Hot Seat.. (With Ken SNOW) Wow



What a great HOT SEAT.. Neither Jim or Mike should feel bad about taking 2nd place to that interview.

It will be harder than hell.. to top that one. When I first read KEN SNOW was going to be on 'the HOT SEAT'.. i wasnt sure how it would go... and not for any negative reasoning.. just that he is a conglomerate.. and most of us are owner/ops.. and its a night /day difference in sorts.

I will save this.. and re read it time after time. Its info.. that we can take stuff from.. each and every time we read it.

Thanks to Ken. for his time and info. Sorry, I cant be here live... some of us are addicted.. and work day and night..

Mike.. great board. thanks for it bud. It's getting better and better. Other forums have to be 'crapping' their pants. (see, I can even say shit their pants.. if Ken can talk about his penis).. lol

Thats what makes this forum great.

I can wait to read the inteview again. Great questions.. (esp from MARTY)..
good job porky.. (buttwadd)

To Ken.. STANDING OVATION from Dobs..
Well done.. I dont care if you raise your prices.. you know the numbers.. But I suggest one thing to you:

dont give Xmas bonuses this year.. GIVE GLIDES.. lol. Your techs will thank you.

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Great post, Steve. I too could not be "live" as I had an unbreakable social engagement. (At least that is what Sioux told me it was.) But I just finished reading the entire session and I was impressed, both by the level of questions and of course Ken's replies. (Just as well I wasn't there. Doubt I could have gotten a question in edge-wise!)

If I could sum Ken Snow up in one word it would be "genuine". Many people in this industry feel threatened by Ken and Hagopian's business model and their success. Yet when you get to know Ken he is just a "down home, aw shucks" type of guy who is still having fun in this business BUT is also sharp as a tack. (And he pays great attention in a five day seminar and contributes a LOT.) What more could anyone want?

Steve Toburen CR
Director of Training
Jon-Don's Strategies for Success

PS I did think it was illuminating that Ken said he felt like he had a target on his back at times. It does seem like a few always feel intimidated by the success of others and have to try and bring these high achievers down to their level.

Folks, it is all good and no one needs to feel threatened by Ken. I know him pretty well and trust me, he has nothing to prove and no hidden agenda. That is one of the beauties of this business- there are so many routes that you can choose for YOUR OWN definition of success. It is sad when a few that just honestly enjoy helping get beat up on. One of my favorite sayings is, "No good deed goes unpunished!" I hope this isn't true for Ken anymore ... at least on this board.


Well said Steve.

I too thought it very interesting, when Ken referred to the fact that he felt there was a 'target on his back'.. I thought he held did OUTSTANDING.. last night.. and that nobody was out to get him.. rather pick his brain. I think, atleast from all of us here.. he elevated him self on the ladder of respect with his information, how he handled it.. the quality and thoroughness of the more serious questions. He showed a sense of humor.. I personally loved the fact that he said he had a beer.. after all.. we're cc'ers.. not preachers. .I think it put alot of folks at ease.. and dropped this 'suit and tie' image we envision KEN having and sort of pulled him into the group thinking that he IS 'one of us'.. not that he wasnt' prior. It pumped me up.. and I, only 10 hrs after reading it.. have called in my manager (yes.. i have a personal and biz mgr).. .. to talk about some issues.. as I am preparing to make some 'drastic' changes around this joint.. and in another company we have.
Ken is a person.. just like all of us.. and puts his underwear (or panties).. on just like us. Only he has to manage 20' something vans.. where as we all manage just one.. and struggle with doing that. lol

That HOT SEAT session last night.. is cc'ing forum at its BEST..
It really was.

As you hear in life, "I'd hate to follow that one''.. lol

Live well people. Thanks again to KEN..

Gotta go. Harry will be here in a minute to pick on me.


Oct 7, 2006
Right you are Steve ..... :p

I agree that it was a terrific Interview and nice to see that it opened your mind a smidgen, good for you.

One lil error, Ken's Co runs around 38 Butlers not to mention numerous other vehicles so the figure is probably over 50. Hopefully he'll set the record straight.

I'd love to hear what your "personal manager" does for you.


Thank you Sir Harry.

He always 'harps' on me for my lack of biz thinking.. and worrying way too much about quality.(its important to him.. but i take it overboard)

he is a numbers type at the end of the day.. and i needed my stubborn head.. opened up a bit.. but then again. I don't.. because I have him.

But i'm 90% of this little rolling corp.. have all the say so. i just let him guide me..

I'm in demand..he wants to expand..we're going to.. and the numbers.. marketing, ,etc.. will come into play.. and i can flourish in that arena..
and he can too.. as it gives him newly found motivation.. more to work with.. and allows his specialty to kick in.

I hate.. but have to admit... that I will have to step back.. and better have systems in place.. and people assisting me. I can't continue to do it all.. and i'm stubborn and hate to admit that.. but i'm also a man.. and will do such.
These ole' AIRBORNE and golf course walking legs.. have taken a beating. I may just step off the side of the bed one morning.. and just drop and eat carpet for breakfast. lol
Wouldnt that be funny..?yes.. and trust me.. I would laugh before my ass hit the floor.

Somethings just force us to think.. and that HOT SEAT session sort of unlocked something in my mind... that could make it more scary for those cleaners around.. lol... but healthy for Kev and I.

Thanks for your words HARRY...

Handshake, high 5 and a smile to ya buddy.

Nothing but the best.

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