pro caps machine

Tony Neville

Oct 18, 2006
Columbia MO
Tony Neville
We like our I-cap but it is not heavy - duty enough. We have had it for about 18 months and it has gone through, 6-8 belts, 2 brush clips and the bearings on the original brushes froze bought new brushes and had new ends made so we can now replace just the bearings (.49$ea).
In all, it's a nice machine, but it's not made for the way we use it!!


Keep 2 sets of belts on the shelf (left side is different from the right) and some clips to hold the brushes in place.
Oct 8, 2006
I got a call from Pro Chem after they got a call from John Olsen. I thought that I would finaly get help but it never came :(


Oct 7, 2006
St Petersburg, FL
Rick Gelinas
Mikey P said:
Looks like a Whittiker to me.

Mine has been super reliable.

The Brush Pro is made in the same plant as the Whittaker GLS.
These machines are ALL manufactured by Rotowash in Austria.
They are imported into the USA through Brush and Clean.
Interlink sells it as a Brush Pro, we sell it as a Pile Master, I've also seen it under other names.
It is a well built stainless steel machine. They're more expensive, but you do get what you pay for.

I truly regret the problems Chris has had with his iCapsol. A few of our iCapsol customers have had minor problems with these machines. However Chris experienced problems that were extreme. I went to Windsor and pleaded on Chris's behalf. And they simply would not budge, stating that he was out of warranty! Their position was totally unacceptable. No way to treat a customer! I am extremely disappointed with their "big company" "we could care less" attitude! The way they handled the situation with Chris was altogether unsatisfactory.

Windsor used to be a terrific company (one of the best in the industry). But today Windsor/Prochem/Karcher is a HUGE mega-corp, producing mediocre Chinese made equipment (as we've seen with the iCapsol/Procaps). The company has lost its way IMHO. The only thing left in their product line that stands out as a truly high quality item are their vacuum cleaners (manufactured by Sebo in Germany). We now steer folks away from the iCapsol. Windsor does have some cool "ride on" extractors for large areas and they also have excellent vacuum cleaners. Aside from that though, we're no longer fans of Windsor/Prochem/Karcher. Their way of doing business does not match up with our companies standard of customer care!

Bottom line - look elsewhere for a quality cylindrical brush machine.
At this point in time, the Austrian made machines are the only game in town.


John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
WOW Rick. So you have dumped the Windsor line then? Chris you will be taken care of. I will make sure Tim keeps you in the loop.

The machine is still my favorite and we use it 2-3 times a week in our showroom but we are not taking it in and out of a truck all day and using it on nasty dog hair infested carpet.

As far as customer service Karcher is aware of the problems with Windsor's customer service and they are addressing it as well.

I must state clearly that Prochem has nothing to do with the Windsor side of things. They make the Pro Caps machine and some parts for Prochem but thats it. I have Prochem working on Chris's issue's because as we see from Mr. Gelinas comments, Prochem is assumed guilty by association. I can assure you if Chris had bought this machine from a Prochem Distributor instead of Mr. Gelinas it would have been taken care of already but since it is Mr. Gelinas that sold it I had to get Tim Baker invloved and he is working with the top Brass at Prochem to get Windsor to step up.

Anyone have question feel free to call me.


Oct 7, 2006
St Petersburg, FL
Rick Gelinas
I sincerely hope you have better success with them than I had.
Perhaps you can pull some strings. That would be wonderful!

I got nowhere with Windsor. I explained to Jeff Kirby at Windsor that Chris is a very good customer, that he takes care of his equipment, and that the matter will invariably wind up going public if they don't take care of his problem. I stressed to Jeff that they really needed to do the right thing here. Unfortunately they failed to step forward and assist Chris. Instead, my customer got nothing more than a run-around from the folks at Windsor.

