Is there any certification for disinfecting properly for commercial accounts COVID-19 in compliance with CDC ?

Nov 4, 2019
Davenport, Fl
Fiorella Brindani
Hi. I'm Fiorella and 1st time posting a new topic ( I didn't see if someone ask that before).
Too much bullshit online. I come here because I trust this forum and I have a lot of respect for Mike, Mark and others. I have been learning so powerful things here and also in their YouTube Channels.

Please I have been working really hard in my biz. Short of personnel. They are afraid of Covid-19. They don't want to work.... and so on. So I have to put my pants on again and clean myself with my nephew lol.
I have been disinfecting many houses, hookah bar, offices with good results, using Vital Oxide disinfectant, fogger and Victory Innovation Electrostatic Sprayer . Now, They are calling me for a Church and they are requesting a certificate.

Do you know if I have to take special classes. I do my research and I just recognize ISSA and they offer some training. I don't mind to invest for a course and the certification. I just need a reliable and well known place.
I just paid some membership for American House Cleaners Association but that is only housekeeping. I am looking for commercial.
Please let me know.
Thank you for your time and be safe

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
What sort of certificate is the church requesting? You should be very careful when it comes to the wording you use in any case where disinfectants are involved, and liabilities regarding the health of anyone involved come into play.

In most states, the application of disinfectants requires a pest control license. I would check on that first. Also, you should check with your insurance company as to whether your liability insurance would cover any claims that might be made against you later.

SARS CoV2 is still little understood, and your liability exposure when everything remains a "moving target" is perhaps a bit higher than you might recognize.

I mostly like the GBAC training offered through the ISSA.

I think, after first making sure you have liability insurance coverage and the appropriate license, you should take the training.

Still, the wording of the requested certificate can be problematic. Just as one example: Its one thing to say that you "apply a disinfecant" and quite another to claim that you "disinfected the surface".

This too should be discussed with your insurance carrier.
Nov 4, 2019
Davenport, Fl
Fiorella Brindani
What sort of certificate is the church requesting? You should be very careful when it comes to the wording you use in any case where disinfectants are involved, and liabilities regarding the health of anyone involved come into play.

In most states, the application of disinfectants requires a pest control license. I would check on that first. Also, you should check with your insurance company as to whether your liability insurance would cover any claims that might be made against you later.

SARS CoV2 is still little understood, and your liability exposure when everything remains a "moving target" is perhaps a bit higher than you might recognize.

I mostly like the GBAC training offered through the ISSA.

I think, after first making sure you have liability insurance coverage and the appropriate license, you should take the training.

Still, the wording of the requested certificate can be problematic. Just as one example: Its one thing to say that you "apply a disinfecant" and quite another to claim that you "disinfected the surface".

This too should be discussed with your insurance carrier.

Thank you for your response. I will call my insurance. I know this is something new but in case I am not cover. Which kind of insurance and which company I can call to get a new policy?
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Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
Thank you for your response. I will call my insurance. I know this is something new but in case I am not cover. Which kind of insurance and which company I can call to get a new policy?

Your agent should guide you in this. They often represent more than one company for speciality coverage.

While you might get coverage for the application of disinfectant products (especially if you get licensed and take the GBAC course), I'm not sure any insurance company will be comfortable with claims related to reducing exposures to SARS CoV2 specifically.

That's why the wording of what the church is requesting of you might be important to have in hand.


May 7, 2017
Fiorella, I have enjoyed your videos on YouTube. You are one hard working individual. I would follow Jim's advice as it doesn't get much better than that. I would have caution as to offering any sort of guarantee as there is still too much to learn with COVID-19. As with any job, sometimes its best to walk away. Remember, anyone else quoting this job is in the same boat as you.


