SFS challenge/contest

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
The subject of price stalling was recently brought up in the Business $ Marketing room.

How do you all handle the situation when the lady of the house wants to talk to her hubby before committing to your bid.

The SFS twins have what they claim is a proven way to get to the heart of the matter and get Mrs Pift to make the appointment right then and thar.

Read this, copy and print the key words and tape them inside your estimate folder or clip board and give it a try the next time the need arises.

. the main objection is one that your clients seldom will verbalize. This is price. "Too much. Your prices are too high." Most of your customers will be too embarrassed to come out and say this so instead you'll get the old "Don't schedule anything. I need to check with my husband and we'll get back to you." Give me a break! If you agree and walk meekly away from this home, merrily humming as you anticipate the customer calling to book the job, you're lying to yourself. The chances are 99% that you'll never hear from this customer again. And all of your expense getting to this point, as well as the potential future revenue from this client, will be lost. Tragic.

So, how can you respond in a proactive way to the "I'll have to check with my husband and get back with you" objection? Obviously it would be a poor choice of tactics to say, "What's wrong? Can't you afford my prices?" Of course, that IS the exact problem but who wants to admit they can't afford something? With this response, all you've done is embarrass and antagonize a potential customer.

A tactful and productive response to the "I'll check with my husband" objection is to say, "Mrs. Jones, I understand. I'd appreciate my spouse talking with me before making a big decision. But while I'm here, let me ask you, does the way I have this work order written meet your projected budget?"

Do you see the beauty of this approach? Now in a face-saving way you can ferret out their real objection and deal with it. Yet you keep our pricing credibility when you say, "Does the way I have this written meet your projected budget?" 90% of the time the customer will say, "Well, it is a little more than I was counting on." Wonderful! You now have this "veiled objection" out in the open and can deal with it.

At this point when we're selling a service it's very important to maintain the respect of the customer on our pricing. If you say, "Well, if this amount doesn't meet your budget how about if we knock off $50?" The customer immediately thinks if we'll knock off $50, maybe we'll come down $100. And so it goes. But on the other hand, you want to show your flexibility to change your numbers to meet the customer's budget.

For example, you can look at the work order and say, "Let me ask you, Mrs. Jones, do you move the furniture in the family room much? No? Well, if we don't move the big furniture I can deduct 25% off that room price and that will lower your total bill by $22.88." You get the idea? Instead of both of you tip-toeing around the price problem, it's out in the open and now you're dealing with it as a consultant.

A fascinating point about this concept of lowering your price by deleting small, non-essential parts of your service is that often after you've removed several things the customer will say, "Oh, just go ahead and do it the way you originally wrote it up." All the customer needed was some time and an attitude of care and concern from you. (And the "illusion of control".) And even if they just have you do the smaller amount, wouldn't you rather have half a loaf than none? After all, you've already spent the time and money to get the customer this far in the buying process. Don't let them slide away easily now.

OK, that is it, folks. All you need to do the next time you get hit with the old "let me check with my husband" veiled objection just reply, "Mrs. Jones, I understand. I'd appreciate my spouse talking with me before making a big decision. But while I'm here, let me ask you, does the way I have this work order written meet your projected budget?"

The person who comes back with the best real story about how it worked for them will win a $100 gift certificate at the Jon Don of their choice.

But while I'm here, let me ask you, does the way I have this work order written meet your projected budget?"

Contest is over October 5th.
Good luck!

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Re: SFS challange/contest

"the best real story"? I reckon I don't qualify for the prize but this is the "real story" of how I came up with the "does the way I have this work order written meet your projected budget?"

One day I got a call from a very exclusive part of town. When I drove up to the pre-inspection my heart went pitter-patter. 3 car garage with a Mercedes 500SL, a high end Landrover and a Lexus parked in it, a swimming pool and tennis court and a million dollar home. (This was back when a million dollars would buy an impressive home!)

So I met the homeowner and she and I related well to each other as I went through the home. She sent lots of "buying signals" throughout, including nodding and agreeing on my suggested cleaning techniques. I was positive the job was mine!

However, when I presented the price she just thanked me and said those dreaded words, "Let me check with my husband and I will get back to you." My heart sank but like a good, meek little carpet cleaner I humbly thanked her for the opportunity to give her the price and told her i would be waiting by my phone for her call.

