To john with trinity: what happened here? have you seen this video?

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Feb 21, 2008
Poway, Ca
John LaBarbera
Not taking a side here since it is none of my business, but something that I don't understand is this. Is the handle twisted? Is it welded wrong? Or, is it bent? Obvious question then is, who is responsible? UPS? We know they are never at fault. Seems like the "Golden Rule" could apply. It's just a hunk of metal. (so forgetting who is "right" and who is "wrong") What does it take to "fix" a metal handle? Can it just be exchanged for a straight one? How much can that cost?

And, frankly, I can agree that discussing it on the board will not resolve anything. I just read that most people are "not open to any agreement". Seems like this is a relatively easy thing to resolve if the willingness was there.


Feb 26, 2012
London Ontario,Canada
Mardie VanBree
Why do you think he would be insane to participate in this thread???
He's been an Internet ambassador for VLM cleaning for a decade, which puts a target on his back with every post. He's well versed in having to defend himself..........and he usually does.
He's no stranger to taking a beating, and I must say, usually stands his ground well considering the odds he's usually facing.
If he uses this forum to promote his business then he should defend himself here.
Why he has chosen to hide under the bed on this one is beyond me.

It's his absence that is opening the doors to such a clusterfook.

The reason i think he would be insane to participate is because their are legal issues wich came into play long before this thread aired.
This is not about a method pissing match.
If John did participate this would thread would be the biggest clusterfook of all time.


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
So i did some watching, and have only "tried" the Hos machine.....

but if they are indeed the same price (for the spray systems....and i think thats what i have found....unless you can buy from Ricky G...seee.....http://www.*************** Hope i didnt break a rule there...

anyway....the trinity makes a racket....while i remember the Hos being quiet and smooth as silk....

onnnnnn a side note....

thats what he gets for bringing God into the mix....Trinity......Really :dejection::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes:


May 27, 2011
A complaint like in the video, if they were having a problem with your product, what's your policy on such a complaint?


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
ohhh and i decided to look around his site....:eekk::eekk::eekk::eekk::eekk::eekk:

a $10k package????

and $600 for a brush?????

are you kidding can get them blank brushes for around $150...give or take

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
Do you see why *** is so "popular" now?

5,000 views on a floor buffer....

that may or may not work.
Feb 21, 2008
Poway, Ca
John LaBarbera
Just out of curiosity, Monsieur LaBarbera, what is your policy if one of your customers had such a complaint?

I want to be careful here because I don't know all the facts. So I can't comment on the issues regarding the above matter. However, I think I would accept responsibility, fix it and be done with it. Heaven knows I made my share of mistakes. Fixing one more isn't gong to kill me. Usually, but not always, it's my fault and I feel I have and obligation to satisfy the customer. That's not easy and sometimes not fair, but that's life. And Mikey would never let me hear the end of it. You can win the battle and lose the war.
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Feb 9, 2009
Bronx, New York
Frank Mendo
The reason i think he would be insane to participate is because their are legal issues wich came into play long before this thread aired.
This is not about a method pissing match.
If John did participate this would thread would be the biggest clusterfook of all time.

I say be a man and defend yourself in public.
If your stating the truth, then there will be no bearing regarding legal issues.

This is the battle he should be concerned with, not any court proceedings. This right here...right now... will have more impact on his business than any ruling could. How he looks in the eyes of future potential customers now may ultimately cost him tens of thousands of dollars in sales.

A court ruling in your favor, yet a loss right here, right now, equals a LOSS.
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Feb 26, 2012
London Ontario,Canada
Mardie VanBree
Hey, shut your trap, Mardie, we don't need no cherries on this sundae.

Yeah, there were better ways to handle it, alright, but whatshisface made his stand, didn't he?
Half of what I've said is just BSing and bad humor with a hint of "you should have known better". Did you think I was bothered by getting banned on the Blue Board, seriously, I was trying to get banned for months, then played the game of getting back on, stupie. Didn't you get that? I finally stopped getting back on when vawter quit, by then the thrill was gone.

Credibility concerning this subject, lol. Perhaps my not being a cc'er and commenting on this matter is what bothers you, I dunno and I don't care, Gladys.

Dont know details of you getting banned and i realy dont care.When i seen in the early threads here that john banned you, your attacking comments all of a sudden made sence to me that you and john had a history and this was your chance to stick it to him. You know that without bothsides of the story you realy cant make judgment calls on this subject as you have been doing.
It is the bad blood between you and john that efects your credibility on this subject.
I do not care if you are a cc or not. I have assumed that you do have a history as a cc.


Feb 26, 2012
London Ontario,Canada
Mardie VanBree
I say be a man and defend yourself in public.
If your stating the truth, then there will be no bearing regarding legal issues.

This is the battle he should be concerned with, not any court proceedings. This right here...right now... will have more impact on his business than any ruling could. How he looks in the eyes of future potential customers now may ultimately cost him tens of thousands of dollars in sales.

