
Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
-What led you to get into this business?

-Describe your best cheerleader and what it took to make him or her so.

-Where was your business one year ago and where will it be a year from now?

-Who do you emulate in this industry and why?

-Start over from scratch, how would you go about it.

-Is Helen deaf?

John Watson

Oct 7, 2006
You flippen piss me off, you ask all the other guys the hard questions and when you comes around to me, there all the easy ones I know the answers too..

-What led you to get into this business? I needed a job, Quit Commercial Fishing, Boat tried to sink on me twice in the past year. Didn't know if any more prayers would be answered, Just moved to Anch from Kodiak, I knew maybe 10 people in that City. Tried becoming a multi millionare like Rich Devos and Jay Van Andle with their products but it just didn't happen. My upline Pearl intoduced me to my DD whom needed part time help doing WD. Never was part time, Infact I was there on my job interview and a big sewer back up called in. I was asked if I wanted to see how it was done, So I pitched in and started to work. every day start at 8AM get off 6-8 at night or later, all would go to the bar for a drink or two and they would invite me cause I had no money. Payday came and all got a check but me, Same thing happened the next week. Their forskin asked wheres Watson's check??

The 2 partner/ owners said we never hired him, so I guess he has been working for free.

The crew got riled up and the forskin quit, so they gave me his job with a big bonus check to start...So I guess you could say I jumped right into upper management.. That night I showed them the fun of drinking in a butt bar instead of a cowboy hang out.

-Describe your best cheerleader and what it took to make him or her so.

We have had many over the years sometimes cleaning for 3 generations the same day.

The best I would have to say were the carpet retailers, some I really pissed off some with my know it all attitude but they still refer us from time to time with us being company #3 of the 3 names given. I have bailed many of them out when they had installer defects or other problems with their clientele.

-Where was your business one year ago and where will it be a year from now?

Same place it was the year before that too, Here in our back yard... In 99 we moved to the country, Sedro-Woolley, we had been paying $1250.00 a month lease payments on our shop and mini plant for the past 6 years, We had decided to get out of fire restoration and agreed to downsize. We fired our landlord and do our stuff at our place now, Hope it will still be here next year too. Things are really getting tough out there.

-Who do you emulate in this industry and why?

I hope that after being a proffessional student of this industry for over 20 years where cleaning supported my habit that I emulate some of all whom I have had the pleasure to learn from.

A couple of my favorites are Dr Edgar P. York, who actualy kicked me out of his class in Fresno, Then Begged me to return, I had him by the short hairs. (Another Story) and Jim Henry from Danuba CA He had the privilidge to teach me and my complete family in the same class Yep, Helen, Jay Christy and Jolene plus 2 employees. Damn I miss him. He came from the early Dura Clean era, Buckets and sponges, on their knees, and we think we have it bad. oh the stories he told.. Keith Williams, wow what a flippen genius and one that could help one out of almost any carpet problem. He was also called a carpet patholigist..

-Start over from scratch, how would you go about it. Edjumacations the way to go, sure there is alot on the internet today, but, it shore nuff don't beat the likes of the Chopped liver(ST) the Jim Pemberton, the new and upcoming instructors in the field today.

Starting small, yes even with the portable, TM as soon as possible, Pay as you go, stay out of det as much as possible, expand when you can pay for it and learn how to sock it away something I didn't learn to do...

-Is Helen deaf? She wants to know why you are asking that??? I know she just ignores me...
But, she just gave me a couple of pieces of hot corn bread slathered with butter fresh from the oven... My Helen Loves me!!!

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal

-Are you disappointed that you have not yet achieved "Guru" status?

-What was the mini class subject that you taught at YaserFest? I still have some white powder in a bag that you handed out and have no clue s to what it is.

-What is your roll on Dusty's Rug Board?

-How many calories a day do you consume and in what form is your favorite way to pack them in?

-Do you have Helen sew your IICRC patches on your right sleeve or the left?

-Please disscribe how you and Helen would go about cleaning a LDH, 3 br, steps and sofa, love seat and 3 synthetic area rug job from start to finish for a first time customer.

