good wiff and says "yeah, it smells like its from the cat."
So continuing I say " well what does it taste like?" Assuming of course that she will immediately realize I am joking with her. Instead she rubs her finger in the spot again and then sticks it in her mouth and replies again " yeah, I think that's what it is"


Apr 6, 2007
One of the owners of the company I work for worked at a bait and switch company. They advertised and told everybody up front 20cents/foot for full service clean, 20cents/foot for rotary scrub, and 20cents/foot for protector.

Most people called wanting twenty dollars a room, and left happily paying 600 bucks. If they ended up getting the 20 dollars a room price, they always had a really really clean spot in the middle of the room where they asked to demonstrate the rotary scrub/ full service clean.

Anyway, an old gal called him out for twenty bucks a room, ended up paying 600 dollars and thanked him for an excellent job. The next day he gets a call saying that he killed her husband. He came home expecting to pay 20 bucks a room, got the bill for six hundred and had a heart attack.

Another time he came in, and an old senile lady instructed him to get to work fixing her TV. He explained he was the carpet cleaner, she said, "Oh carpets, that sounds good, how much?" He priced it out, showed her the bid, had her sign it. It was for $180. He gets to work, and she comes out of the kitchen and asks him what he's doing, and points to the TV. He explains that he is cleaning carpets. She asks how much, he tells her $180. She says that sounds good and goes back. Every 20 minutes or so she hears the noise in the other room, walks in and asks him why he hasn't fixed the TV yet, asks how much the carpet cleaning is, and walks back into the kitchen. Finally he is done, she comes in and asks him how much. He feels really bad for the lady and tells her it'll be eighty bucks.

"EIGHTY DOLLARS! THAT'S OUTRAGEOUS! All you did was vacuum the rugs, MY TV'S STILL BROKEN!"

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
We do work for a customer who’s care his handled through a trust.
The guy is strange, has some mental disability and must prefer men over women.

We have been doing his work for years. It’s sort of a right of passage, new guys are sent there without warning and are surprised and a little disgusted cleaning for him. :lol:

Any way the first time we cleaned for him he was living in an apartment and the tech’s sold him carpet protector and made a commission.

Years later he moved to a much larger home, one of the supervisors that was a tech at the time he lived in the apartment was to check on the two crews cleaning his large home.

The supervisor checks on the crews and everything is going smoothly, he is about to leave when he remembers the protector commission and asks if anyone has asked the homeowner yet.

The crews said they had not because once they started the homeowner went out by the pool. The supervisor said “I’ll go ask him!”

He proceeds to the pool area and says Mr.Thragmorton would you like…..that’s all he got out, our customer was naked sun bathing face up.

The supervisor walks back towards the hours and the four tech’s that were cleaning are all up against the full length glass laughing uncontrollably.

The Supervisor was red faced and pissed because the young crew had duped him!


Oct 7, 2006
This one happened to me about 5 yrs ago.

I picked up an olefin rug made to look like an antique Gabbah. It had the customary fake patina and abrash solution-dyed, of course.

So I get out there and the lady is obviously heavily medicated. She's not making any sense, staring at the ceiling, stumbling around, etc. She looked like a very overweight Barbara Streisand, in a bathrobe, on drugs. (sorry for the visual!)

She stumbles over to the rug, leaned down to point at some spots and almost fell. I asked her if she was ok and she said yes, and that she wasn't feeling well from a head cold. I was very uncomfortable with her actions, to say the least.

I told her that maybe I should come back another day when she felt better, but she insisted I take the rug with me. She backed away while I did my inspection and I noted on the paperwork that there was a heavy coat of pet fur interwoven into the rug. Advised her that it may not come all out, she signed the paperwork and I peeled outta there with the rug.

We vacuumed that rug front and back for a good hour and were still pulling off pet (dog) hair, but it looked great so we washed it, dried it, and had it ready for delivery within a few days. Made an appt. to deliver it.

She answered the door at 5PM in her bathrobe, looking exactly the way she did the time I picked it up. My goal was to unroll the rug, get paid, and get outta there as fast as possible. My goal was shattered when I unrolled it.

She flipped out saying we had bled her rug. Remember, this is 100% olefin with faux abrash and patina dyed in to make it look old and uneven. I tried reasoning with her and showed her the tag that clearly stated it was olefin and that it was impossible to bleed this type of rug. She wouldn't listen to a thing I said and demanded that we fix it. I told her I'd investigate and get back with her the next day as there was no sense in arguing with this crazy woman. So I rolled up the rug and took it with me.

I went home, looked online for "gabbeh olefin" and found a picture of her exact same rug, which looked exactly the same after we washed it. I printed it off and saved the url for her to see for herself. I also printed off some information about solution-dyed fibers and how the color is melted in the fiber and can't be bled. Called her the next day and brought everything with me.

She met me at the door looking the same but OVERLY friendly, as though she on me. (ewwwie) I gave her the information I printed out, unrolled the rug and she was thrilled this time saying "I made a list of all of my friends for you to call about your great services. Here's the list.." and handed it to me. I looked it over and it was about 15 names, numbers, addresses, and notes about them.