A court ruling in your favor, yet a loss right here, right now, equals a LOSS.

Good point. Only time will tell who should of handled it differently and how.


May 27, 2011
Dont know details of you getting banned and i realy dont care.When i seen in the early threads here that john banned you, your attacking comments all of a sudden made sence to me that you and john had a history and this was your chance to stick it to him. You know that without bothsides of the story you realy cant make judgment calls on this subject as you have been doing.
It is the bad blood between you and john that efects your credibility on this subject.
I do not care if you are a cc or not. I have assumed that you do have a history as a cc.

I am not looking for credibility on this subject. I can make any judgement calls I want, this is the internet, dummy.

Don't you know what trolling is??


May 27, 2011
They edited my first post. I think that was the last time I posted there. I sure wish they'd stop emailing me.
Aug 22, 2012
Nampa, ID
CORRECTION ......John did acknowledge at a later date after my video was made and posted that he was wrong by saying that I cut the cord off his machine in his unboxing video. I Just found that detail tonight as I was going over the case.

I'm Todd, the wacky guy in the video lol. I do admit I was getting pretty wacky with this situation at the time I made the video's. Anyhow here is what happened:

I bought a trinity from John and when I received it at UPS freight it looked like it was in perfect condition. The shrink wrap was intact and it was packed up nice and tight on a pallet. I had a UPS employee help me unpack the machine and load it into my truck.

I got the machine back home and brought it into my living room to take a look and get it fired up I noticed that the handle appeared to have a defect in it. At this point I took the machine out to a empty house job I had to do that evening and put the machine into action. It was a miserable experience. I could not get the machine to get the carpet clean. The wheels fell off repeatedly, the sprayer would not draw chemical. It would not hold onto the pads. My hands were going numb from the vibration. The on/off switch rattled off. Finally I fired up my Blazer GT and finished the job.

The next morning I emailed John pictures of the machine and told him there appears to be a defect in the entire handle assembly. I didn't get an email back from john so I called him on monday morning. John wasn't in at the time and I left him a message. I didn't here back from John for a few days. At that time I was getting pissed.

finally john called back and said that if there is a problem then he wants to see it on video. John said on the phone that if the machine was crooked then he wanted to see it because if he is sending out crooked machines then that means that he is running a crooked business. That what he said. John would not take responsibility for the defect. He blamed it on UPS saying that it was straight when it went out and he had pictures to prove it. The pictures John sent me to "prove it" were not even my machine as you can see in my video's. John gave me every excuse in the book and he would not accept the fact that his machine was twisted.

Finally I emailed John late one night asking him to please take the machine back. I just could not live with that twisted handle. I told him he would have to refurb the machine and sell it at a discount. John finally agreed for me to ship the machine back for a refund. I took the machine apart and cleaned it up real nice, packed it tight and sent it to Kentucky not anticipating any problems. I spent over $160 of my money shipping it back.This is where the fiasco begins. little did I know what John had planned.

John accepted and signed for the machine releasing UPS of all liability. John had the machine in his possession for over 24 hours. John then made an unboxing video after it was already his property at that point. For all i know is that he rolled the box around in his driveway for 20 minutes before he opened it. John opened the box on video and says that i cut the cord of his machine and the handle had a scratch on it. the bell housing had a little kink in it and John said he could not accept the machine in that condition. . John also bent the left handle bar down and created another diversion saying that the machine is not twisted it is BENT "just like he told me" . The handle bar was bent on the wrong side and he still insisted that that was the problem. I don't know how the handle bar got bent but I have pics showing it being straight when it went back to John, He was tampering with the evidence IMO

John sent me some pictures of the new damage that he claims happened from my lousy packing. When I call John and asked what was going on he told me that the machine was already back on the UPS truck headed back to Idaho before I had a chance to do anything. John told UPS that he refused the packed and lied to UPS saying that the package had not been opened. He sent it back to me ''return to sender' so he didn't have to pay shipping. John committed fraud with UPS by saying that he didn't expect this package and that he refused it, not knowing that john had opened the package UPS sent it back to me with out john having to pay shipping.
John knew if I had the machine then he would have the money.

I did try to get my money back from my bank and it was a long dispute but Visa sided with john as he said it was not in the condition it was in when he originally shipped it to me and that it was used. John knew it was used and he still agreed to take the machine back though. It was A lot of lies and diversions. John changed the scope of the story. Now it was not about the cooked twisted handle , now it is about me not packing the machine right . I offered for john to come pick the machine up form my house buy he refused to. He was just giving me a big run around and acting like a broke ass. I personally don't think he has enough money to refund me my money back. that is why he is fighting this with all his lies and diversions.

John said that the pictures I sent him didn't show the wheels on the ground that was his first excuse. Then he says that he checked the photo I sent with photoshop and the machine was square, lol these are just two example of his mentality. I am truly amazed how he has dealt with this situation. I have never seen anything like this before. So now I have the machine in the 2 boxes it went out in and I have been seeking counsel from My attorney on how to deal with this Neanderthal.

