Mr Mytee....either of you....


Dec 6, 2007
Where are the results YOU promised? You claimed you would tell us the HONEST test results of CFM and Lift of the M-12 at 50ft/2"hose....100ft/2"hose…100ft/2”hose then down to 1 ½”?
Where are the RESULTS?
Did you lie to all those who asked this question on your own board? You said they would be tested and HONESTLY released, after your little spit shooter...sorry (porty shoot-out).
Well, what started out as a comparison for YOUR customers…….YOU turned into a COMPETITION against your competitors....where are THE HONEST RESULTS I see before your little competition you posted almost daily....WHERE ARE YOU NOW????? WHERE ARE THE RESULTS?

Or are you just going to show us another Blown up piece of plastic and tell us how GREAT YOU THINK IT IS???? Without ANY proof....

To any would be customers of ANY Mytee product…..This is the customer support you can expect… they will feed you all the BS it takes to get your money, then make you wait for a simple responses.
I originally asked my question of lift at different hose lengths in August of this past year. But don’t just take my word on it….look for yourself.

According to what has been posted about “myteefest” or whatever you want to call it this week, the M-12 wasn’t even tested…..go figure, another run around…..from mite….

A former customer who would could been loyal, HAD YOU BEEN HONEST!!!!



Dec 6, 2007
If I had the proper equipment, I would......I also would not have asked the Manufacturer to bother....but thank you for your interest....

Scott Rogers

Oct 7, 2006
the hell with the fancy equipment. hook some hose upto the wand and do some real world testing. you can use all the scientific crap in the world it is meaningless if it doesnt translate into real world performance.

I would take a real users opinion over some stupid scientific test.


Dec 6, 2007
I NEVER asked for it to be scientific, just HONEST.....from the know....those who made it......

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
So you didn't' read Ron Werner's report?

Thats all there was to it.

What else were you hoping for?

And how was John and or the Mytee employees dishonest to you?


Dec 6, 2007
I'll put this REALLY simple for you....I had asked this question on Mytee's forums....8 MONTHS AGO..... where I was told it was going to be posted....and I'm along with others are STILL waitting.
Yes, I did read Rons post....thats part of my gripe, John said they (mytee) would do the test and POST the results.....I'm just askin, WHERE ARE THEY?
I dont give half a monkey's crap about a shoot-out, I want what JOHN said HE would deliver.....the results to the questions I ASKED.
Thats all, nothing that really too much to ask of anyone, to be TRUE to their word?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal

Who knew Mytee had it's own board.

I dont have any answer for you other then the Mytee I saaw at their plant that had a booster on it at 100 feet then another 50' length of 2" was really impressive.


Dec 6, 2007
Odin, is that all you got......sad ....very sad....
I'm Not being demanding, and if you think waiting 8 months for an answer is, maybe you should just stay in your own little sandbox....

Mikey, ty, for your reply, but at this point honestly, I would like to hear from either Nathan or John, as they both claimed my questions would be answered, and STILL wont man up! I think it's pretty PATHETIC for any manfacturer to put custys off like this. JMHO.
I've asked this question respectfully, and I got put on the others on Mytees site.
Just shows where Mytees Customer support is......8 months later, I get told, were busy right now....ROFL
sad nathan....really sad, to the point of being PATHETIC!
If you dont want to answer the question, just say so....
If you cant figure out how to put the meter to the end of a 100' hose.....just ADMIT it or give the results.

I can and will say this much, Mytees lack of customer support should, and I KNOW it does for me, make purchaseing elsewhere MUCH easier.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Scott Rogers said:
the hell with the fancy equipment. hook some hose upto the wand and do some real world testing. you can use all the scientific crap in the world it is meaningless if it doesnt translate into real world performance.

I would take a real users opinion over some stupid scientific test.

Thanks Scott.
I'm glad to see others with some common sense

Damion, not that I give a chit that you asked this question here, but I'm curious why you didn't ask this on the Mytee board if that's where it started ?
(or did you already?)

and what's the beef with your Mytee porty?
You don't like it?
do you have other portys to compare it to?
(or ran other portys in the "real world" ?)

I don't use portys, and i'd rather have my eye poked with a sharp stick than have to run one for a living.
But please share what your experience is, cause I'm considering a porty for a hi-rise account that's a major PITA for a TM set up.
(and my conscience is starting to bother me about spray'n wipe cleaning old peeps incontinence issues)



Dec 6, 2007
Mikey, I came from my parents......
No I dont a recoil....

Jess, Why would any other manufacturer run these test....and why would I ask them to? That makes absolutely NO sense.
I purchased they equipment from Mytee, hence I asked Mytee the questions.
I was told from them....John Laberara (i think thats how it's spelled) and Nathan (npepper) on the boards (here and thiers) and was told BY BOTH OF THEM that these answers WOULD be answered severa months ago. If YOU bothered to read this thread at all and followed the post to mytees site, you would have all this answered already.....but maybe I'm asking too much of you too.

