Can wand scrubbers benefit from high flow?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Your typical HWE guy does most if not all of his agitating with a Glideless wand.

That is a fact.

These days a percentage of them have switched to using glides to help with their lower backs and shoulders and possibly to get better dry times.

So I assume since they've lost their main source of agitation (the wand's lips) that they now either use a Grandi Groomer, use more stronger pre spray or maybe just maybe use a mechanical agitator.

Now there are also many cleaners who bought a Glide to try out but soon tossed in his bucket along side the wand wheels, pulsating forward and backward spraying jets and probably a Lip or three, never to be used again....
I have talked to more then one of these guys who gave up because "they don't clean good"....

Now all of us Online nerds know that for glides to really work well, you need to help them out a bit with prep work...Your average BDCC that learns every thing they know from their not so up to date local supplier will most likely never figure it out

Would higher flow also help this type of cleaner out ?
Can tons of water help compensate for lack of agitation? Or would it just cause over wetting.

It's my opinion that mega flow wands should only be used after a good prepping to loosen the soil (pre vac, quality pre spray, mechanical agitation and dwell time) in a one or two backwards rinse passes only.

Now we all know that very few cleaners can charge enough to clean in this fashion on a daily basis, right?

I was never a Steam Way Flood jet guy so I dont know if that set up ever really worked out....High flow/heat but weak vacuum.
Considering that the only guy I know, Loren Egland, prefers his RV for heavy soil, I'm guess it didn't.

So my question is:

Would it be a wise move for a TM manufacture to only offer a high flow set up?


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Nampa Idaho
Adam Hale
I don't think it would be wise for TM makers to only offer a high flow set up for the simple reason that to run really high flow you need to have a cleaner that knows what he is doing. Many cleaners over wet the carpet with 04 flow, give them 012 and the home owner will need an Ark.

TM makers should make the hottest, highest vac, and best built machines possible and leave the super high flow to be figured out by the elite.



Oct 7, 2006
Here is a piece form another thread:

"Also the only way a 2 jet wand pointing straight down cleans better than a multi jet wand at an angle, is agitation in the form of impact or pressure of the spray hitting straight down and generally the jet orifice being larger.

Try this: turn your angled jet wand pressure up by 100-150 psi, it will clean better, but not risk over wetting due to the angle and the sheer as it pushes the suspended soil towards the vacuum slot."

I'd like to add to that, that anyone who doesn't think a slot glide agitates is missing the boat, it just doesn't telegraph the resistance to the operator, too many guys have to feel the bite, to believe it agitates, you have to get past this.


Oct 7, 2006
Mikey P said:

What glide to you recommend to first time :

It always boils down to operator preference, and the nature of their cleaning process ie: no vac hack or 23 step guru.

In general:

33 blower users?
They get a hole or hybrid as they usually seek better drying, we've actually had the largest number of no vac hacks 33 blower users ADD a pre-vacuum to their process.

45 blower users?
These guys are all over the charts, pretty even split, just depends on their cleaning style, and nature of their work, I just try to get em one they will be happy with.

59 users?
They guys tend to be very polar, either they are dual wanding apartments, and go for the slot, or they are begging for some relief on commercial and jump right on the holes for ease of use and additional drying.
Even the slot glides dry well on a big machine, so the performance gap between holes and slots is much smaller.

HP Porty users?
Always a hole, unless the guy tells me he is an apartment whore, then I ask him if a pre-vac is ever gonna happen, if not then it's a slot, but i tell him straight up it ain't gonna dry much better.

Single Vac Porty users?
same as above

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
thorough prevac

A paint job is only as good as the prep work, why would carpet cleaning be any different?

My wand is set up for a high flow and angled jets, running 2x 11002 jets at about 500psi, gives it a good flush! I was told pressure much higher will distort the yarn tips.
Run wand lips on a 2" wand.

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