-How many times have you watched Uncle Buck?

-and for one last time, tell us the story about that Hat.

Jay D

Oct 9, 2006
DFW, Texas
Jay D
Jim Henry was my instructor too. Good man but that damn cancer got him, He thought the dry cleaning of drapes was part of the reason. Dinuba Ca it was.

John Watson

Oct 7, 2006

-Are you disappointed that you have not yet achieved "Guru" status?

Never was my ambition, I know and I am friends with most of the real ones and laugh at the wannabees and dipshits that think and profess that they are.

I don't need the lime light or anybodys approval, I call a buttwad a buttwad and a Dildo head a dildo head. Never had any problem backing my shit up either.. I have always enjoyed being the best asshole I can be. Also many times without trying I have been number 1 on the number 2 list!!! I just don't mind sharing what little bit I do know.. Hot Damn, I seem to get a few friends along the way. I just beat my drum to my own tunes..

-What was the mini class subject that you taught at YaserFest? I still have some white powder in a bag that you handed out and have no clue s to what it is.

Me and a true guru, My bud of over 27 years Gary Haycock, taught a few subjects,

I showed you and the the others how to clean Drapes on location with the Dry Dry Drapery cleaning process developed by Bob Nimbs and taught to me by Ed York. Any who want a copy of a step by step process email me at johnclaude@valleyint.com Put Dry Dry in subject line.

I also showed how to remove color bleeding (Reds and Blues from the lighter colors) from an oriental rug using CR-3 and a wall paper steamer hose. The CR-3 is from Don at Americolor. Master Blend now has a similar product called Magic, I have some but never tried it persay.

-What is your roll on Dusty's Rug Board?

Very similar to this board, Sharing, offering helping sugggestions, raising hell, I can change your text like you have changed mine here before, I also just happen to have a mini plant set up for years doing rugs when Dusty and Andre started selling their RugBadger to the small plant market, My Miss Hildy was a 50 year old Hild portable Duster that the Badger ressembles. Dusty visted my place on the advice of Bryan Ohaleck and saw my grate system for the first time, Mine is about 10 X 13 one piece, The twin pieces you have would work better in a small plant. There are photo's of my mini plant set up at the site. http://www.therughub.com/documents/4.html My wash floor, drying racks, dusting areas, storage is in 2 bays (a 24 x 28 area) of my garage, and I only use half of that space for processing rugs. I hope I have helped them share their product and continue to do so. They also are good friends.

-How many calories a day do you consume and in what form is your favorite way to pack them in?
Sure wish I could say I have a heritidy problem, But, I like to eat and I like the wrong foods. Just watch your plate, I even like most of that there Vegan slop. On 9-11-2000 I started a diet and 9 mo later was down 80lbs,Damn, My GoldWing got 6-8 more MPG then. kept it off 3 years till I went back on the truck when Jay got hurt and DR's wouldn't let him work for 10 months and My Helen came down with her RA and I had to take her on the truck to baby sit her. I gained the 80 plus back in the next 3 yrs.. You know if I loose it again You can't calls me fat no more, but you will still be just as butt ugly as you are today only thing that could might fix it is another round with that ugly stick..

-Do you have Helen sew your IICRC patches on your right sleeve or the left?

I have a letter from the IICRC dated 1989 where myself and 2 others had recieved all of the certifications that they offered and were the first 3 to do so, I didn't go in this with just one arm so Both my Jacket sleaves were full. In Post Falls ID about 15 years ago our kids Jay Christy and Jolene and I did a small skit at the CCINW convention about certifcations. The prospective Client asked me if I was certified and I said yes Mam, I are, and I was wearing my every day attire, a Sport coat, Tie and slacks. I opened up my jacket and from the inside pocket I started to pull out my banner from my inside jacket pocket, I was over 6 feet long and it just kept comming and comming. The audience was in stiches. And Yes I was proud of every one of them. I had the Dupont, the StainMaster, the badges that said I could turn the non stainmaster into stainmaster or visa versa. I had Host, Von Schrader, SCT, AIDS ASCR CCINW IICUC IICRC PUCCA, the CCI.