Odin, why would I bother when hearing from those who actually made the know those who ask you to put faith and trust in them about the equipment they sell you (or unfortunately me)....claim THEY will answer the question.....8 months ago, c'mon.....thats pathetic or is that the way you treat your customers?

Scott, I agree with you that real world is the best test.....but if I have no comparasion as to what THE MANUFACTURER says it SHOULD be all the testing in the world dont mean crap fo troubleshooting.....without a baseline.....does it?

Meat, obiviously you can somewhat read....try reading the whole know, where i said "I'll put this REALLY simple for you....I had asked this question on Mytee's forums....8 MONTHS AGO..... where I was told it was going to be posted....and I'm along with others are STILL waitting." is this too difficult for you to understand.....not that I care.....but You did ask.

and what's the beef with your Mytee porty?
You don't like it?
do you have other portys to compare it to?
(or ran other portys in the "real world" ?)

Did I claim to have a beef with the porty???? try re-reading the post....
Yes I have run other porties....whats your point? Or is just a question?

I don't use portys, and i'd rather have my eye poked with a sharp stick than have to run one for a living.
But please share what your experience is, cause I'm considering a porty for a hi-rise account that's a major PITA for a TM set up.
(and my conscience is starting to bother me about spray'n wipe cleaning old peeps incontinence issues)

For this I think if you can figure out how to do a search, youd get your answers there....much then my biased opinion, but thanks for asking....


Dec 6, 2007
BTW to all of you, do you not find it strange that John wont even answer some simple questions after saying he would?

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Mark, calm down.... most all of us recognize the folks at Mytee as honest. I suggest you call John or Paul directly at Mytee. Given that most people are scratching their heads at your rant maybe you could go to either of them and report back to us what they do for you.

I would be amazed if you don't end up with most all of your concerns taken care of.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
well for Pete's sake, Damian, simmer down dude

There's no damn reason in the world for you to be all PISSY and condescending with ME

i asked an honest question.
Did you post it there "AGAIN"...RECENTLY ?
you posted a link, but I have no need to go there, cause you're RIGHT HERE

and lasty, WHY don't you like your porty? (a genuine serious question)
I can read, All I see is you saying they have terrible custy service cause they haven't given the some stupid CFM numbers

Is that IT?
That's what the WHOLE thing is about?

Not things like

"it broke and they won't return my calls"
"It has a manufacture's defect and they won't fix it"
"I'm blowing pumps every 50 hours"
"The wheels fell off"

THOSE are the kind of things "I" associate with bad custy service

help me out dude, I'm trying to be reasonable

what's the beef?
Is it "just" the numbers you were promised??
everything else in hunky dorey with the machine?


Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
dammit, I know that dude was here for a minute or two after i posted.
where'd the heck he go?

I plan to beat up some trout tomorrow, i got to get bed pretty soon



Dec 6, 2007
Bob, First as I said before....granted I know not to you but you obviously read at least some of this post.... I HAVE GONE TO THEM.....the only thing I AM REPORTING BACK is FALSE PROMISES!....simple. sorry about the shouting, but c'mon after asking afor a simple answer, having to wait 8 months for it, and IT STILL NOT BEING HERE....
again, I I the only one who sees something wrong with this form of customer service?

Meat, sorry if it came off like I was attacking you, I wasn't. I'm just tired of having to answer questions that have already been answered.
I was trying NOT to post some of the "other issues" I had but since you asked....
My problems with my m-12 honestly started the day I purchased it. Promised one thing, got another...after the fightin and argueing...finally got it resolved (But couldn't make any money with a broken down machine for 2+months) and calls comming in. The issuses with the "local" (50miles away) "authorized dealer". Finally after 3 months I convinced them (Mytee) to just send me the parts, and I fixed it myself.....that was after only using it once.
Of course after that it broke down 4+months....used on 3 jobs total. Once again, they sent the same part, newer model...I had to fix it too. Then the switch blows out...went to radio shack; (was easier than trying to recontact them yet again).
So at this point, 2 motors blew, 2 switches gone, had to readjust pump out, and modify the filter for the pump out (kept getting clogged but small traces of hair) and I still hadnt finished 5 jobs without a problem....
I got so sick of this POS I finally went out and bought a TM. Used, granted, but it hasn't given me 1/2 the problems that the m-12 did. Sure I've had problems with it, but it was used I knew that when I purchased it, and expected some downtime because of it.
All that aside, I asked on thier board for a simple hose length test to be done.....actually 3 different configurations I believe. I was told by John himself, they will be done but to please be a little patient because of the upcomming "shows". Fine I waited....
Well It's now been 8 months, I'm TIRED of waiting! wouldn't you be?
I was respectful when I asked the question originally, then 8 months later, I get told they are busy....Well so am I.
As to your question about getting a portabe, I have only recently (within the last 5 years) used Mytees....and I honestly wouldnt recommed them. If at this point just because thier lack of customer support.
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Dec 6, 2007
ODIN said:
get real name and profile and see if you say the same things

a lift gauge and a solid rubber ball should set you back around 8 or ten bucks

Terry, If thats all it truely is.....why haven't they/wont they answer my question like they claimed they WOULD?
BTW, I have a REAL name, it's Mark.....just like in my profile....I have no need to change it, unlike some....Terje