However, as I walked to my car I was gripped by an overwhelming rage. Not at her, but at ME! I knew there was no one else in town that could take better care of her home than me. I knew she had the money and most definitley did NOT have to 'check with her husband" to make home maintenance decisions. She was just throwing up a "smoke screen" and I was frustrated with myself for not being able to break through.

So I slammed the door of my car, spun around and stalked back up the walk and knocked on her front door. And I swear this is true- I still did not know what I was going to say to her. I just know I could not leave without getting her real objection out in the open simply because without tactfully breaking through the smoke screen i knew she was going to call a different cleaner.

So when she arrived back at the door I just looked down at her work order and said- "Sorry to bother you again, Mrs. Jones. But you know, while I am here I just wanted to check with you- does the way I have this work order written meet your projected budget?" She smiled and said, "Well, it is a little more than I was expecting." WONDERFUL! Because I was now able to return to my role of an "interested consultant" and we started whittling down the job scope and the price too.

Finally I was able to reduce the job enough while still cleaning her important areas/items and she gave me the OK on the job. Interestingly, when we got to the job she had us do everything that was on the original work order and even ordered extra work done. AND we made a Cheerleader out of her plus did her home for many years afterward.

The "But while I'm here, let me ask you, does the way I have this work order written meet your projected budget?" closing statement does work. Let's hear those stories! (True ones if possible.)


PS If ya wanna go over the entire pre-inspection scrip and get your own copy just show up at my "Getting the Job" seminar next week at Connections- Wednesday, 3:15!

BTW, kudos to Mike for bringing this topic out of the obscurity of the Marketing Room. Try it and then get back here with your story.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Re: SFS challange/contest

Steve and Billy will be acting out that scenario with Mrs Yeadon in full drag at the MB party, so don't be late.

Hopefully, with 5 mojitos under his belt, Stevie will show us how he REALLY got the job.


Supportive Member
Nov 24, 2006
Bill Yeadon
Re: SFS challange/contest

PS If ya wanna go over the entire pre-inspection scrip and get your own copy just show up at my "Getting the Job" seminar next week at Connections- Wednesday, 3:15!

Hopefully my partner in crime, and roomate at connections won't be too disappointed in an empty room. Dave Howard and I will be speaking at the same time just down the hall. It will be easy to find - just look for the large crowd.


Supportive Member
Nov 24, 2006
Bill Yeadon
Mikey P said:
Whats the topic Billy?

Can you sneak me in the back door?

I know it will surprise you but it is marketing. How to Simplify Your marketing.

We will tell Larry you are one of our roadies just back from Neil Youngs tour.

John Watson

Oct 7, 2006
Hey, as a paid attendee (Only $85.00 something for being a member of the CCINW) whats this crap, I gots to decide between Chopped liver and BillY????
whats this agende coming too?? Or better yet, who will buy dinner for me to stay away so I won't heckel ya????

Hey??? I am paying to hear billY and chopped liver is for free??? Hmmm Is there a lapse in green card so no money type of gigs this vist??? Is billY trying to make a move up the ladder???


Oct 7, 2006
I haven't said that exactly as it is written but I've used several related objection management answers.

Commercial: before we start we ask for their budget. Usually works, sometimes they don't have one, which is another good objection mgt opportunity.

Residential: When she says "I have to talk to my husband". My answer: "Is he there? I'll be glad to answer his questions." If she says no, "Can I call you back when he arrives and we'll discuss it together?" If she sort of squirms..."It's ok to say no to me, ma'am. If we're too expensive please just tell me and I'll see if we can get it within your budget". Sometimes I'll jump over the "I'll be glad to talk to your husband" part but oftentimes she'll hesitate and say right then that it's outside of her budget or she perceives it to be too expensive. Then we have another obj. mgt. opportunity. :)

My way is a little more direct than Steve's reply but it works great. I tend to be somewhat of a brutally honest negotiator (I was trained by a lawyer - whatdya expect?) but I think most prospects and customers respect that.


Apr 6, 2007
I can't think of a specific story. I must've read those freebie scripts 20 times when I first got them, and then read them both once a week to keep sharp.

Nothing else I've tried has helped my business more. I oughta drag those puppies out and read 'em again. It really does work.


Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
st augustine fla
dave gill
ok i had one just the other day that i used the technique on..the lady called for a est from one of our community advertisements so i went out to her house the next day. talked to her, got her expectations and concerns did my inspection and measured it up, whole house tile and carpet.
the bill came to 529.00$. she looked at it asked a few questions and when she had no more questions i asked to booked the job, she said she had to talk it over with her hubby that he would flip out over that number. i smiled and agreed with her, told her in my house we had a mutual respect rule that anything over 300.00 we would just let the other one know. (i felt like that put us both on the same page.) as i was hoping she said that they figured the total cost would be in the 400.00 area. (pay dirt!! i was happy to hear that). i asked her if she wanted me to make a few suggestions to get her in range of her and her hubbies price. she said she didnt want to give up anything on my services or quality because i had her hooked on the quality. i said no problem, lets go for a walk.
after dropping 2 small bathrooms of tile and grout, and doing traffic areas in all bedrooms and just moving furn in the family room she was just 36 dollars over budget. she said her and hubby were firm on the 400 bucks..so i asked her if she could call a neighbor, friend or family member and get me into someones house so it was not a cold call i would eat the 36 bucks and we would get her taken care of.bam.... i got 1 on the spot job from her sister (it is small, just a few rooms but still a job) and 1 estimate from her best friend (lives 3 doors down).
job done, happy customer, and she tipped us 20 bucks!!
thanks Steve, Billy, jondon and sfs for the tools because i would not have done it that way before taking the sfs class. i would have left knowing that i dazzled her with my charm and good looks and waited for her to call..all the time she wanted me but couldn't afford me.
Dave Gill
julington creek carpet care

steve frasier

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
portland oregon
steve frasier
I have not had that comment very much, can only rememebr it twice. Back in the day I would assume the reason I didn't get the comment is because I was to low with my cleaning prices. Hope to get it more often now since p[rices have been raised, so the info will do me good

I have already signed for the next Portland SFS

the first on was, Her husband said honey well just go rent a rug doctor and she actually left to go rent it. The price was for a 800 sq ft ranch with no furniture moving for $150 quite a few years ago. She lived on the next street over from me Picked me out of the phone book because I was close to her. I was a little stunned for $150

The other was Stephanie Lindstrom. 6 rooms, couch and the motor home for $550. She said she needed to check with her husband, she called him right then. She cleaned her ceramic kitchen counter top with a brush and acid product while watching me like a hawk while I cleaned the couch. I offered to clean the counter top for her but she resisted. She remains one of our best customers for refferals
Sep 3, 2007
Victoria, BC
Bill Soukoreff
Today I had a great experience using the tactful and productive response to the "I'll check with my husband".

I usually give a ball park price over the phone and measure out the job when I get there. Usually I am within $50 and will often split the difference. Today the difference was more than usual. I quoted $490, but it came in at $720. I really did not want to go down any, as this was a pure white heavy plush carpet. I got some resistance, and she said it was allot more then she had planned for and so she wanted to think about it.

I asked her the magic question and she said the last time she paid $600 for the cleaning with another company, but she was not happy and really wanted to try my services.

I noticed she had nice wool area rug 5x8 on the main floor that looked like it could be freshened up. So I asked her if she had planned to clean the rug, and she said yes, but she sends it out as it cannot be cleaned on hard wood. I told her I could surface clean it with no problem on the hardwood and asked her where she normally sends it out. I know the prices of the company and she would spend at least $130 on sending it out. So I told her I could clean it at no extra charge since I am already here and she could put the money saved toward the carpet cleaning. She was thrilled and said to go ahead.
While I was there, she phoned her daughter and booked her place as well for me to do! She also pre-booked a year ahead.

She was a happy customer and made more than I planned that day and have a life time client.


Apr 20, 2007
You can also PRE-QUALIFY before that interaction with a quick and easy line at the time that you set the Inspection appointment on the phone....

"Yes Ms. Piffelton, our inspector will be arriving at 10AM. We normally reccomend that all interested parties, if possible, are there when we conduct the carpet inspection that way we can promptly answer any and all questions any of you may have at that time."

The lady of the house usually says: "Oh I'm in charge of the house." OR "I have control over this" OR "My husband could care less about the carpet" (or something along those lines). After they have said this they normally feel bad trying to offer you the "I have to check with my other half" excuse.


Apr 6, 2007
I met a hard selling real estate sales manager at a coffee shop. He really liked me, and decided he would take me under his wing and teach me how to sell, even gave me his cell phone number to do practice calls, so I could pretend HE was a customer calling ME and try to sell it over the phone. His tactics were very forceful. If I ever asked him a question that could be answered as no, he would say F*CK NO! and hang up on me. He gave me the suggestion of qualifying that the person talking with me was the decision maker. Granted his tactics used in a gentler manner jive well with our industry, and some of them were taught to me by Steve Toburen as well. (Asking either or questions instead of yes or no questions) I thought some of his stuff was sneaky and transparent. After I stopped listening to real estate guy he kinda got pissed and doesn't talk to me anymore.

