In regards to getting more money per hour per job.
I've noticed that if i look back to my previous jobs that i've done, say the last 2 weeks. Usually what i do is, determine what time I was at the appointment and what time i left with the transmission on DRIVE. To me that's when the clock stops. I've started noticing that i was not always making $100 a hour, some jobs were as low as $70/hour, and other jobs over $200/hour, depending on the size small/large/stains/etc.
What i started doing now, is timing myself with my phone and watch on how long it takes me to clean 500, 700, 1000, 1200 sq ft homes, etc. Also i've timed myself how long it takes to unpack than pack everything up, also talking, smooching, persuading, listening to clients can take several minutes. Reason for this was, we all want to make more money, so why not keep track of how to not waste time at each job. By concluding this "experiement" I was able to track down where i was wasting most of my time in, and where i could improvise so i could always be at exactly or almost exactly $100/hour or more.
I don't believe i am rushing jobs, i do infact want our clients to have the best cleaning possible, but the more i hear the $100/hour payroll for us ccers, the more i think about what im actually doing.
Time is money, i try not to waste it.
That is the reason i decided to go into carpet cleaning and not work for corporate america.