Dec 6, 2007
Bob Foster said:
Mark, calm down.... most all of us recognize the folks at Mytee as honest. I suggest you call John or Paul directly at Mytee. Given that most people are scratching their heads at your rant maybe you could go to either of them and report back to us what they do for you.

I would be amazed if you don't end up with most all of your concerns taken care of.

Bob, I see from your profile that you dont own any Mytee, but yet they are your favorite brand.....please explain....

Scott Rogers

Oct 7, 2006
I have no bone in this fight but in my opinion your original argument is pointless. stick some hose on the wand and see for yourself if the suck is acceptable to you. Numbers mean squat, its only real world performance you should worry about. Should they have gotten you the numbers, sure. but the numbers aint going to change a thing and really mean nothing. you dont need a bench mark, you dont have the gear to measure yours to compare anyway.

You should see the BS numbers truckmount manufacturers put out there to make their machines look good.

What your real gripe should be is the break down issues. But this issue gets screwy when purchasing used equipment. Now you have to figure out if it was a manufactures defect or the previous owners abuse or lack of maintance.

As a business owner you simply can not run unreliable equipment. Nothing can hurt your business more then this. I hope these issues are behind you and that the machine is reliable now.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Scott Rogers said:
What your real gripe should be is the break down issues. .

(BTW, Scott, I could be wrong, but it was only the TM he said he bought used)
I'm ASSuming the porty was new

Thanks Mark.
Don't be afraid to speak your mind around here.
AS LONG're genuine and real with no ulterior motives.

You can however expect some flak from some folks.
Mostly because Mytee appears to have become a "board de juor" manufacture around here.
It's not by design, (not a design by the leadership here anyway, I can assure you of that )

It's more a result of human nature being what it is

so damn the torpedoes and speak your mind.
Or as I put it, "just call 'em as you see 'em"



Dec 6, 2007
Thank you Meat.
Yes it was the TM that I purchased used. The M-12 was originally purchased new.
The only motive I have is I'm trying to get an answer that I was told I'd recieve, from a supposedly respectful manufacturer. I've been trying to get these questions answered since last August. AND YES IT IS A THING OF PRINCIPLE AT THIS POINT.

For those who keep trying to tell me the numbers dont matter....then why does anyone post them? Kindda silly if they dont mean squat.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
damion68 said:
For those who keep trying to tell me the numbers dont matter....then why does anyone post them? Kindda silly if they dont mean squat.

I can help with that one, cause I'm one of the dudes that doesn't put much stock in numbers.
Simply because they rarely reflect "real world" experience.

manufactures and sales peeps have been hyping "best case scenario" numbers for ever in every facet in every biz

Amway trots out their "diamonds"
Joe Polish trots out the dudes that increased biz by $300K a year
the Scratch b gone dude tells us he gets a bazzilon bucks and hour for wiping a scratch
TM manufactures claim CFM specs of uncorked blowers
Ricky Cimex and the shake 'n shine salesmen spout best case scenario production number and results that rarely happen

etc, etc, etc

so numbers really don't mean much with out "real world" experience to back up claims

that's the point Scott, I and a few others are saying



Mark; I have a simple answer; If a company doesn't respond to their custy's; A Recoil reaction would be another way to get satisfied; although you are mad; I wouldn't lose sleep over it.

I always get to talk to the head guy when I call my mnufacturer of my industrial super charged system. That may be a place to start. I am sure these guys can tell ya; sometimes dealing with companies in our industry can be un-nerving.

BTW; I don't need an external booster to run 150 foot of hose.


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
purchased they equipment from Mytee, hence I asked Mytee the questions.

I don't get it. Why do you want numbers when your one of the people who could tell us how it works for you since you are an owner? Are numbers going to make it work any better or any worse?


Dec 6, 2007
Matt Murdock said:
purchased they equipment from Mytee, hence I asked Mytee the questions.

I don't get it. Why do you want numbers when your one of the people who could tell us how it works for you since you are an owner? Are numbers going to make it work any better or any worse?

Ok Greg, I see your one of those who I am going to need to speak slowly too......So rather than me having to retype everything; try reading the whole post. I have already answered these questions......why would you be so confused?


Dec 6, 2007
Rickie, thanks for the heads up, If and when I am ready to purchase another porty, I just may do that. I know I WILL NOT PURCHASE ANOTHER FROM MYTEE!
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