help me design a flyer

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
I have been thinking about making up a flyer, for a couple reasons, to gain more market share in the area directly around where I live, I generally have to travel at least 25 mins from my home to get to most of my jobs, also I wanna have a little something to keep the juices flowing in the winter, here is my thinking, most flyers are price oriented and generally focus on some special, I want to avoid useing price somehow as an enticer, for obvious reasons, so my question is what other elements should I use to entice someone to call, what attractive elements can I bring into play??


Most advertising uses some kind of incentive. You don't have to give away the farm but when there's some value attached to your advertising people have a reason not to throw it away.

If you don't want to do that, advertise image. I think a lot of people don't need any more enticement than the certainty they're gonna be delighted when the job is done. They value clean stuff and they're tired of being disappointed. Project a professional image that tells them you're gonna leave them satisfied without you having to say it.

Keep it as catchy and memorable as you can. Highlight your benefits, appeal to the lady of the house and remember repetition is a large part of it.


Charlie Lyman

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
Meridian, ID
Charlie Lyman
I have "one free room with a whole house cleaning" on my doorhangers. I took it off for a while and the responce went down. It doesn't matter what you charge, as long as they are getting that room for free they will feel like they are getting a value.

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