I wonder if Billy had

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Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Nampa Idaho
Adam Hale
bought any other Franchise, got into a wreck and decided not to go back into the business. If the people on these boards would make a big deal about his equipment he used, call the people names that sold him the equipment. Make fun of the guy that sold him his franchise, ect.

Why are people so quick to slam anything or anybody around a Vortex?

Is it because us Vortex owners stand around and beat our chest all day? Is is because we talk too much about our machines and never stop bragging? ( Heaven knows when I see Ron post anymore I think "drink less coffee dude!")

How many times do you read " I made this $_________ today and I don't have a Vortex! I got a walk up and I don't have a Vortex!

We Big Truck guys are a pain in the butt. We brag alot, we talk out our butts most of the time. I used to jump into every BIG Truck discussion for 2 reasons.

1. I really feel having a Vortex has changed my company and makes me more money.
2. Sometimes I feel the need to defend my BIG purchase.
I stopped because I just don't care like I used to.

I was just wondering why you all think anytime Vortex is brought up you will have ten owners jumping up and down and beating their chests about how great it is and 10 people ( most have never used one ) doing everything they can to slam the machine, the company, and anything else they can think of?

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
You forgot about the other 100 people that wished they had one or could afford one. I hope Billy does get back to working for himself one day soon.


Actually you fail to recognize that it was you guys that decided that all others are hacks or inferior equipment. It was the vortex crowd wanted all the attention.
Nov 8, 2006
Ron lippold
I'm am sorry they have used a accident to beat someone up, Adam I'm sorry about your back.

I will keep sharing my experience with my VORTEX.

I love it as well as my other tools, It just happens she does most of the work, gets the walk ups and drive bys.

But the guy that answers the phone and talks to the customer makes the money,,,

I could do it with a portable and a bonnet

The Vortex just makes it easier


Oct 8, 2006

Tell Billy I hope he recovers and get better soon.

When I am driving around town I some time think what if that would

happen to me? I really scare me, but it passes cause I almost to my next



Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
it says your brother and the guy with the V bought the wrong insurance. Do your homework when purchasing insurance. I have everything insured to the hilt and combined with same agent home, cars etc for deep discounts. If I get injured allset.


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Nampa Idaho
Adam Hale
You go and buy any new machine, any new truck mount and the second you leave the parking lot the value goes down. V/AT, Butler, ACE, anything.

I have always had a back up truck. You never know what is going to happen.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
it's not a V thing.

it's a salesman thing.

salesman make money off of selling you things.
To go into hock big time to start a biz you nothing about and no experience in, is foolish.

To try and be persuaded by money grubbing "anything for a sale" sleazeman leaves a very foul taste in my mouth.

To try and persuade a prospect to cash out their retirement to buy the most expensive TM on the planet, along with near every tool made and fill his head with unrealistic claims, is irresponsible at best, and down right criminal at worst.

So the guys starts out with all the big dreams of money planted in his head by shifty salesman, then ends up working his a$$ off at night sucking crud out of greasy restaurants and $50 apts to make the payment.

Not enough money in the budget for hired help or good target marketing for more profitable jobs, he ends up working his tail off alone at night, falls asleep at the wheel, and the rest is history.

The sleaze bag salesman would persuade the prospect not to read or listen to biz owners who would give them a dose of reality and to write them off as just "negative types" or just jealous folks that should be ignored.

all to close the sale..
I say that's BULLSHIT!!!!

Maybe that's OK with you, Adam.
But I think it's pretty damn sh1tty


The Wizard

Nov 18, 2006
Larry, Shit On You All Guy, why do you continue to run your mouth off, when you have no clue to the actual facts in this matter.

The Wizard.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
well wizzy, some of the stuff is public knowledge.

the other is speculation on my part.

now, go charge some unsuspecting custy for immersion rug cleaning and only wand it in your garage.
you lying, cheating schmuck!

oh yea....KMA!!!!


The Preacher

Oct 13, 2006
i wounder if Billy would be willing to come on here and tell his story, maybe a regular guy Hot Seat???


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
Wizard would you recommend a newbie purchasing a Vortex?
We are not all Ron Lip-Holds some of us have to learn to earn and I think what people are pointing out is this man didn't have a base to build on he had to build a base first.

Take a look at the "how old is too old thread" I don't think it is a "V" bashing party I just think people feel bad that this guy is in a very tough situation(he made his own decisions) because he was sold soooo much soo early on.

When you think Vortex guys who do you think of Mikey, Ron, Randy, Adam, Wizard, Jim Martin with Ron being the exception(based on him) how long have the others been in business before buying a Vortex.

