Welcome to the 21st Century


Oct 7, 2006
Have we started something here?
What do you think ?
Will this place grow to a community of 500, 1,000 2,500 members? It's up to us, if we build it, they will come. Don't be a Lurker that contributes nothing.
Post your ideas of what you'd like to see happen here and lets make this place really rock.

After 29 days, this BB is running at 217 Posts per day and ICS averages 203 per day.

In the 20th Century the Trade Associations were the only place to get educated and they collectively developed the classes and criteria for the best education available at the time thru the IICRC. Then one day, for reasons, quite beyond explanation, their Reps ( supposedly working in the best interests of their Associations and members) gave it away to the suppliers to become the main source of education. They have suffered both financially and in membership ever since. The classes do provide a valuable service to CC'ers starting out. But there is tons of really good info, on a whole raft of subjects that are not taught - management, marketing, hands on in many cases and comparisons of equip and chems etc. This is the kind of info that lately has become available to us all thru the boards, albeit boards that are run or controlled by suppliers with their own agendas.

Below is some interesting info that I saved from somewhere in the last couple of years that may help to put this community that Mike has started, into a perspective that perhaps you hadn't thought of before.
What we have here is a medium - the first one that is NOT designed to serve any manufacturers/suppliers, where we can all contribute to make it into what we want it to be - something for us and by us.....unless Mikey becomes a goof or a Fascist, in which case we'll all just go away.


The IICRC, is currently owned by 16 non-profit trade associations.
Trade associations must have at least 50 active members to be stockholders in the IICRC.

Approx Trade Association membership numbers - based on 2005 Cleanfax article.

Mickeys BB Community after 6 months 1,200 members. Also 140 supporting members

NCCA National Carpet Cleaners Association UK 412 members
CFI Carpet & Fabricare Institute 340 members
ISCT International Society of Cleaning Technicians 326 members
FIOCCFD Floorcovering Institute Ontario, incl Retailers - 204 members
CCINW - Carpet Cleaners Institute of the Northwest 164 members
MSPCA MidSouth Professional Cleaners Association 137 members
NUCCA National Upholstery & CC Assoc Australia 103 members
NEIRC New England Institute of Restoration & Cleaning - 90 members
PCUCA Professional Carpet & Uph Cleaners Assoc 85 members
AWCC - Association of Wisconsin Cleaning Contractors - 70 members
NYRCI New York Rug Cleaners Institute 55 members
TRSCA Tri-State Restorers & Specialty Cleaners Ass 54 members
PRCA Professional Cleaning & Restoration Alliance 35 members
CRCII Carpet & Rug Cleaners Institute of Illinois 27 members

Number of members required to vote at BOD meetings - 50 members ?

Total membership approx 2,200 members
Total US membership approx 1,400 members

Associations that don't own stock in IICRC:
ASCR - 1,400 members - pulled out of IICRC a few yrs ago
LMCCA - 230 members

What some anonymous industry leaders and carpet cleaners are saying about trade associations:

Associations have a habit of taking great volunteers and killing them with work, instead of making operations a group effort.

There are only a few carpet cleaning trade associations in the United States that are really active enough to be noticed:
ASCR, ISCT, Mid-South, CFI and CCINW.

Four (had to merge or make changes to survive): ACT and UCCI merged with ISCT to better serve their members. CCINW and New York Rug are working with ASCR.

The IICRC requires [an association to have] so many members to maintain its seat on the IICRC board.
I know of at least three trade associations that had to give away memberships or drop prices to only a few dollars and beg for members in order to meet that member requirement.

I'd bet at least six [associations] are close to being inactive. I won't name names, to protect them.

Why would I pay money for something my distributor gives me since I buy my stuff from him

I personally find that even though I was raised in this business I could still learn something at every single [association] meeting that has benefited my business and my life.

We've asked our members to tell us what to do to keep them from dropping away, but it doesn't seem to matter. They're leaving anyway.
I predict some associations will not die off at all many will just have to be under one management or merge to survive.

Of course, contention loves a shining mark and there are a lot of people who aren't willing to work, or who have a parochial agenda who are quite vocal. I simply tell them to step up to the plate and roll up their sleeves.
The fact is that those who are willing to work, long and selflessly, are the ones who wield influence in this or any other industry.