Regarding the parent company; Karcher owns Windsor and Prochem. And the iCapsol and the Procaps are the exact same machine. On a side note, when I expressed my concerns about various iCapsol problems to the man in charge of product design at the ISSA show, he acted like he had never heard there were any problems with the iCapsol. Ignoring problems, whether they be design problems, manufacturing problems, or customer support problems - is a sure recipe for dissatisfaction. As I expressed above, the company failed to stand behind a problematic product. And in doing so they've come between my company and a good customer. Needless to say, I am disappointed.

John, I hope you can initiate a better response than was afforded to us. Chris deserves better.



Oct 7, 2006
Wouldn't be the first time a Karcher Co. dropped the ball....still waiting on the status of Bi-metal Ti wands and if they are gonna be recalled properly or not? It's pretty shitty to actively sell a known defective product and not go out of your way to make it right when it is brough to your attention.

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Greenie said:
Wouldn't be the first time a Karcher Co. dropped the ball....still waiting on the status of Bi-metal Ti wands and if they are gonna be recalled properly or not? It's pretty shitty to actively sell a known defective product and not go out of your way to make it right when it is brough to your attention.

Jeff if the distrubtors that sold them did not re-call them then how is that Prochems fault? I told you they replaced them. You need to call out the folks that sold them not Prochem. Prochem was more then willing to replace them but they have distributors for a reason and if their distributors drop the ball and they don't know they dropped the ball because no one says anything how can you fault them?

I'm just gonna call you


Oct 7, 2006
This is where the carpet cleaners get screwed, caught between the Mfg. and the Dist. All the while still not getting the issue corrected. As a Mfg. you can come to me if your dist. is being a dumbass, and I'll look into it and get things settled, I will not send you packing with the age old line "We have Dist. for a reason young man", I will be proactive, I will not pass the buck, in fact I would have already sent out replacement product to all of those paying orders just cause i was embarrased to sell SHIT in the first place. I have hope that one day, this industry will pull it's head out.

Mr. P

What do you guy's think of the nacecare machine/ It's around 1700.00 Has a small sol /rec tank ?
Nick :?:

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
Greenie said:
This is where the carpet cleaners get screwed, caught between the Mfg. and the Dist. All the while still not getting the issue corrected. As a Mfg. you can come to me if your dist. is being a dumbass, and I'll look into it and get things settled, I will not send you packing with the age old line "We have Dist. for a reason young man", I will be proactive, I will not pass the buck, in fact I would have already sent out replacement product to all of those paying orders just cause i was embarrased to sell SHIT in the first place. I have hope that one day, this industry will pull it's head out.

AMEN! Pushing blame will lose me as a custy for LIFE!!


Jan 11, 2007
Tampa Bay/Central Florida
Bryan C
That knocking noise could be a partially torn belt. I just went through that. Going to replace both belts. Only 14 screws to get to the belts!!

We primarily use it for tile and grout scrubbing. It has been ok for us, it doesn't get daily use. Maybe couple times a week. Every once in a while on carpet.

Does anyone use the driver pad for the RX 20? I was thinking of getting one of those for our RX. Does it operate any differently than a standard 175?


Oct 7, 2006
It's lighter and it's spinning at 130 rpms, other than that it's just a small lighter rotary.


May 19, 2007
I have one and it does a good job. I have never had a 175 to compare it to. But it does help to scrub carpet. I have a cimex to compare it to and it's not near that aggresive but side by side you may not notice any difference as far as pre scrub for hwe. The cimex is faster and probably a 175 is faster than a pad driver on an rx-20.

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
TimP said:
I just looked up the brush pro....$ 2887.80 EA. OUCH

The whittaker system is a little bit cheaper and comes with a ton of extras.

Rick G has the sprint at just under 1700 bucks. Pilemaster 20" at 2525. and 15" pilemaster at 2325.

These things are way too expensive. Sprint looks like the best deal especially since it comes with a tank, but it's the smallest at 14".

$500 for a Sebo sounds pretty good, esp since its made well

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