So Wizard would you recommend a new to business and a new to this business buy a Vortex with all the features?

The Wizard

Nov 18, 2006
First off, Larry it's clear to me you will always be the loud mouth who knows everything in life.

Everyone's situation in life is different. For Billy what he did was what was right for Billy. Who is to argue with Billy. Looking back on what Billy did, in my opinion he did do the right thing. Billy was achieving consitently each month in sales what a lot of people on this board took 10 years to achieve. Billy was most successful in this endeavour.

In life I do my best to treat others the way I would like to be treated. I realized Billy was tight on money so I told Billy that he did not have to pay me anything till after he had been in business for a year. We had Billy and his wife up to our home where his wife worked in our office for a week, while Billy was out on our truck with our main guy who has been with us for 18 years.

When the time came for Billy to pick up his truck, on my own dime I flew down to Arizona and met Billy at Blueline. On the drive back to Kentucky we utilized the time spent driving back in teaching Billy as much as I could about sales.

When I got to Kentucky, I stayed for a further week and did cold calls with him, I went around to all the carpet stores in his area with him made the intro's. I gave of my own time and money to do what it is I could to ensure Billy's success. When I first heard of Billy's most unfortunate accident, the first thing Billy said to me was what about the money he owed me, I told him don't worry about the money as I don't need it. I expressed to him that friendship was a much more valuable item then money and not to worry himself about nay money.

Also upon hearing of Billy's accident, I called Blueline up immediately asking for a demo truck to be made available to me on Billy's behalf as I would fly down to Arizona, pick up the truck and drive it back to Kentucky, and do so on my own dime. I offered to Billy that I would do his work for him till he was mended and I would return back home to see my family every second weekend till he was able to do the work on his own.

I offered to do all the above for no monies, just to see someone who I consider to be a friend and his family continued success.

So for all you ney sayers especially Larry, the big mouthed know it all, you now have the scoop.

The Wizard.


Oct 12, 2006
Portland, Oregon
This seems to revolve around one guy Shawn York. I don’t like bullshit and I don’t like being fed it by other people particularly the gossip rumor mill I dealt with Shawn, I have a vortex did you buy a vortex Meat…..Odin ? The people talking the most trash are ones that don’t even own one …why is that? These people don’t know that Billy was in an accident but they seem to know his finical footing of his business and all about how he was sold a Vortex…yeah right?

So here’s my interaction with Shawn York ..since I actually own a vortex . First, My interactions with him where/ are purely business. I’ve meet Shawn twice once at a CAD day in Portland and once at connections and we’ve talked on the phone 2-3 times and a couple E-mails

When I meet Shawn in Portland he was defiantly selling me on a vortex but what kind of blithering idiot would think otherwise? Originally I was going to put a big down payment Shawn suggested NOT putting a big payment down and talked up the virtues of a lease which at the time I though was all salesman talk. Well, a few weeks later I’m talking with my CPA who’s looked through the financials and tells me “a big down payment is a waste of financial resources“ and a lease I a good way to go with my situation. At no point in my dealings with Shawn did he ever suggest using my retirement money, hawking the gold filling out of my dads mouth, Pimping my sister or any other “creativeâ€Â

John G

Oct 16, 2006
I was here when Ian came in and worked with Billy teaching him the ropes, plus Billy had a large customer list BEFORE he ever even cleaned his first carpet.

We all went to lunch together and I got to see first hand how Ian was helping Billy get up and running. Ian gave a lot of value for the buck as far as I could see. I didn't like anyone giving up a 401 K for a TM, but Billy did it with his eyes wide open.

Really sad to see him go through these problems, I just hope he recovers and that he had good insurance.


Oct 12, 2006
Portland, Oregon

Successful business owners are often the target of jealous less successful ones but I’m sure you know that all too well

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
"At no point in my dealings with Shawn did he ever suggest using my retirement money"

Randy, Shawn made that statement him self on the V board.
He suggested the guy should cash out his 401K, sell/mortgage his house, anything to buy a V.


The Wizard

Nov 18, 2006
Hey Larry, Big Mouth, Mr Know Everything there is to know in this World, it makes me puke every time I see you put L.T.A. after each of your posts.

Please do us all a favour and put S.O.Y.A. SHIT ON YOU ALL, it's a better description in who you are and how you treat and interact with others.

The Wizard.


The Wizard said:
Hey Larry, Big Mouth, Mr Know Everything there is to know in this World, it makes me puke every time I see you put L.T.A. after each of your posts.

Please do us all a favour and put S.O.Y.A. SHIT ON YOU ALL, it's a better description in who you are and how you treat and interact with others.