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
I want to thank you for taking all your time to find out this valuable information Harold.I've often lost sleep over how many org. were out there.And its inspired me to start another assoc. of my own to represent the ROGUE carpet cleaners who make up the majority of independent cleaners out there.

And that new assoc. will be called, KoKo's the Klown's Karpet Kleaning
Ass. (KKKKA)

And to keep membership dues in line with the LMCCA I will be asking for
$250 a year to be a member.

And upon sign up you will recieve a gazoo and a pair of klown shoes to wear at our meetings at chucky cheese pizza.

Meetings will be upbeat and will center on mocking other cleaners and other decadent behavior. :shock:

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
thanks Harv,

You can count on me to what's best for MY industry.

You, Jimmy, the GG's and meAt have my permission to let me know when my ego get's out of hand.

This board will do wonders for the little folks.


Oct 7, 2006
The number of registered users of this community is rising fast and is now 330. Tell your friends and spread the word.

Unfortunately over 180 here have not made one post so far. This place would be worthless if everyone just sat on their arse and only came here to take without ever contributing.

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Stay independent!

I like the idea of a formal association that does its own thinking and doesn't simply parrot the positions of its sponsors. Kind of like consumer reports of carpet cleaning. We can invite any supplier we want and trash them or prase them as much as they deserve.
Ok, there I posted! Great job everyone!


Oct 11, 2006
I think it a good move for Mike to take a poll if he wants to charge
a nominal fee. Say $100.00 for the year.

He is doing a great job.

This is his destiny and purpose.

His time is valuable

It costs him time to administer this board as well as set up
guest speakers like the other night.

He is a gifted man as we have come to see more and more.

Thanks Mike for your heart to establish a first class board.

Some folks do not understand destiny. some do..........

I think you found yours beyond your own business.

You are becoming an up and coming leader. It is wonderful to
see you come into your own.

I just give you a hardy

God bless you Mike


Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
Some of the brightest and most hard-working people in our industry have sought out this board. At this time it's perhaps the closest to an IDEAL forum that we have ever had.

If a good number of us pooled a modest amount of time and effort we would quickly have the largest and most effective association in our industry.

I'm willing to put up $10 per month for starters to get it going.


Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Great suggestion Lee but think about this; perhaps one of the things that will make it more successful is that it has less structure. As evidence to this look you how successful and useful it is now.

I am wondering if the highest value we have for this entity that just happens to be a forum is our autonomy. Mikey might own the board but what most people here I think pick up on is that it is our board and not the manufacturers or the associations.

No gavels, no Roberts Rules of Order, no elections, no out shouting each other and we seem to be getting by just fine. If someone is flinging crap it lasts on a few postings before the consensus levels the playing field.

Mikey, did you predict this forum to as successful as it is now?
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
426 participants already! It's interesting to see so many so quickly.

The interest is definately here. This brings back memories of the spirit of the first Summerfest and how quickly Jackson Lloyd's kind invitation spawned a grassroots revolution.

When carpet cleaning slows down a bit I will jump in with both feet on the library project.



Oct 26, 2006
This is by far the most usefull forum I have ever been privey to. Have been telling all other CC's I meet, keep it up!
It just proves it's us "little" guys that bust our ass on a daily basis that make this a great industry to be in, and I personally am greatfull for the opportunity to bust my ass!
Don't resent the big company's just because they "made it" just learn from them, if you loath them, make a better mouse trap, if you like them try to improve on them. Just keep learning, keep trying.
Becuase of my business I enjoy a life that's 10x better than I ever would have expected as a child.
Did I want to be a carpet cleaner as kid, hell, I did'nt eaven know there was such an animal. But thanks to folks like Lee & Jim Pemberton, and posters on this booard, I can honestly say I feel lucky to be a carpet cleaner!



Oct 7, 2006
The number of users has dropped in the last couple of days due to some 60+ pruning of the "no info" Profiles.

So if you're reading this please go fix up your Profile, thanx


Here Here

I've been a recent lurker, but will try to contribute what I can (as a newbie). My pc was down for a while, but recently purchased a new one....so, I'mmmmm baaaack! 8)


Oct 7, 2006
Update of the figures on how this community is growing.

