Marketing Gurus in the Carpet and Rug Cleaning Arena



I just started a new series of blogs called Marketing Gurus in the Carpet and Rug Cleaning Arena. I decided to give an outsiders look at Howard Partridge, John the Hitman Braun and Joe Polish. I do not know them, am not friends with any of the three, and have never accepted a penny from them. This is the outsides look at a competitive business. I hope you enjoy it. ... g-Cleaning
Best wishes,
Barry O’Connell


Supportive Member
Jun 17, 2008
Billy Lewis
Thanks Barry for your blog.
I recently purchased a program from the Hitman, and so far well, all I can say it will may be a cheap lesson to learn. The initial information left a lot to be desired. He keeps saying more is coming and that the members will keep getting more and more info as the program goes on and I may be judging to early but time will tell, so far a big disappointment.

I read for months from DAve Rampaige about HP's promises and carrot dangling, I ordered one session from him 3 years ago and was quite happy with the information that I recieved. I took one tool that he promoted and customized it a bit and introduced it into my company and have had great success with it. It has paid many times over the cost of my initial investment to HP.

I really like ST and hopefully will get to attend the SFS course in St Louis this fall. I can't wait for all the info so that I can find out all the stuff I am doing wrong! I know the big lessons I will learn are about pricing, hiring techs, and learning to let go of the reins. (I really don't think I will have a problem with this when I get a second TM). The one thing I like about Jon Don /Steve Tob is that he shares A LOT of info with everyone that you don't even have to pay for, so how could one not like what he offers to our community.

Just this morning I probably shared more good "real life" stuff with a guy through pm on how to get commercial restaurant accounts than I recieved from a paid course. Granted some of it was the same ole same ole but I gave him some secrets that have worked well for me. I am still very new to this but, I gave him this because I wanted to help a fellow newby out and not expect anything in return.

I also wanted to add that several members on MB have been very willing to help me through pm when I had a question or a problem that I was to embarresed to ask openly.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Hmm.....Maybe I should sell my way of doing business?? Naaahhh....I'll just tell you for free.

I think information is powerful....No doubt.

But I do think that anything paid should have some hands on "help" in it.

I give everything I do and have learned to do as far as running a company away for free....Maybe it's only worth that. lol

But I'm putting money in the bank....It can't be that bad.

If I focused all my efforts on just my carpet cleaning business....I would probably be in the same position I am now for various reasons.

Anyway, Programs and information are great. Do these 3 guys actually do anything for you as far as hands on or do they just send you a "program"?.....A cookie cutter if you will.

I know Joe does some website stuff... Not sure if he charges separate for that.

Just wondering.

Where's Lisa when you need her? Usually she's nipping at my ankles in every thread. !gotcha!

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
No matter what information you get from marketers , the boards and your own reading and study. None of it will work without taking action on the users part. Most marketing materials (over 85%) get left on the desk gathering dust waiting and waiting for a time to get around to it that never seems to happen.

Old habits are hard to break and it can be a little uncomfortable to get out of your comfort zone and try new things. But, it's like the old saying, " If you keep doing the things you are doing you'll end up with what you already have.

Most of us already know of many great things that can improve business.

Many of these things can be free.( Like getting e-mail addresses from every client and using them for follow ups.Having sales role playing/training every day for techs or developing your own sales training.)

Take out your calender. Segment the steps that it will take to make it happen and write them down with firm dates.

Actually do SOMETHING!!

Take action, get out of your comfort zone, develop new habits and make it happen.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Nice write up Barry.

I have to be concerned with the Dusty support though.

Too many stories of him hot water extracting carpets that he told his own customers that he would be hand washing. Top that with the Ron Kohler issue as well as the things I've heard form Clark Lancaster and I have to be real leery of the guy.


