Blocked Pop-up from Mikey's Board

Shane T

Nov 7, 2006
Waukesha, WI
Shane Tiegs
I've been getting a few of these lately. Any idea what it is and if it is truely from Mikey's Board?
Oct 7, 2006
Pop up from MikeysBoard would be to inform you of a private message.

No other pop-ups installed here .... run a spyware check on your computer.

Shane T

Nov 7, 2006
Waukesha, WI
Shane Tiegs
Thanks Mark. I used to get an e-mail notice when I had a private message or new post on a watched thread but I don't anymore. Do you know what may have changed.
Oct 7, 2006
I would guess that your settings changed. I still get email alerts for private messages and when I'm subscribed to a thread.

Click "User Control Panel" then "Board Preferences" and check your "Global Settings" and "Posting Defaults" and adjust to your liking.

Orienting Yourself in the User Control Panel

The User Control Panel (UCP) allows you to alter personal preferences, manage posts you are watching, send and receive private messages, and change the way information about you appears to other users. To view the UCP, click the 'User Control Panel' link that appears after logging in.

The UCP is separated into seven tabs: Overview, Private Messages, Profile, Preferences, Friends and Foes, Attachments, and Groups. Within each tab are several sub pages, accessed by clicking the desired link on the left side of the UCP interface. Some of these areas may not be available depending on the permissions set for you by the administrator.

Every page of the UCP displays your Friends List on the left side. To send a private message to a friend, click their user name.


The Overview displays a snapshot of information about your posting habits such as the date you joined the forum, your most active topic, and how many total posts you have submitted. Overview sub pages include Subscriptions, Bookmarks, and Drafts.


Subscriptions are forums or individual topics that you have elected to watch for any new posts. Whenever a new post is made inside an area you have subscribed to, an e-mail will be sent you to informing you of the new addition. To create a subscription, visit the forum or topic you would like to subscribe to and click the 'Subscribe' link located at the bottom of the page.

To remove a subscription, check the box next to the subscription you would like to remove and click the 'Unsubscribe' button.


Bookmarks, much like subscriptions, are topics you've chosen to watch. However, there are two key differences: 1) only individual topics may be bookmarked, and 2) an e-mail will not be sent to inform you of new posts.

To create a bookmark, visit the topic you would like to watch and click the 'Bookmark Topic' link located at the bottom of the page.

To remove a bookmark, check the box next to the bookmark you would like to remove and click the 'Remove marked bookmarks' button.


Drafts are created when you click the 'Save' button on the New Post or Post Reply page. Displayed are the title of your post, the forum or topic that the draft was made in, and the date you saved it.

To continue editing a draft for future submission, click the 'View/Edit' link. If you plan to finish and post the message, click 'Load Draft'. To delete a draft, check the box next to the draft you wish to remove and click 'Delete Marked'.


This section lets you set your profile information. Your profile information contains general information that other users on the board will able to see. Think of your profile as a sign of your public presence. This section is separated from your preferences. (Preferences are the individual settings that you set and manage on your own, and control your forum experience. Thus, this is separated from your profile settings.)

Personal settings

Personal settings control the information that is displayed when a user views your profile.

*ICQ Number: Your account number associated with ICQ system.
*AOL Instant Messenger: Your screen name associated with AOL Instant Messenger system.
*MSN Messenger: Your email address associated with the MSN Messenger (Windows Live) service.
*Yahoo Messenger: Your username associated with the Yahoo Messenger service.
*Jabber Address: Your username associated with the Jabber service.
*Website: Your website's address. Must be prepended with the appropriate protocol reference (i.e. http://)
*Location: Your physical location. Note that this is generally displayed along with your user information with every post, so standard caution regarding releasing personal information on the Internet should apply.
* Occupation: Your occupation. The information entered will appear only on the viewprofile page.
*Interests: Your personal interests. The information entered here will appear only on the viewprofile page.
*Birthday: Your birthday. This information is used for displaying your username in the Birthday section of the Board Index. If year is specified, your age will be displayed in your profile.


Your signature appears, at your option, below every post you make. Signatures may be formatted using BBCode. The board administrator may specifiy a maximum length for signatures. You can check this limit by noting the line There is a x character limit. above the signature editing textbox, where x is the currently set limit.


Your avatar is an image the displays with every post you make. Depending on board settings, avatars may be completely disabled, or may appear in one (or more) of three forms: "Upload from your machine", "Upload from a URL", and "Link off-site.

*Upload from your machine: You may upload an avatar from your machine to be hosted on the board's server.
*Upload from a URL: You may specify the URL of an existing image. This will cause the image to be copied to the board's server and hosted on it.
*Link off-site: You may specify the URL of an existing image. This will not cause the image to be hosted on the board's server, but rather hotlinked to its current location.

Additionally, a board administrator may opt to provide an avatar gallery for users to make use of. These images are pre-selected by the administrator and are able to be used by any of a board's members.


Preferences allow you to dictate various behaviours of the phpBB software in regards to your interaction with it.


Global settings control various overall interactions with the phpBB software.

*Users can contact by e-mail: If Yes is selected, users can e-mail you via the "e-mail" button in your profile.
*Administratos can e-mail me information: If Yes is selected, you will receive mass-emails sent out by the board administrator.
*Allow users to send you private messages: If Yes is selected, users can send you private messages via the board.
*Hide my online status: If Yes is selected, your online status will be hidden to users. Note that administrators and moderators will still be able to view your online status.
*Notify me on new privates messages: If Yes is selected, you will receive an email when you receive a new private messages.
*Pop up window on new private messages: If Yes is selected, a pop-up window will appear on the board to alert you of new private messages.
*My language: Allows you to specify what language pack the board utilizes. Note that this setting applies only to board language strings; posts will be rendered in the language they were written.
*My timezone: Allows you to specify what timezone board times should appear in.
* Summer Time / DST is in effect: If Yes is selected, board times will appear one hour earlier than the selected setting. Note that this setting is not updated automatically; you will have to change it manually when needed.
*My date format: Controls what format times are rendered in. You may select one of the options in the dropdown box -- advanced users may select "Custom" and input a custom format (in the format of the date function).


Posting settings control the default settings of the posting editors when you create a post. Note that these options are controllable on an individual basis while posting.

*Enable BBCode by default: When Yes is selected, BBCode is enabled within the post editor.
*Enable smiles by default: When Yes is selected, smiles will be rendered within your posts.
*Attach my signature by default: When Yes is selected, your signature will be appended to your posts.
*Notify me upon replies by default: When yes is selected, you will be notified by email when a reply to your post is made.
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