If they had a patch I tried to have it.

-Please disscribe how you and Helen would go about cleaning a LDH, 3 br, steps and sofa, love seat and 3 synthetic area rug job from start to finish for a first time customer.
First,we introduce ourselfs, Tell them about our company and our processes. I measure and quote price, Point out any CMA problems with what we are cleaning that I spoted through my Inspection.Once authorized, (Helen had already brought the Vac Wand and slidder bag in the house while I was meas. We set the tone we got the job..) I would start to vaccum, While Helen placed sliders under the uph that we had left to clean and the pieces we also had to move if any. We Clean Uph first before carpets so Helen would have brought to the door and possibly in the foyer our pressure line which she had already streched to the furthest point from the truck for when we started to clean the carpets.(Normaly 2 50' shots sometimes 3) She also would have our 2 in Vac hose out, I have a 25 ft of Jeff and Lisa's flexable stuff wit a swivele cuff on the end. Another 25 and a 50' which hooks to our Super Pool Filter which takes it to 2 1/2 in for 10 feet.

I would go mix cleaning solutions while Helen Vacced the sofa and love seat. I would pre spray all the sofa, Helen would have our DriTool hooked up, I clean the body first Helen might be off vacing the other areas,and while on the cushions. Helen is now dry toweling and applying 4 guard uph protector. I pre spray the loveseat and repeat the process, We are not as fast as Haycock but we normaly clean and protect a 2 piece set in 45 min to an hour depending on how many cushions.

If we had an area to lay the rugs after cleaning that wouldn't affect the flooring or be on the carpet we are also cleaning we would have had those vaced and already layed out ready for pre spray. We would clean and protect and place in a different area to dry. If there was no drying area I would have the rolled or tri folded ready to be taken to our plant for cleaning.

I then would prespray all carpeted areas we were going to clean except for the stairs.Helen has strung out the vac and pressure lines to the farthest point. . Depending on what we agreed to move in the bedrooms I do the carpets opening windows wide open as I go, We normal just reach wat we can get with our GreenHorne wand under beds and dressers, We have no problem moving every thing if they want, I explain, we ain't Bekins so we charge a bit more than they do..We do what they and us agreed on.By the time the 3 bedrooms are done and all hoses down stairs again Helen has raked closed the windows and turned off the lights unless we are applying protector. then she waits for me to apply it first then rakes etc. .
I apply prespray to the stairs, clean the lower level, while Helen is placing back the furniture where it goes and removes the sliders unless we are appling protector which I do before she removes the sliders and then rakes. Helen the procedes to clean the stairs while I Tidy up make sure water tank is full as we want take a breather cause I be sweatin and catching my breath. Helen has given the client booties for her and her family, we explain the drying procedures times it will take any difficult areas found during cleaning Collect the check.. Let her know when her rugs will be back if we take them or when she can put them back down if on the carpets we just cleaned. ask for referals..

-How many times have you watched Uncle Buck? Couple of times, Saw a bit of John Candy in Home Alone today at my daughters..

-and for one last time, tell us the story about that Hat. This won't be the last time, I gauarantee

My step dad whom is now deceased was an Alaskan Native, He fished Salmon in Bristol Bay,
On a season that wasn't real good to begin with His boat caught fire while he was drinking, so he missed most of the season. He stayed drunk, On his way home to Kodiak he went on a 2 week binge in Ancorage to, When he got home he had a case of wiskey, a box of 1886's and the stetson he bought in Anch. Mom kicked his ass out (Her and my little brothers fished our set nets on Kodiak) told him he spent his money, she would see him next fall with his check in hand or forget about it. She kept the wiskey, cigars and the hat. They ended up getting back together a couple of months later. Mom gave me the Hat about 3 years after he died in a car wreck in Anch. Mom drank the wiskey and my little brothers stole 1/2 the cigars but didn't get caught till the ol man came back home.. Thats part of the reason I quit drinking. Us Alaskan Natives don't mix with alkyhol. I used to get pretty beligerant and mean I was told...

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