At what piont are you over charging?


Oct 9, 2006
Is it when you aren't closing your target percentage of calls due to price objections or what? Can you charge too much?


Oct 9, 2006
When you don't deliver value and services above and beyond your clients expectations?

I guess you could price yourself out of business if you wanted, prices can always be lowered though.

We don't get many objections to price that we can't we can't overcome on the phone but we are only charging in the low .40's per square.

Rob Lyon

Oct 18, 2006
Northeast Pa
Rob Lyon
No Matter what ANYONE SAYS, Charge what your market will support.
Some markets will pay more for certain cleaners and some flat out will not. Separate yourself form your competition and let your potential customers see why they should chose your service over others.
Remember, we are competing with a very small percentage of potential
clients out there.

All The Best, Rob


Dec 29, 2006
I always had that problem. Tried different methods to meet my goals. Always met price rejections.

After twelve years, I am getting it on track.

Chuck Violand's Profit-Building Financial Suite. I've used it a number of times in the past, but did not understand it a 100%. Recently, it hit me.

It was so simple, I over look it. Of all the forms on the CD, The Extraction Cleaning Pricing Form was the one that put me back on track. The problem I had at first was the Cost of Sales Factor, which is normally 40%. To high for my numbers. I tried last year's COS, to low for all year around.

My monthly COS changes every month. This month is 86% (its high). Which brings the Price Per Sq. Ft. .44 My customers are happy, I'm happy. This works for me.

This is how I'm meetings my goals and it's not a guessing game.

Bob Rock

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Jeremy said:
Is it when you aren't closing your target percentage of calls due to price objections or what? Can you charge too much?

Good questions, Jeremy. (And some good answers above.) The questions appear related but I would submit that they are two entirely different areas.

First, re: "closing calls due to price objections" in 14 days, 2 hours and approximately 12 minutes you will learn that the vast majority of callers who ask "how much" and then hang up honestly do not know what else to ask nor how to differentiate between carpet cleaners.

Five minutes later I will share with you a script that will make this problem be a thing of the past. This ought to get you motivated for SFS Langhorne!

Steve Toburen CR
Director of Training
Jon-Don's Strategies for Success

PS RE: "Can you charge too much?" I would counter with another question, "Is it possible to have too much money?" Never forget that YOU are NOT your customer and a price that makes you cringe to propose it may very likely be pocket change to your customer. I say as long as you deliver solid cleaning quality along with making the customer feel good in the process (including the amount they have paid you) it is impossible to charge too much.

Jeremy, during your Strategies seminar we will drum into you folks one of our mottoes: "All things being equal, it is better to have money than not have money." I think we can all agree on that!


Oct 8, 2006
I would say that there is no such thing as over-charging unless you raise the price in the middle of a job and don't let the customer know about it. I believe in a free market, if a person agrees to pay you $50 a foot, then he honestly believes it is worth that price. I also believe in buyer's remorse, LOL. When that guy finds out what everyone else charges, he'll talk crap about you and that's not good for business.

There is, no doubt, a such thing as under-charging.
Oct 7, 2006
How do you book decent jobs when 9 out of 10 cleaners here charge less than $60 to clean a whole house? And yes they work for that little. Now whether they do a good job, I don't know. We have many calls that when we mention our minimum ($75) they will hang up or make some nasty comment about how they only paid $35 last time. We get about 3 to 5 of these daily.

We get a lot of referrals and stay pretty busy but I'm looking to grow.

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Dear Cleaning Artist,

I feel your pain. As an industry we persist in this short-sighted, even suicidal, course of competing SOLELY based on advertising the "lowest price".

For the guaranteed solution I would tell you to come to our Strategies for Success seminar in Langhorne, PA in two weeks. But we are sold out and I understand there is a waiting list. (Which you are welcome to put your name on- 800-400-9473 and ask for Glenn Evans.) There are no spaces available until our January 21-25, 2008 SFS in Chicago and I understand that this seminar is filling rapidly.

In the meantime just write me at and I will e-mail you a free phone script that will convert price shoppers into purchasers- guaranteed. (If you want the free DVD on SFS just include your mailing address. It will be sent to your home free and with no obligation. All that I ask is that you watch it.)

Steve Toburen CR
Director of Training and Fighter of the Bait and Switch CC'er
Jon-Don's Strategies for Success

PS Everyone wants the "quick fix". While I am happy to send you any of my 15 Special Reports free of charge I must caution you that the entire SFS message takes five intense days to deliver- much more than any quickie post on a BB thread or even a Special Report can provide.

Remember that there IS hope! Over 2,000 SFS members are not only competing but prospering against the same low price cleaners you are struggling with. (This is a nationwide epidemic that exists everywhere, not just in your market. Sigh!)


I believe that you have to know who YOUR market is.
Not everyone can charge top $$$ because everyone is not worth it.

Are your credentials top notch? (education etc.)
Are your customer service skills top notch? (communication/follow up)
Are your techniques advanced?
Is your company image highly professional?(marketing materials/van etc)

If your market is blue collar types,yes you can over price.
If your market is high end,price doesn't matter(within reason).
Owner operator,of course. Not many high end multi truck operations around here.


Mar 27, 2007
If you assume there's noone to pay your price, then there's not

Go to one of the horray events (SFS or HP's Roundtable not Polish though) implement what they teach you

I promise it'll change your life...if you implement

Don't listen to any nay-sayers saying this stuff is over rated or "protect your guru" bullshit or you can get same info in college bullshit

just do it


When your customers need mouth to mouth , every time you
show them the BILL!

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Know your market is right..

My challenge is my first job of the day may be a 89 year old spinster on welfare who saved for two years to get me out for my minimum and my second job is a like the couple I had today..

3 Twin Turbo Porches, a Yacht, four homes and every possible high tech gadget you could ever imagine how didn't even flinch when they signed a check for $7300 for two homes worth of tile cleaning.

Most of my customers dont even ask the price. They dont really care, but it's when they refer me to their aunt or neighbor who cant afford me it that gets a bit touchy.

How do you service both ends and maintain your price and quality?


How do you service both ends and maintain your price and quality?
It's easy! My friend has "3" septic company's! (one high end,middle,and low end)
He walks around with "3" cell phone's / has 2 trucks , one with high end
name / other magnet he changes ! " No Shit "

So there's your answer ! :)

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