Jiving with James Cooper

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
-What led you to get into this business?

-If not a carpet cleaner, then what would you be doing for scratch?

-Where was your business five years ago and where will it be five years from now?

-Who do you emulate in this industry and why?

-Prochem 405, El Diablo, Judson Reactor or a EZ 25/45, if you could have your pick for free, which one would you take?

-How have the Boards helped your biz?

-If you could own a Bulletin Board and call all the shots what would it be like and would you allow members to argue and call you names?

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Coop, if any of the insecure types see you participating here, will they take your keys to the secret rooms over there?

Oct 8, 2006
I would like the opportunity to get in glimpse into Coop, but not at the cost of a *** beheading. Post only if you feel safe.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Hoodledinks denied Tre's request for my IP address (so he could ban me) so they banned him.

So yes, James should be careful if he values his gig over there.

None the less I would like to know more about him.


I just saw this on here , and I intend on giving you guys some insight into the inner workings on what it takes to be James Cooper .

But I will probably start off tonite.

As far as I know , Steven is still a member of *** , just not a mod .

Maybe Steven had access to secret rooms , I may be a little lower on the totum pole.

james Cooper


May 19, 2007
Looks to me like they are making him a Guru over there because of this thread.....

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
TimP said:
Looks to me like they are making him a Guru over there because of this thread.....

Envy..........one of the seven deadly sins.......


Apr 6, 2007
How long do you think it would take for me to be banned over at ***?


Ok , here goes . How did I get in this business ?? We'll it was a womans fault . At 18 , working as a valet /gopher at a Cadillac dealership really wasnt the kind of job that put a lot of disposable income in your pocket , so my girlfriend at the time had a friend in the carpet cleaning business that was making tons of cash - so the suggestion was made and I jumped right in .

What would I do for a living if not in the carpet cleaning business ? Funny you asked - My daughters and I attend a group called the ALL Pro Dads the first Thursday of every month before school starts and have breakfast together . The group promotes better interaction between fathers and children . On the last Thursday that we were there they had a speaker from the local college discussing strategies for preparing your child for college .

Anyway , after it was over , I talked with the guy and found out all my credits I took from the early '90's were still good ( which means almost 2 years of core classes complete ) . So I have decided to go back at night to complete my degree and teach PE .

I have coached football and softball for years and ran an independant football league for kids for about 6 years , and want to coach football at the middle school level .

I was running no huddle offences for 9 - 10 years olds and want to use that same approach on the middle school level . But most importantly , I beleive in trying to make a difference in peoples lives and 3always enjoyed helping kids and watching them mature nto young adults.

Where was my business 5 years ago and what will it be like 5 years from now ? 5 years ago I was still useing small engines for powering my tm's and now I am useing ptos . Business was mainly referral as it is today . If I had to pinpoint the biggest difference it is knowing my limitations as a business owner and not trying to do it all .

I never wanted to be a big operation , so I scheduled what I wanted to and if I didnt want to work for someone I didnt .

As I stated before , I may go back to school to be a PE coach , so I definately need to develope some business systems if I decide to continue my business _ I really dont know if i will want the extra headache , considering most of my kids will be off to college by then.

Who do I emulate in this industry ? I just try to learn as much as I can that pertains to my particular business plan , but not really anyone that I pattern myself after . Most folks in this business are just trying to make it as I am so no not any particular one , although I would say I would like to have Shawn Forsythes uncanny ability for retaining and useing industry terminology .

Prochem 405, El Diablo, Judson Reactor or a EZ 25/45, if you could have your pick for free, which one would you take? Seeing as I dont use the gas powered engine mounts , I would take the one the resells best - and sell it .

How have the Boards helped your biz?
The boards are great in those situations you come across that make you go , WTF ???? I beleive thats the greatest thing about these boards is to bounce problems or ideas off guys that you would never in your lifetime meet or know of.

If you could own a Bulletin Board and call all the shots what would it be like and would you allow members to argue and call you names? I been there and done that - It all depends on what your trying to do - I like a loose style , but if your intent is on making money , that style can bite you in the behind when its time to try to pull in prospective advertisers .

As far as name calling , what the heck can you guys call me that my wife doesnt already ???

Anything else ???

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
good stuff Coop

I knew you wuz a good dude

......for an ignernt Georgia cracker anyway

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
Speakin' of shirts Mikey........i only gots THREE to las ALL WEEK...what's up wid that?


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