Is the IICRC still in business

D Luke

Supportive Member
Apr 12, 2015
No one answered the question, are they out of business???

They might as well be.

First correspondence I got from them was a letter stating I failed to pay a previous invoice (never received). Got an identical letter a week later (wtf?). Both were on expensive woven paper (registrant's $ at work).

Went online to pay the bill like a good little registrant only to have my extremely valid CC rejected many times.

Talk about a sh*t show.


Apr 7, 2008
Phoenix, AZ
Dan Gardner
If you go into the lion's cage there is a good chance you will be eaten alive. Knowing this, I stay out of the lion's cage!

In reality, there is nothing they could say that would appease anyone here. The only thing that would matter would be a sudden change for the better in the way they operate. Actions, not words....
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Aug 9, 2012
sam miller
Before any one who cares to read what follows gets the wrong impression:

I'm not apologizing for the current state of affairs with the IICRC, which I find to be completely unacceptable.

I'm also not playing the "IICRC Class Booster", as I no longer am associated with the IICRC as a trainer with the classes I teach.

When I reflect on the benefits that the IICRC has brought to the industry..ESPECIALLY the "little guys"...its not been marketing or recognition of certification, as much as both are worthy things that I can only hope will one day happen.

When I observed training in the 70's, there were people out there teaching dry solvent cleaning of upholstery and drapery without explaining the need for respiratory protection, telling students cleaning up after sewage losses to "roll around in the s**t so that you won't be slowed down trying to stay clean" and other very questionable statements regarding safety. Other trainers were so brand driven that cleaners were buying things they really didn't need based on the perceived position the trainer had in the industry, or his personal charisma.

Such questionable information or teaching styles were restricted, if not entirely eliminated, by the process of which tests and class structures were developed by industry volunteers, not all of which were trainers, who worked within the IICRC structure.

I'm not saying that everyone posting here who is fed up with not getting public recognition or proven "dollars in the pocket" from using the IICRC name isn't right to feel that way; VERY often they were told in classes that their certification would get them work and enable them to make more money. Both have happened, but not consistently and not to the level many were promised.

I'm only saying that if you went to a class that was with an IICRC instructor and school, the quality of the education that you got was likely far better than it had been in the past, if for no other reason that what was taught had to pass muster from a group of individuals with industry experience, not just one person with their own agenda.

Um Jim you mean IICUC TURNED iicrc doah!

In the 80's I learned a lot it probably kept me from ruining a lot of people stuff.
I appreciate the education offered but the pay your dues to remain educated is complete BS


Feb 9, 2009
Bronx, New York
Frank Mendo
My T Blue never picks up their phone either, but their still in business, so you can never be too sure.


Nov 16, 2006
Ron Beatty
I am truly amazed that no one from the IICRC has responded to this thread. Where are the board members, Executive Director, Janitor???
Jan 21, 2008
Colorado Springs
Brad Gouveia
At the bare minimum I would expect a personal message, phone call, or they could just answer one of my several emails.

I can not speak for any one else but I personally have not heard anything. If they are reading it please call me 719-302-1782 or email me at


John Downey

Jun 14, 2007
Thursday, Mike sent a message to my assistant, Carole Onweller, asking someone to reply to this thread. She forwarded it to me. Sorry for the delay; Carole and I were in meetings the past couple days. For those who don't know me, I am the editor of the IICRC's technical journal, The Journal of Cleaning, Restoration & Inspection.

First things first: Yes, of course the IICRC is still in business. To paraphrase Mark Twain, Rumors of its demise are greatly exaggerated. I would ask anyone on this thread who is unable to reach IICRC by phone or email to send an email to Please include a note explaining why you are trying to reach them. Carole will forward your message to the proper person and CC you. If no one follows up with you within three days, let Carole know.

Since mid February, the IICRC has been going through a NIGHTMARE transition from one management company to another. EVERYTHING has suffered, including exam grading, billing, recording of CECs, and especially customer service 101: replying to communications (especially phone and email). There are reasons, but they don't matter. Ultimately, any time you don't respond to customer communications, it is unacceptable. On behalf of the IICRC, I apologize for that.

Having said that, if you want to know why IICRC board members aren't inclined to publicly comment here, it is because some of the comments made here, and aspersions, are insulting, rude, callous and inflammatory. During the two+ years I served on the board, I put in an average of 20-30 hours a week in volunteer time. And I wasn't on the executive committee. Their time is more than that. By and large, the people who serve on the board are normal people like you and me who are motivated to give back to the industry. The are working their tails off and are acutely aware of the problems. Believe me, they are more frustrated than anyone on this board about the past six months.

Please, cut them some slack. Thanks.


Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
Having said that, if you want to know why IICRC board members aren't inclined to publicly comment here, it is because some of the comments made here, and aspersions, are insulting, rude, callous and inflammatory. During the two+ years I served on the board, I put in an average of 20-30 hours a week in volunteer time. And I wasn't on the executive committee. Their time is more than that. By and large, the people who serve on the board are normal people like you and me who are motivated to give back to the industry. The are working their tails off and are acutely aware of the problems. Believe me, they are more frustrated than anyone on this board about the past six months.

Please, cut them some slack. Thanks.

Perhaps I could offer them a binky?

Get real. The people making those comments aren't the ones that can't get their shit together, are directly affected, and this clusterfook predates the February transition.

D Luke

Supportive Member
Apr 12, 2015
Holy smokes! That response was not only extremely unsatisfying but also perfectly out of touch.

Couldn't script this if you tried.
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Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Can you imagine running your business like that? :eekk:

"Sorry we have had some difficulties here in our office, give us a break and we will do better next time." We'd be out of business in a few months.

Time to get another team in there. Those fools are screwing the pooch!

Present company excluded of course. Fools would be exuding any of the MB regular fools, any resemblance is merely coincidental. ;)

Jeremy N

Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
The response is great snapshot of where the dump of an organization really is.

You come on here to tell us that you suck and that we should cut you some slack?!! Do you have no concept of business at all?

Own it and fix it. Don't lecture US about how we should be nicer. That is about the worst business practice ever.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
In reality, there is nothing they could say that would appease anyone here. The only thing that would matter would be a sudden change for the better in the way they operate. Actions, not words

Don't know John
But since he's in waders holding a trout, I'm sure we have some things in common to chat about.

If I miss the hook set, or lose one to a frayed tippet that breaks, I'd ;

Own it and fix it.

not make excuses .
If the "volunteers" are putting in 20-30 hours a week,:eekk: maybe they should get paid and take over for whoever the hell the board is paying to ruin the org...:icon_rolleyes:

again, as an outsider looking in, that has absolutely NO ill will toward the org, and would genuinely like to see it do well..all i can say is.....
WTF, Dude?? this has been going on "forever" since the take over coop...we're going on YEARS now

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