Larry Cobb

Oct 7, 2006
Dallas, Texas USA
Larry Cobb
I liked Dave's idea on the mutual respect rule...

The referral for a slight reduction was another good idea.

Marketing is...

a continuing process of daily improvements.

Larry Cobb
Sep 3, 2007
Victoria, BC
Bill Soukoreff
I don't know man, it sounds kind of scary and intimidating. I prefer the "nice guy" and "easy going" approach. We all know know when people like you...

"The inspector" and "all interested parties" is too Joe Polish sounding and gives the idea that "these guys are looking for a way to take advantage of me." I think you would get the response, "but I just want my carpet cleaned."

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I would have to agree with Bill.

I am the king or no-lo pressure sales.

I dont land all the fish but I sleep well.

unless the subject of my live in mother wakes me up.

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
"I prefer the "nice guy" and "easy going" approach." Me too, Bill. That is exactly why I invented this non-adversarial SFS "Magic Question":

"Mrs. Jones, I understand. I'd appreciate my spouse talking with me before making a big decision. But while I'm here, let me ask you, does the way I have this work order written meet your projected budget?"

What you are doing here in a non-threatening, very open and even comforting way is putting on the table something most people are embarrassed to verbalize: "I think your prices are too darn high!" If they don't want to answer the question all they have to say is, "Yes, the work order is fine." But as Dave found out, most home owners will admit that your quote is "more than they expected". Bingo!

Once we've opened the subject up one way or the other I am going to get the job! And many times at the end of the day for more than the original quote.

Steve Toburen
Director of Training
Jon-Don's Strategies for Success

PS I think what Mike is promoting with this contest is just TRY this SFS Magic Question the next time you get hit with the old "Let me think about it" smoke-screen objection. Then post your story here on this thread. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. (Including 100.00 from Jon-Don!) Thanks Mike for trying to help your members.

BTW, for the folks here in Las Vegas look me up at my "Getting the Job" mini-seminar today at 3:15. I'll get any MB member in free even if you aren't registered for the program. Just don't tell Evan since he is sponsoring the seminar!
Sep 3, 2007
Victoria, BC
Bill Soukoreff
Steve, your method works good and is as soft as can be. I had previously lumped you in with all the hype marketers. But the more I learn about SFS and what you are doing, the more I like it. I really believe the next decade will not be kind to those caught in the hype style marketing. Thanks for your free tips!


Apr 20, 2007
Bill Soukoreff said:
"The inspector" and "all interested parties" is too Joe Polish sounding and gives the idea that "these guys are looking for a way to take advantage of me." I think you would get the response, "but I just want my carpet cleaned."

No Polish here try Jeffrey Gitomer...


Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
st augustine fla
dave gill
DRScrivner said:
Bill Soukoreff said:
"The inspector" and "all interested parties" is too Joe Polish sounding and gives the idea that "these guys are looking for a way to take advantage of me." I think you would get the response, "but I just want my carpet cleaned."

No Polish here try Jeffrey Gitomer...

he is awesome..no doubt about it


Nov 14, 2006
Kennesaw Ga.
Thomas Cermak
IMHO if you take all the FREE information Steve Toburen has given away on this board and compiled it into 1 book, it would be better than most "marketing systems" ...without all the selling and BS.


Apr 6, 2007
captaincarpet said:
IMHO if you take all the FREE information Steve Toburen has given away on this board and compiled it into 1 book, it would be better than most "marketing systems" ...without all the selling and BS.



Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
I could make up a story (too) if the prize was big enough.

Actually ... to tell you the truth ... if I find myself having to be pushy ... I'd just as soon not have the job.


Apr 6, 2007
Please ignore smarty's comment.

I had a gal tell me she was going to check with her husband... and... ummm... I got out my cleanfax and showed her a picture of steve toburen and told her he was my friend.... and then... umm... I asked her if she was lying to me and she just wanted me to clean for less money and she asked me to leave. Then I reminded her that I was a professional like that steve guy and maybe if she wanted to admit she was lying to me I would give her some money off the cleaning.

It worked.

where's my hundred bucks?

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