Anthony, I am living proof that you can begin with a decent portable, acquire incrementally better gear and with a great work ethic, coupled with a pathological lack of ambition remain a brokedick portyhack nine years later.
But I love wearing hair shirts and sloughing off the abuse rightfully heaped on me by my betters, so it is all good.
Get the training. Then get an upholstery training class. Find a good chemical pimp. Ask Damon if you could maybe ride along a time or two and yes, get that truckmount.
Be prepared to do a lot of tinkering.
Equipment to go with the truckmount:
Sapphire upholstery tool, none better.
Devastator 12” wand. Thank me later.
Rotovac 360i with brush head and metal suction shoes. Ignore the other attachments.
A decent spotting kit. Every brand sells them.
A big box of hankies for when the world discovers you are trying to better yourself and tries to cannibalize you.
The single best asset you need is time discipline. Work your plan and adapt. Welcome aboard!