Have we started something here?
What do you think ?
Will this place grow to a community of 500, 1,000 2,500 members? It's up to us, if we build it, they will come. Don't be a Lurker that contributes nothing.
Post your ideas of what you'd like to see happen here and lets make this place really rock.

This Board is now running at over 250 Posts per day slightly more than ICS which has definitely slowed down.

In the 20th Century the Trade Associations were the only place to get educated and they collectively developed the classes and criteria for the best education available at the time thru the IICRC. Then one day, for reasons, quite beyond explanation, their Reps ( supposedly working in the best interests of their Associations and members) gave it away to the suppliers to become the main source of education. They have suffered both financially and in membership ever since. The classes do provide a valuable service to CC'ers starting out. But there is tons of really good info, on a whole raft of subjects that are not taught - management, marketing, hands on in many cases and comparisons of equip and chems etc. This is the kind of info that lately has become available to us all thru the boards, albeit boards that are run or controlled by suppliers with their own agendas.

Below is some interesting info that I saved from somewhere in the last couple of years that may help to put this community that Mike has started, into a perspective that perhaps you hadn't thought of before.
What we have here is a medium - the first one that is NOT designed to serve any manufacturers/suppliers, where we can all contribute to make it into what we want it to be - something for us and by us.


The IICRC, is currently owned by 16 non-profit trade associations.
Trade associations must have at least 50 active members to be stockholders in the IICRC.

Trade Association claimed membership numbers - based on 2005 Cleanfax article.

• Mickeys BB Community after only 2 months has grown to 560 members.

• NCCA – National Carpet Cleaners Association UK – 412 members
• CFI – Carpet & Fabricare Institute – 340 members
• ISCT–International Society of Cleaning Technicians – 326 members
• FIOCCFD–Floorcovering Institute Ontario, incl Retailers - 204 members
• CCINW - Carpet Cleaners Institute of the Northwest – 164 members
• MSPCA – MidSouth Professional Cleaners Association – 137 members
• NUCCA–National Upholstery & CC Assoc Australia – 103 members
• NEIRC–New England Institute of Restoration & Cleaning - 90 members
• ARCCA - Australian Restoration/CC'ers Assoc – unknown = low
• PCUCA–Professional Carpet & Uph Cleaners Assoc – 85 members
• AWCC - Association of Wisconsin Cleaning Contractors - 70 members
• NYRCI – New York Rug Cleaners Institute – 55 members
• TRSCA – Tri-State Restorers & Specialty Cleaners Ass – 54 members
• PRCA – Professional Cleaning & Restoration Alliance – 35 members
• CRCII – Carpet & Rug Cleaners Institute of Illinois – 27 members

Number of members required to vote at BOD meetings - 50 members ?

Total membership approx 2,200 members
Total US membership approx 1,400 members

Associations that don't own stock in IICRC:
ASCR - 1,400 members - pulled out of IICRC a few yrs ago
LMCCA - 130 members

What some anonymous industry leaders and carpet cleaners are saying about trade associations:

“Associations have a habit of taking great volunteers and killing them with work, instead of making operations a group effort.â€Â


Supportive Member
Dec 9, 2006
San Lorenzo Ca
I think there all full of shite me-self. time was i had respect for iicrc etc. but i hear so much of the" oh U must if you want to be a pro cleaner etc,etc."
Don't get me wrong eduction is good, its the rest of the bullshit is wrong
make it tangible and something that works hard for the cleaner, that reaches out to the cleaner. Make it see how hard it can be for a new guy who don't know the pitfalls of our trade and needs the biz advice not the sales guys advice that talks him in to a huge monthly payment after he just sold him a new tm the poor dummy cant afford and ain't got the biz for....that's why I'm liken this and other boards where a new guy can come and get help and advice
Guess like any biz org it ain't gonna please all of us fully anytime soon


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Mikey P said:
You....have my permission to let me know when my ego get's out of hand.

and then...

Dolly said:
I think it a good move for Mike...
He is doing a great job...
This is his destiny and purpose...
He is a gifted man as we have come to see more and more...
Some folks do not understand destiny. some do..........
I think you found yours beyond your own business...
You are becoming an up and coming leader...
I just give you a hardy God bless you Mike...

you're not helping Dolly :?
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