Hi Mikey,
Last time I went anywhere with Dusty we took the bridge when we crossed the water he didn’t walk across the surface of the stream. I know about the deal with Ron Kohler. I was out to see his studio when he had the problem with the Prototype Centrifuge. Prototypes are not always a bad thing. In fact I have personally used the second badger ever built and it was a fine machine. But with Ron there was a problem and it didn’t get resolved as fast as Ron wanted so he brought in the Lawyers. At that point a bad situation went off the rails. When the lawyers get their hooks in things get ugly and they did. As far as I am concerned unless Ron wants to say something I see no point in beating a dead horse. Dusty has been around for years and overall his track record is as good as anyone I know in this business and better than most.
As for hot water extracting a rug where did you ever get the idea that you shouldn’t. I freely grant that it is not usually my first choice but I do not have the equipment. The real point of contention is getting the dry particulate matter out of the rug. Once the rug is dusted then you have a wide range of cleaning options; i.e. full immersion, hot water extract, dry lean or bonnet, etc… The key is dusting and then the experience to know when to use one or the other. Dusting a rug in the home or flushing a few hundred gallons of water in the client’s home to get rid of at piss is a subject for another day.
Best wishes,
Barry O’Connell

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
8m not saying HWE rugs is a bad idea at with B arry. Charging customers for hand washing and then hot water exracting is the thing I have a issue with.

1st time I've heard that Ron's spinner was a beta unit...


Guys you have every right to your opinion. Mikey it’s your board and Lee is an admin. I respect that. You want to slam Dusty what can I say. I go back a lot of years with the guy. Dusty is the only rug washer I know who guarantees Satisfaction or you don’t pay. I also know Dusty advertises and tells customers that his business matches the cleaning method to the rug and to the problem. I know for a fact that Dusty does not push hand washing to his customers. He feels that when you talk about total immersion cleaning it scares some customer. So instead of selling the method he guarantees that the rug will be clean and that you will be happy. So slam Dusty all you want but I respect and trust him.
And I am cool with disagreeing; even when we disagree I enjoy this board and the fantastic people who hang out here. Being here allows me to chat with old friends and make new one.
Best wishes,
Barry O’Connell

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I appreciate the feedback on Dusty's methods Barry, thank you.

No hard feelings what so ever and trust me, I am not one to judge a person by who they associate with.

If you are interested, we can RSS feed your blog on to mine ( no www.
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
Barry my comment was directed at lots of products, not any one in particular. I have no experience or comment on the one you were talking about.


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
BarryOC said:
Guys you have every right to your opinion. Mikey it’s your board and Lee is an admin. I respect that. You want to slam Dusty what can I say. I go back a lot of years with the guy. Dusty is the only rug washer I know who guarantees Satisfaction or you don’t pay. I also know Dusty advertises and tells customers that his business matches the cleaning method to the rug and to the problem. I know for a fact that Dusty does not push hand washing to his customers. He feels that when you talk about total immersion cleaning it scares some customer. So instead of selling the method he guarantees that the rug will be clean and that you will be happy. So slam Dusty all you want but I respect and trust him.
And I am cool with disagreeing; even when we disagree I enjoy this board and the fantastic people who hang out here. Being here allows me to chat with old friends and make new one.
Best wishes,
Barry O’Connell

I didn't realize Dusty was not actually washing rugs but using HWE instead. I'm really surprised by that, because it's not the recommended method for natural fiber rugs, especially valuable ones.

Actually that just kind of stuns me. But... several months ago he mentioned that he had gotten an Odorox machine to use in his drying room because rugs always have an odor after cleaning and it gets rid of it. Well... I guess now I understand why his rugs may have an odor after cleaning when the other rug plants don't. We're washing them, and he's apparently surface cleaning them.

That explains a lot. It also explains why he recommends using the "finisher" and encap to try to get more soil off the rugs... because it's not been washed, so that would in fact help to remove more soil from the rug left after a surface cleaning.

I hope you don't see that as slamming him Barry. You know a lot about hand woven rugs versus those of us in the cleaning world that know a lot about washing them. This topic kind of hits the type of passion you might see in your specialized world when weavers are trying to "antique" and pass off the fakes as the real deal - and the outrage it can create among collectors.

Those of us who truly want those rugs clean and residue free... implying a wash and then just surface cleaning them with hot water extraction (without really good reason to do so) is a trigger for a few of us. Or at least for me. =) If dusting was the only thing ever needed, we would all be smacking the sides of our head and blow drying our hair "clean" instead of actually washing it in the shower.

But I see I've gone on a tangent here - sorry. And I hope you don't see that as bashing Dusty. It's the method I'm bashing, not the person. =)

And thank you for the review and the nice words about Joe and I. Since I've never bought anything from Howard or John, I can't comment on that at all. But I have used a Badger... and though I don't own one myself, it's not a bad machine, and a number of PIranha Members have bought it at my recommendation and the service they've received has been good - he does stand behind his product in those cases.

