Do you consider yourself a "Industry Leader"?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
If so will you be attending this dinner?

Real Name: Robert L. Allen III "Tre"
Company Name: Truck Mount Forums

I just bought 4 round trip tickets + car rental for Connections in vegas. We are staying the 8th to the 15th, one full week. If anyone wants to get together, you can email me at pr@*************** , I will not be free on Thursday night as we have a private dinner were hosting that night with many industry leaders.

If any suppliers want to support ***************s at their booth, you can also email me.

Thank you.


Oct 8, 2006
Snohomish, WA
I'm a high end hack...

I don't like carpet cleaning enough to be a leader in it.

Pays well though.

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Tentative Guest List

Ken Harris - if he has bus fare
freeflow - got a new pair of bib overalls from Tractor Supply for the occasion
Joe Polish - with a flip camera harnessed to his head pointing back at himself
Evan Kessler - with the checkered pants and white shoes and belt
Lisa Wagner - wearing black because you know if you wear black it makes you look...
Jeff Ellis
Dwayne Oxley - if he is delivered back from space in time
Probably a film crew
Scott Warrington
Big body guard
Another big body guard

The other half the list won't turn up unless he gets his son to give away free websites

Common excuses for not attending:

I think my dogs is going to be in heat so we will be breeding all that night
I have to attend Crazy George's Space Camp dinner
I've never been to a donkey show and the the guys want to take me to one that night
My wife and I are renewing our vows that night with Elvis
That night I'm attending Dwayne Oxley's seminar on how to do business forecasting with an Ouija board.
I have dinner tickets to the Wayne Newton show. He' scheduled to die on stage that night.
You kidding? I'm going to the Hooker Bar where all my friends hang out. No I won't tell you where the Hooker Bar is.
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