Website, what are they have to include?


May 27, 2011
Lots of flash and magnified animated dust mites that follow your cursor.

Say "for all your ________ _________ needs" and have a picture of the technicians standing in a row with their hands in "fig leaf" position covering their privates.

Don't forget to change fonts alot, especially with the curvy fancy stuff, women dig that.

make it hard to find your phone number, too, that way they gotta read ALL yer content to find out how to call, it builds intrigue!

Show pictures of your trucks, lots of them, that way the lurking competition knows yous a contenda'!

Make the logo as big as possible on every page, it drives people to want to call you and satisfies your own ego.

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
Website, what are they have to include?
Engrish, for starters. If you have your site built in the Phillippines proof reading is important.

Disaster restoration I'd make the contact number prominent with a few bullet points and some good photography. Then links to more information. Emergency contact and SEO are important, everything else less so.

Cleaning I'd use a nice set of photos to convey sense of competence, then links to more. A feeling of trustworthiness and SEO are most important, everyhting else less so.

Although some customers like to read up on everything you put on your site, the "more" isn't as important for customers as it is for SEO building in a natural way that won't be affected by Google's latest algorithm change.

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
A blog is a great idea for your homepage, you can upload photos,videos and articles.


Aug 22, 2008
Lawrence, KS
Mike Hughes
Try to use keywords that your customers might search for often in the text. Stop using industry insider terminology in your advertising like “value added carpet cleaning”. Your customers have no clue what that is.


May 28, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
3 primary components to a successful website

1. Conversion rate, maximizing the number of people who visit your site into actual leads. It would take a book to write about this subject alone but in a nutshell, it should be easy to read, be full of "call to action's", and tell a customer why to choose you.

2. On-site optimization. Each page of your website should focus on one or two keywords max. Don't stuff your home page full of 10-15 keywords, it will dilute it. Figure out what your best keyword is for your area and focus your home page on that. Sub pages can then be used to focus on other keywords related to each service your provide. Your browser title is very important, this is the heading that shows up in Google search results. These are tough to write because not only do you want it to catch the customers eye but you also want it to contain your keywords, and preferably stated twice in a short phrase

Each page that your are focusing on a specific keyword should contain that word (or variations of it) at least 3-4% of the total words on the page. You should have H1,H2, and H3 titles in your page. Also your meta description for each page should be well written...this is what shows up below the browser title in your google search results.

Try to make the first few words and last few words that the google bots see on each page contain your keywords

Don't overload your site with pictures and DON't make the pictures to big and slow down how fast the page will load...Google doesn't like slow loading sites. Also make sure every photo has an Alt description for it...this is the little text box you see when you hold the mouse over a picture.

There is definetely and art to writing a easy to read site for a customer AND making it optimize well for Google....

3. Off page optimization - This is the most important component to driving your site to the top of Google results. Facebook, twitter, RSS feeds, Blogs, articles, citations, youtube videos are all important tools to create backlinks back into your site. Your looking for do follow links into your site. Don't get involved in link trading.

Lots more about all of this but I hope this helps a little....


Several things you should consider.
1. people read a page in a "F" pattern. The top of the page should have what your do your loacation and contact number
The left hand side of the page should have a contact form.
The bottom of the "F" should have your services.
2. The #1 reason you have a site is to convert people to a phone call. It is ok to have site full of content but every page should allow your customers to contact you easily.
3. Your site must be built in Word Press. Only large companies can afford to build in other platforms and still rank well.

I just designed a site and had Joe from carpetcleaningwebsites build it for me. He was very affordable and easy to work with.

We had fallen off the first page. I hired a summer intern and had him work through Joes 5 Day search program. In 3 weeks time we moved back on to the first page and have been ranking for position 1-3. We are averaging 3-5 contacts each day from our website alone.

Call Joe today!


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Who is it addressed to?(everybody, women, men?)

What image are you trying to convey?
(Large company corporate like image, personal service?)

Make it simple, easy to read and navigate.

Make it logical in its structure and progression.

What influences your potential client's decisions (what makes them want to work with you?)- Provide them with that.

Make it easy for your client to find the answers they want and that you want to provide them with. (Price? How are you difefrent, etc.)

Do you want to use your site to pre-screen clients? (For example I try to screen out price shoppers, that's just me. Many others want everybody to call, believing that once they talk with the client, they will close the sale.)

Are you dominant in your market (no need to waste time on recognition) or do you need to create a name and recognition?

And so much more.

P.S. If you have some clients that you know, trust and have more of a personal relationship with, let them read your site and give you feedback. They are the ones that will actually use it. They know much better than us what's important for them.


Jun 10, 2012
Denver, CO
If you would like, i can take a look at the design and layout and offer some suggestions on how to improve on the site.

A couple of questions.

1. What CMS are you using to maintain the site? Wordpress? Drupal? Joomla?
2. Who is building it?
3. How much are you paying for it? Did you sign a monthly service contract?

drop me a line at

you can check out my work from the link in the sidebar.

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