But for me it's just not my style. It's loud and a bit too much friction. Of course, our clients wash their rugs regularly, so we may not be seeing the level of soil in rugs ground in too long that maybe others are.

Nice to see you here posting... and thank you again for the kind words.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
If I owned a Rug Studio I would just tell people that I clean rugs.

Leave the whole soaking thing out of their paranoid minds.

I would also have a Moore unit to blast my way through 80% of the crap that came through the doors.

No rug would be turned away.


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Mikey P said:
If I owned a Rug Studio I would just tell people that I clean rugs.

Leave the whole soaking thing out of their paranoid minds.

I would also have a Moore unit to blast my through 80% of the crap that came through the doors.

No rug would be turned away.

That wringer is still for sale down in LA... that would be all you need, it's got the jets hooked up to use to rinse.




Oct 12, 2006
Portland, Oregon

Ron’s issue wasn’t just a prototype gone bad it was the culmination of a number of issues, besides his wasn’t the first it was the second centrifuge so not truly the "prototype" a cleaner named George bell has the first.

Dusty called me and asked if I would talk to Ron to see if I could get him back to the table so to speak since by this time Ron had a lawyer and wasn’t talking to dusty. Which I did and I had Ron agreeing to take the new centrifuge on one condition; Dusty and Clark put in writing a completion date on the centrifuge and if they fail to meet that date Ron gets his money back and the deal is off. Dust wouldn’t agree to it said it’s too expensive for Ron to "take us to court he has to take our machine". Again, It really wasn’t one or two things with dusty he had plenty of opportunities to work this out, but for lack of better terminology he chose to work it like a used car deal!

I’ve been told that luv-a-rug now Sub’s out cleaning to another company that he’s only a store front ?
I got the impression years ago from him when we where "friends" that his shop (one that burned down) didn't wash most rugs they where dusted, shampooed or extracted.

Barry, Feel free to call me if you have any questions.

Lisa how much is the rinse wringer is it 16FT?


This thread makes me sad. I hate to see good people many of whom I have some history with take such a decidedly negative slant on everything concerning someone I know well.
1. I never said Dusty uses HWE for everything. I know Dusty hand washes rugs. However he has never made a secret of the fact that he uses HWE in some cases. For example Dusty uses HWE on Viscose rugs. I will freely let Lisa who I admire greatly lecture me on the appropriateness and efficacy of HWE and Viscose rug but I never said Dusty uses HWE for all his rugs. Also if someone else said that I can say it is not true.
2. 2. Randy I will not quibble over whether or not the second machine can be a prototype. We have known each other for a long time. We don’t always agree on how to best approach things and we even discussed it once. Ongoing flame blasts serve none of us well. As for the whole sordid mess I know the other side of the story but to date I have chosen to keep my mouth shut why muddy up Ron. As far as you and Ron and Dusty go and Lisa Wagner for that matter I recommend all of you on my best Cleaners list. I do it because I personally trust you. I do it to help my readers and I do it to help you. I am sure you would do great without my recommendation but it is my humble hope that I may in my small way add to your success and hopefully at the end of each year help you make an extra buck or two. So if you need to keep this going feel free but I have to ask, “how will you or anyone else profit by it?”
3. As for the suggestion that Dusty subs out work I will note; since the fire that destroyed Lov-A-Rug Dusty has been working out of makeshift quarters. He is now moving into his new plant so if he jobs some work out while stuff is moved so what. A fire like tha one that destroyed his business would have closed many other rug wash plants permanently.