Personally, I’d say ‘thanks but no thanks’

Certificate for what ? Proper application procedure?

we perform ‘Deep Cleaning’ services for touch points

yes we use disinfectant cleaners but dont Say we are sanitizing and disinfecting areas


May 7, 2017
Personally, I’d say ‘thanks but no thanks’

Certificate for what ? Proper application procedure?

we perform ‘Deep Cleaning’ services for touch points

yes we use disinfectant cleaners but dont Say we are sanitizing and disinfecting areas

I'm sure you can imagine our"industry experts" will make a cottage industry out of certifying people to do what they already know how to do.

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
I'm sure you can imagine our"industry experts" will make a cottage industry out of certifying people to do what they already know how to do.

If there is anything that should put a deep chill on anyone interested in doing this is that you DON'T see industry experts training in this field.

If they see it as a risky proposition from a liability point of view, despite the fact that enrolling people into a "Zoom Meeting Class" would not be difficult, that should give a very strong message in of itself.


True Jim....

other than Yeadon and Costa doing a fReE info babble Zoom a Vue when the CDC put out cleaning guidelines , no one has tried to sell a class

but what is there to instruct? Wax on wax off?

Wash your hands is taught in Kindergarten

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
True Jim....

other than Yeadon and Costa doing a fReE info babble Zoom a Vue when the CDC put out cleaning guidelines , no one has tried to sell a class

but what is there to instruct? Wax on wax off?

Wash your hands is taught in Kindergarten

In due respect to the IICRC (a church that I have long been an apostate from....), there are many things about the many subjects taught that are "nice to know" but not always "need to know". That doesn't prevent the classes from being taught, and doesn't prevent a 180 question test when a 40 question test would probably do.

So I go back to this:

If there could be classes, and there aren't classes, the reason why should be obvious. I can't spell it out better than that.

Now, to be VERY fair to the Bill Yeadon and Barry Costa, they have been standing with me in warning of the legal, health, and other liability issues associated with careless application and cleaning methods related to the pandemic.

....and I like your wording for what you are doing to be clear Fred.


Originally I wanted to call it ....

Deep pockets cleaning for the theatrical illusion of safe, much akin to the TSA circus we all endure and can easily circumvent with a $80 extortion fee to bypass the line

but it didn’t fit on the hefty invoices I submit


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Personally, I’d say ‘thanks but no thanks’

Certificate for what ? Proper application procedure?

we perform ‘Deep Cleaning’ services for touch points

yes we use disinfectant cleaners but dont Say we are sanitizing and disinfecting areas
Fred and Jim are right. And the request for a certificate of disinfection (which by the way is a stronger claim than sanitize) smells of liability (actually stink of it!)

And from all places, its a church that requires the certificate?! they provide one for a happy afterlife given all prayers and adulation performed as instructed?

-Please don't answer :winky:

Whenever people say the word sanitize we send them the following and have them sign it:

About sanitizers:

These days, unfortunately, the word “sanitizer” is frequently misused. Therefore we wanted to be clear about what it means and what can or cannot be accomplished by ‘sanitizing’. According to the US, EPA, there are three classes of antimicrobials Sanitizers, Disinfectants and Sterilizers.

“One of three groups of antimicrobials registered by EPA for public health uses. EPA considers an anti-microbial to be a sanitizer when it reduces but does not necessarily eliminate all the microorganisms on a treated surface. To be a registered sanitizer, the test results for a product must show a reduction of at least 99.9% in the number of each test microorganism over the parallel control. Sanitization requires the level of reduction to be demonstrated when used exactly as instructed.”

No product that we know of will neither claim nor can accomplish the above definition on any porous surface, including carpet. It is just not possible.

Will it reduce the level of microorganism?-Yes.