I will add more later because there is lots more...

Thanks for reading
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Feb 26, 2012
London Ontario,Canada
Mardie VanBree
I am not looking for credibility on this subject. I can make any judgement calls I want, this is the internet, dummy.

Don't you know what trolling is??

So at least we can agree that your statements on this subject are not credible or should i say without substance.
So how is your trolling going so far on this thread ?.:lol:
Aug 22, 2012
Nampa, ID
CORRECTION.........John submitted some information in the final bank rebuttal that I didn't see until tonight when I was looking over the case. It appears John did send an email sales receipt to my old email address. I never received that email because I Don't have access to that address anymore. I lost that email address when I switched service providers. John must have not had me updated in his computer. John then resubmitted the receipt to and my email is
honest to God, I don't have a dog in this fight...but sump'um doesn't add up.
You say you have experience with OP (Conquer and Orbitec)
But you seem surprised that it doesn't clean up to your expectations???

You didn't already know replacing worn pads was just part of the drill...a "ware/use" item ???

You were surprised that an OP machine with a driver that spins on an elliptical orbit vibrates ??
I have a Conquer and we use it occasionally, I've alos demo'd other OP machines ..there is NOTHING "smooth" about OP cleaning...I don't call them "shake 'n shine" machines for nothing

you were surprised that spray 'n wipe cleaning is inferior, but you've bonnet cleaned with 175 rotary but didn't notice the "filthy film in the carpet just asking for you to rinse it "??????

I'm not saying you don't have a legitimate beef with the handle .
I'd of been like Lee and lived with it if the machine ran right .....and it appears it runs pretty smooth* in the vid
(*relative to shake 'N shine machines)
But I'm a white trash hillbilly that's more concerned with function, not form.
But i can dig being bummed by paying an excessive price (relative to other shake 'n shine machines) and it not being straight

BUT.....this last comment suggests something and further supports my supposition

Between that and the machine ripping up pads it is not of any cost savings to the end user over using your TM
You're an inexperienced VLM cleaner that got suckered into the hype that OP was great for any carpet
(it's not, it does a chitty job on soiled cut piles compared to TM ) BTW, that applies to all spray 'n wipe cleaning not just OP
you paid too much for a machine...and came down with a bad case of buyers remorse when you discovered REALITY didn't match the marketing hype

The handle was your out


Larry this Trinity machine rips up pads 10 times faster then any other machine on the market, in fact you can only use microfiber, tuways and fiber pads. Any absorbent pads made with cotton will not last more then 1-2 rooms of cleaning.

John explained this machine and the new process of this high speed orbit as something that we have never seen before, saying that it does something with the encap products not seen before. I can pull up some of his old post on Padderland if he didn't ban me. He also says either encap works or it doesn't, if it works on commercial it works on residential.

I was sold on the fact that this was a stand alone cleaning process unlike the 175. John told me how many guys were selling their TM's after using this new technology. I do admit I fell for all the hype. The fact is that I complained about the handle with in 24 -48 hours of receiving the machine.

One of the reason I wanted a new handle was because I would never be able to sell this machine like this. If I ever wanted to. After I gave John plenty of time to make this right and he refused to step up to the plate, that is when I asked for a full refund. I was not getting any after sales support on my machine and it was like walking a tightrope dealing with a a one man shop . You are at his mercy if you buy a Trinity. If you don't kiss Johns ass then you get no support and you are left out alone. I had to ask John 3 times for him to send me my receipt for this purchase. He refused. I only received a copy of my receipt when he presented it to the bank for evidence of this dispute. The bank did side with John, he told them that he can't accept the machine back because it was used. He knew that it was used and would have to be refurbished and he still told me to send it back for a refund. then he changed his story. It was just crazy the run around I got from dealing with John. I have all the emails to confirm my side of the story.

One other thing is that John sent me an email saying that he is done with this machine and "see you in court". Not knowing that John will have hire aa attorney licensed in the state of Idaho plus to come to Idaho to fight this in court. He is clearly not familiarwith how the commercial sales codes apply to this situation.

I will post some of his emails if this continues.
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May 27, 2011
So at least we can agree that your statements on this subject are not credible or should i say without substance.
So how is your trolling going so far on this thread ?.:lol:

I ain't agreeing to anything, pinko commie scum.


Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
The only two people who are really going to win if this goes to court are Todd and John's legal counsel.
Feb 21, 2008
Poway, Ca
John LaBarbera
The only two people who are really going to win if this goes to court are Todd and John's legal counsel.

Here's an idea. Mikey sets up a Binding Arbitration Room for disputes, kinda of the People's World Court of PCC's and Public opinion. And if they don't comply Mikey Bans them. On second thought maybe that's not such a great idea.
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