The Wizard.

Glad to see the wuzzurd treats others with such respect....

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
tragedies are part of life
I don't know his story but its what he does from this time forth will make the difference. I've heard too many stories of guys that had a huge financial hit, like $200000+, and some a very big PLUS, and 20 yrs later they have a house on Maui, private jet, whatever. Obviously they weren't carpet cleaners. :wink:

As far as all the Vortex/AT talk, is it the box truck, the actual unit, or the performed work that is making the difference? Why couldn't someone buy a box truck, mount a 4.7 or 5.9 unit in it with 2.5" hose, glided wand, and go out and kick butt?

steve frasier

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
portland oregon
steve frasier
while you may not fit Larry's description, a lot of sales people do. I can't disagree with much of what Larry says, I have a garage full of crap to prove it. Once again, that may not fit you.

You lose creditability in the way you attack his reply

If you make a purchase that big you should have your butt covered, Terry's brother should have had gap insurance

Cashing in on a retirement plan is just wrong and should be last resort and is bad advise no matter where it comes from

The Wizard

Nov 18, 2006
Hi Steve:

I thank you for your comments and contribution to this thread.

If you were to review my few posts on this board, Dirty Grout and ICS, you will soon discover attacks is not my MO, or even a remotely regular occurrence for me to go on the attack or say anything negative for that matter. In fact you know how I handled a web site incident some time back which gives you some insight into how I handle things.

With regards to Larry, let's just say his latest round of attacks broke my camel's back and I expressed myself accordingly. My opinion of Larry stands firm.

The Wizard.


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
Wizard would you recommend a newbie buy a Vortex and cash out his savings, retirement etc? Shawn York would. When did you buy a Vortex? How many Years in did you have?

Shawn if this guy was such a success why would he be leaving the business? Cash in 401ks, mortgages etc etc asking people to risk there families is disgusting to me. I hope Billy will do alright and it was kind of the Wiz to forgive the debt and will Vortex do the same?

I have no dog in the fight I just find a lot of unanswered questions. I personally would love a Vortex and window shopped a few.

The Preacher

Oct 13, 2006
all things being equal (wands hoses sprayers etc) how is it easier to clean with a Vortex? you're using the same muscles in your arms and legs, back etc???

if what Shawn meant by it being "easier" with a vortex is one pass cleaning then he should have just said that. saying you would kill yourself over the use of anything less makes him a complete idiot IMO!!! if his family was starving and he could earn enough $$$ to put food on the table with a BAne, i hope the dumb a$$ would get to work!!!

and newbies with a Vortex are still newbies, they just have a more powerful machine to screw things up with!!

and as far as these over night success stories making so much $$, could it be, that to make the 1K+ payment not to mention fuel and insurance payments they better be turning some jobs. My definition of success is doing what i WANT to do not what i HAVE to do to make a large payment!!!


The Wizard

Nov 18, 2006
Greg, I will be happy to answer your questions.

Depending on the newbie, I agree with Shawn York, yes it is quite possible in fact most probable that I would recommend a BIG truck right off the bat. I too would recommend a BIG truck to either a single owner operator and a multi truck operation. I have sung the praises for the BIG truck since my first introduction and ownership of one. I believe the BIG truck is a marketing dream come true. I also believe the BIG truck to be way more than just huge heat and huge vacuum. Work with one for a day, and your life will never be the same ! I can also honestly say my two techs who have been with me 14 & 18 years respectively, would not be very happy campers, going back to an extended van PTO carpet cleaning machine after enjoying our BIG truck for the last two years.

I also wish that I had bought a BIG truck from the very first day in being in business. Greg I believe if one is serious about being a success in this business, then the BIG truck is the only way to go right out of the gate. As long as the community in which one is working in, has the population to support a steady volume of work, then yes the BIG Truck in my opinion is the only way to go.

This is just my opinion, which I am sure some here will disagree with.

The Wizard.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
l"let's just say his latest round of attacks broke my camel's back"

struck a nerve, is more like it

Shawn, are you cleaning carpets anymore?
Or just selling machines and wrap packages??

Would you suggest a guy mortgage his home and cash out his 401K for a Bearing built V?
Or one of the other "V de jour" manufactured units?

What units are Venturi running these days??

do you tell the guys buying them they'd get the cops called on them doing flood work at night, or night com work anywhere near a res area because of noise?

maybe you're a true believer, but do you "really" think it's responsible to suggest the largest TM in the world to a new start up biz who won't be able to utilize that TMs capacity in the first few years?
(or they'll be working for peanuts to keep the wheels turning)

have you ever been an Amway guy???

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