I couldn't believe it, thanked her, and got paid. I did tell her we pulled off about 2 lbs of pet hair and that could be why the abrash is so noticeable after we cleaned it. She didn't care and kept walking around behind me like she was going to tackle me and do something crazy on the rug. I tried to get outta there quick. Told her I was married and had kids, etc. and she says, "I'm so lonely. My husband is a dentist and he comes home late every night very drunk" I was thinking to myself, "well yeah, I would do the same if I was married to you too!". Anyway, she got pouty and started crying. I'm realllllly uncomfortable now, said I was sorry about her personal situation and tried to leave.

"WAIT!!" she says. "I want you to give me a price on cleaning the rest of my carpet" OMG I can't get out of there for the life of me. I didn't want to be rude to her after providing me the referral names and being nice this time. I thought maybe she just had a bad day before and that I should give her a second chance. So I measured it out and gave her a price of around $600. She scheduled for the next day. I sent one of my techs.

I warned him up front that she is a bit unstable but generally nice once she trusts you. I warned him about the bathrobe and she may hit on him but to just ignore her advances and to be sure to get paid. Everything went well and he told me she was very nice to him.

The day after she called screaming how unsatisfied she was with the cleaning, what a rip off it was and that she's going to tell all of her friends not to use our services. LOL!!! No good deed goes unpunished. I personally went out and looked at it to see what she was talking about and she's kind again, apologizing about being upset earlier. I was dumb enough to let her talk me into scheduling her for a cleaning every 6 months, but before I did I told her she can't act all crazy on us. She agreed.

Six month later the same tech goes out to clean and she's all over him, touching his shoulder and arm. He told her he was married and his wife wouldn't appreciate him being hit on. So she went outside - in her bathrobe on a cold fall day - and started planting little evergreens. He shook his head and started cleaning.

After he was done and wrapped up she is writing the check to him and said, "hey can you come outside I want to show you something." He obliges. She showed him about 12 little evergreen saplings sitting on top of the ground. "Can you dig these holes for me? I'm not strong like you are". He told her he didn't have time, so she asked if he could come back after work. He said he'd try, so he got the heck outta there.

Of course the next day she called up screaming bloody murder about her carpet looking like crap, at which point I told her to find another cleaner. I finally learned my lesson - ya can't fix crazy.


Just this last Friday I was on a water damage loss in a $2 million home (empty)
and in the bedroom where the celing fell down (3sqft) I found under the insultaion was a few
porno movies that has hidin in the actic!


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
My life story was made into a movie
In this exotic and erotic interracial love story, an African-American owner of a small carpet cleaning service, falls for a beautiful Indian immigrant, only to encounter shock and outrage from both families.

You can rent it Mississippi Masala


Apr 20, 2007
I did not start my business from the trunk of may car like Howard P.

I started it from the bed of my Mazda truck. Rolled my Olympus porty up the ramps, strapped it in, loaded hoses, bucket, bucket heaters, 4 Air Kings, rake, spotting kit, chemicals in milk crates- everything loaded into the bed of my truck.

When I got to where I would clean more often then not I had to bring everything in to keep it from getting stolen- especially at apartments- they would steal the paint if it wasn't stuck on the truck.

Well anyways I am on my way to my VERY FIRST paying job and running late. I stop at the McDonald's drive thru for a quick breakfast. They are backed up and moving slow, slow, and slower.

Looks like I gotta bail and not get any breakfast so I back outta the drive-thru line to leave. Porty blocked my view out the back window and nobody in my mirrors. Guy had gotten in line behind me from far side of the parking lot- WHAM! Back right into him and crushed the side of my Mazda.

Traffic accident BEFORE I even get to my first paid job. Deal with all the information exchange and leave.

Get to the condo late and gotta unload all the crap into her very little "back yard" and do the job. I don't know crap other then what I learned at IICRC class. I popped the breaker in the condo like 15 times.

Luckily she was a referral from my buddy I worked with at the city job. She was really nice and gave me a beer. Well I am a MGD drinker- yup wussy beer. She gives me a Guinness. I am polite and drink it. Well here I am like 3 hours later, finished cleaning all hot and sweaty and gotta load up my crap into the truck.

Well the empty stomach, the sweaty labor, and the Guinness all teamed up to kick my ass. So now I'm all light headed and sweaty (more sweaty) trying to load. By this time I'm just chucking stuff over the side wall into the bed of the truck.

I finally get home and say to myself- "I like this I gotta do it some more".

Am I sick or what?

Chris A

Sep 25, 2007
Was cleaning a house a couple months ago for a very, ahem, conservative fellow. Anyway I was moving a sofa and pulled out a 44 mag revolver. Guy walks in the room, says "Oh you found that, it's loaded btw." The he went to the other rooms I was gonna clean and pulled the guns out from under those cushions!


Apr 6, 2007
c_adkins said:
Was cleaning a house a couple months ago for a very, ahem, conservative fellow. Anyway I was moving a sofa and pulled out a 44 mag revolver. Guy walks in the room, says "Oh you found that, it's loaded btw." The he went to the other rooms I was gonna clean and pulled the guns out from under those cushions!

I have a friend like that. You have got to call him a half hour before arriving if you are going to have kids over. You are never more than a step and an arms length away from a loaded gun. He has a few strapped to the underneath of tables and inside cupboards etc.

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