LAWSUIT---Customer slips and falls---



Have you ever had anyone fall on a slippery floor. I had a famous TV preacher fall. He had to go and get hip surgery. He said when he fell, Keith you always warned me but I forgot. That was a year or so ago.
Fortunately he did not press the issue but I'm wondering, anyone ever been sued or know someone who was over a fall? Seems to me that they knew they we're getting their carpets cleaned so they should have taken that into consideration. Plus I always warn them. So any slip and fall true stories out there?

J Scott W

Oct 16, 2006
Shelbyville TN
Jeffrey Scott Warrington
We were never sued for this reason, but I do know some true stories. You can't prevent someone for suing even if there is no merit to the suit. The best you can do is to protect yourself by using caution signs, warning people and having good insurance.

Someone gets distracted and forgets your warning, down they go. Signs keep reminding them throughout the job.

Scott Warrington


Mar 26, 2007
Warning some one only goes so far in court i think.

Give the literature before u start the job that there is potential slip and fall hazards. Have some info on your invoice. Add a verbal warning to it.

as well as these. V types of signs.


diamond brian

Mar 28, 2007
Lots of things could happen in one of these suits. The carpet cleaner is what lawyers call an invitee. The home-owner is required to warn the invitee of any potential hazards as well.

The only sure thing in these cases is that an attorney is gonna pocket some $$$$$$.

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
I cancelled my business insurance several months into my first year of biz because they denied a claim over an incident my two chimps had involving a piano moved onto a wet carpet and a wire brush and strong chemicals involved in removing the red stain. (This is where I learned to be on every job instead of banging my girlfriend in the afternoon.) So for ten years I was "self insured." All was well till one morning an apartment manager called and said some old bat fell on a basement floor, slipping on water from stairs I had just cleaned. Nothing focuses your attention like having an attorney sitting at your kitchen table and asking you (for the third time and on tape) if you really don't have insurance and sizing up all of your belongings. His client had tissue damage and the apartment 's insurance co wanted me to pay. Nothing came of it but I worried abount my liability for a few weeks. Soon after I bought liability coverage. You do have insurance don't you?


I warn my customers constantly while I'm on the job that any hard floor can be a hazzard after walking off the carpet. I usually place throw rugs at the walk-off areas of the carpet, or place walk-off paper down.

Bobby V........that's the best video I've seen lately.....let the bodies hit the floor!!!

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
Nothing focuses your attention like having an attorney sitting at your kitchen table and asking you (for the third time and on tape) if you really don't have insurance and sizing up all of your belongings.

I am not condoning "going bareback" as some call it (going without insurance) but the truth be known the reason nothing came of it was because the lawyer did the risk /reward evaluation. Jury's have no problem with an award requireing an insurance company to pay an "injured party". Taking a hardworking but unfortunate person's home for payment is a different story.

I have also seen people awarded settlements because some idiot tripped over one of those caution cones. :shock:

No kidding.


Feb 4, 2007
I have been told quite a few times from lawyers that the owner of the property is responsible for anyone hurt - at least that is how it works in AZ. I have insurance, just in case.


Nov 5, 2006
Over the years I have witnessed many customers slip and fall. A few fell pretty hard. In some instances customers have fallen right after I warned them followed by, "You weren't kidding, that is slippery."

One lady was moving out and she was still clearing out some things while I was cleaning. She was wearing high heels and a woman's skirt business suit. She slipped while carrying a full glass fish bowl into the kitchen. I saw all unfold from the corner of my eye. She ended up on her hands and knees in a puddle of water and broken glass, fish flopping on the floor with her skirt up and over onto her back. There was some blood puddling up by one of her hands. She was just past the threshold of the kitchen, her rear end facing me.
I was torn. Normally I would immediately offer assistance. On the other hand, her skirt was up so I wanted to give her an opportunity to compose her self if she wished. After a a moment of hesitation I realized she was not going to be getting up quickly so I asked if she was alright. She was and eventually sat up on her knees, examined her hands and the mess. She didn't want help with anything. I suspect more because she was embarrassed than anything.
In the end the cut on her hand wasn't that big and the fish lived.

No one has ever been upset with me or tried to sue when they have fallen. I have also never heard of anyone I know getting sued for that reason.


Nov 26, 2007
My personal feeling about the whole mess is that because the guy was a preacher ...God should have protected his servant from falling in the first place... (so he could continue to preach gods word of course). It is my opinion that some how... how ever how....God... should have prevented the accident in the first place and prevented his servant from incurring damages. And it is also my belief and personal opinion of course, that God would rather you people Repent for your Sins than act as a Pharisee. ttfn kelly


Oct 29, 2007
cleaned an apt hallway and stairs early morning and get too the last few steps and here comes mom and daughter mom is a 75 yr old milkshake . as they are coming down i warn them like i always do mom gets too the marble foyer and pow she lands flat on her ass wow i was in awww she got up and walked away :?


Mar 26, 2007
Kelly said:
My personal feeling about the whole mess is that because the guy was a preacher ...God should have protected his servant from falling in the first place... (so he could continue to preach gods word of course). It is my opinion that some how... how ever how....God... should have prevented the accident in the first place and prevented his servant from incurring damages. And it is also my belief and personal opinion of course, that God would rather you people Repent for your Sins than act as a Pharisee. ttfn kelly

Following the same logic, god should of prevented the dirt from soiling the preachers carpets, and not having to call the carpet cleaning over which then resulted in the fall.

Nov 10, 2006
Driguy said:
Kelly said:
My personal feeling about the whole mess is that because the guy was a preacher ...God should have protected his servant from falling in the first place... (so he could continue to preach gods word of course). It is my opinion that some how... how ever how....God... should have prevented the accident in the first place and prevented his servant from incurring damages. And it is also my belief and personal opinion of course, that God would rather you people Repent for your Sins than act as a Pharisee. ttfn kelly

Following the same logic, god should of prevented the dirt from soiling the preachers carpets, and not having to call the carpet cleaning over which then resulted in the fall.


There are two ways to be humble, you either humble yourself or God humbles you. I prefer the first!
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