I am at the twilight of my days and my time here is not all that long. I still try to fight the good fight for the race is nearly run and I strive to keep the faith. As I reach this point in my life I see less and less value to the rancor and dissention in this thing of ours. For those of you whom I may call friends let me ask what good will come of this. So for now what can I do but pray?
Best wishes,
Barry O'Connell


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
BarryOC said:
This thread makes me sad. I hate to see good people many of whom I have some history with take such a decidedly negative slant on everything concerning someone I know well.
1. I never said Dusty uses HWE for everything. I know Dusty hand washes rugs. However he has never made a secret of the fact that he uses HWE in some cases. For example Dusty uses HWE on Viscose rugs. I will freely let Lisa who I admire greatly lecture me on the appropriateness and efficacy of HWE and Viscose rug but I never said Dusty uses HWE for all his rugs. Also if someone else said that I can say it is not true.
2. 2. Randy I will not quibble over whether or not the second machine can be a prototype. We have known each other for a long time. We don’t always agree on how to best approach things and we even discussed it once. Ongoing flame blasts serve none of us well. As for the whole sordid mess I know the other side of the story but to date I have chosen to keep my mouth shut why muddy up Ron. As far as you and Ron and Dusty go and Lisa Wagner for that matter I recommend all of you on my best Cleaners list. I do it because I personally trust you. I do it to help my readers and I do it to help you. I am sure you would do great without my recommendation but it is my humble hope that I may in my small way add to your success and hopefully at the end of each year help you make an extra buck or two. So if you need to keep this going feel free but I have to ask, “how will you or anyone else profit by it?”
3. As for the suggestion that Dusty subs out work I will note; since the fire that destroyed Lov-A-Rug Dusty has been working out of makeshift quarters. He is now moving into his new plant so if he jobs some work out while stuff is moved so what. A fire like tha one that destroyed his business would have closed many other rug wash plants permanently.

I am at the twilight of my days and my time here is not all that long. I still try to fight the good fight for the race is nearly run and I strive to keep the faith. As I reach this point in my life I see less and less value to the rancor and dissention in this thing of ours. For those of you whom I may call friends let me ask what good will come of this. So for now what can I do but pray?
Best wishes,
Barry O'Connell

Thanks for clarifying that Barry - I appreciate it.

There is always a challenge with the "written word" on a forum and things being taken more strongly than intended. =)

I'm happy to see that HWE is not the daily rug cleaning choice of his. I will not say you said otherwise.



Hi Lisa,
Thanks for being so sweet.
By the way, best of luck on that new program that you are doing. It sounds like 20 fast moving companies are going to be very lucky to get you and Jim. I hope it goes great.
Best wishes,
Barry O’Connell

Ron K

Jan 3, 2009
BarryOC said:
I know about the deal with Ron Kohler.

Do tell Barry I can't!

BarryOC said:
But with Ron there was a problem and it didn’t get resolved as fast as Ron wanted so he brought in the Lawyers. /quote]

As fast as I wanted?

Barry Maybe you can tell people how long I should have waited?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I don't want this thread to run off Barry, Im going to suggest we close it.

It is not in Barry's interest or this board's for him to act as Dusty's lawer.


Hi Ron,
Since you are pushing for a confrontation I will call you after I finish up where I am and we can chat. I don't like this message board flaming so what I have to say I will say directly to you personally.
With amazement and irritation,
Barry O'Connell


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
BarryOC said:
Hi Ron,
Since you are pushing for a confrontation I will call you after I finish up where I am and we can chat. I don't like this message board flaming so what I have to say I will say directly to you personally.
With amazement and irritation,
Barry O'Connell

How can anyone get upset at a SpongeBob avatar like the one you have? =)

Don't let the group run you off Barry... it's an acquired taste... kind of like vegamite. :shock:


Ron K

Jan 3, 2009
Barry all I've ever "pushed " for is the truth and honesty and integrity. Some people in this industry,like any, have it some don't. My "confrontation" although costly is over. You can call me if you want my number is 206 947 6908. When we met Barry, Did I slam Dusty? Did I say anything Nasty? I told the truth I have always told the truth.


Oct 12, 2006
Portland, Oregon
I have plenty of flaws,..way too many to list here I am often too direct and abrasive but I am a honest person I don’t lie, manipulate or twist stories. You have known me for a long time have I ever seemed dishonest to you?

I’ve made nothing off of this, no money or compensation of any kind from anyone !

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
LisaWagnerCRS said:
BarryOC said:
Hi Ron,
Since you are pushing for a confrontation I will call you after I finish up where I am and we can chat. I don't like this message board flaming so what I have to say I will say directly to you personally.
With amazement and irritation,
Barry O'Connell

How can anyone get upset at a SpongeBob avatar like the one you have? =)

Don't let the group run you off Barry... it's an acquired taste... kind of like vegamite. :shock:



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