By how much will it? -With porous fabrics, nobody knows exactly, so I guess the answer will be- some, but far from 99.9%.
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Oct 22, 2012
New Westminster,BC
Ron Marriott
What people have to understand is even if we took a rug and submersed it in boiling water for 20 minutes to disinfect it, not withstanding what would happen to the rug, the moment technicians remove it from the rug pit of boiling water, it becomes contaminated again. It's the same with surgeons tools. They put them in an autoclave to sterilize them but the moment they are removed and exposed to the environment, the start becoming contaminated again. No one can disinfect a building or even sanitize it. The best we can do is leave it cleaner and hopefully in a more sanitary condition. No one can offer any guarantees.
Nov 4, 2019
Davenport, Fl
Fiorella Brindani
Fiorella, I have enjoyed your videos on YouTube. You are one hard working individual. I would follow Jim's advice as it doesn't get much better than that. I would have caution as to offering any sort of guarantee as there is still too much to learn with COVID-19. As with any job, sometimes its best to walk away. Remember, anyone else quoting this job is in the same boat as you.
Thank you for your feedback about my work and my YouTube Channel.
Nov 4, 2019
Davenport, Fl
Fiorella Brindani
What people have to understand is even if we took a rug and submersed it in boiling water for 20 minutes to disinfect it, not withstanding what would happen to the rug, the moment technicians remove it from the rug pit of boiling water, it becomes contaminated again. It's the same with surgeons tools. They put them in an autoclave to sterilize them but the moment they are removed and exposed to the environment, the start becoming contaminated again. No one can disinfect a building or even sanitize it. The best we can do is leave it cleaner and hopefully in a more sanitary condition. No one can offer any guarantees.
True. Thank you for your feedback
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Kenny Hayes

Apr 17, 2009
Yukon, Oklahoma
Kenny Hayes
What they’re wanting is your certificate of insurance. General liability and workman comp coverage. Standard procedure. Blast away.


Oct 18, 2006
Redding, CT
Kevin Dineen
When our logo is on your door, your commitment to clean is clear
Certified SERVPRO Clean Badge

While the COVID-19 pandemic has changed what it means to be clean, SERVPRO is here to help keep your customers and employees safe, and also let everyone know you've chosen a higher standard of clean.
To Learn More, Fill Out The Form Below
Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned is a defensive, proactive viral pathogen cleaning program backed by our more than 50 years of experience in cleanup and restoration. With an industry-leading, proprietary training program, cleaning solutions, and remediation processes, we're helping businesses across the country open safely. So make the commitment to keep your employees and customers safer. Make sure your space is Certified SERVPRO Cleaned.

Maybe they are just looking for something like this to make their parishioners feel safe.

Hack Attack

Dec 19, 2017
further south than you
anyone can make up their own certification if they choose

I wouldn't target the current pandemic if not already providing some services somewhat in line with health & safety

courses to take: meth decon, crime & trauma, amrt

they give you an understanding of how to protect yourself, your customers, products, methods etc

But even on a mould or meth decon job you dont clear or certify it yourself, its independantly checked and verified


Supportive Member
Mar 7, 2011
n Al
Personally, I’d say ‘thanks but no thanks’

Certificate for what ? Proper application procedure?

we perform ‘Deep Cleaning’ services for touch points

yes we use disinfectant cleaners but dont Say we are sanitizing and disinfecting areas
“We will apply an epa registered sanitizer/ disinfectant for use against the COVID-19. We will apply per epa label and follow cdc guidelines . That’s it. Document the cdc protocol, supply the sds sheets and document the proper dwell /wet time on hard surfaces with a time stamped picture of a moister meter
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Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
“We will apply an epa registered sanitizer/ disinfectant for use against the COVID-19. We will apply per epa label and follow cdc guidelines . That’s it. Document the cdc protocol, supply the sds sheets and document the proper dwell /wet time on hard surfaces with a time stamped picture of a moister meter
You mean the same thing products that cleaners and restorers have been sued for decades for applying ...and misapplying? 😉

Kenny Hayes

Apr 17, 2009
Yukon, Oklahoma
Kenny Hayes
Here we are, Nov. 10, and we’re still blasting away. 7 days per week, multiple time a day. And I Didn’t even wish for it, at all.
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