Has anybody heard from Bristor?



Ok John , Can we live with " A good businessman sells what his customers want regardless of personal feelings . "

wasnt intending on useing , just making a point .

Have a good one


steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
wonder if james could be bristor incognito?? for all you bristor lovers check out joes psychopathic rant/ad he had in cleanfax a few months back, its pretty clear the guy is unhindged, if someone else made a cuff that was better than joes, even if they where both of equal quality everyone would buy from the other guy. my newer leaky cuffs are on my backup unit,

james, why no comment on the copying of greenies glides???????????????? since I parse words, you are parseing my questions.

wiz where is your wash pit??
Sep 3, 2007
Victoria, BC
Bill Soukoreff
Now Cooper, tell the truth, is this not way more real and fun than the "you are the greatest; no, I insist you the greatest; OK we all are the greatest, I wonder the other board can't see how great we are?" board?


steve g said:
wonder if james could be bristor incognito?? for all you bristor lovers check out joes psychopathic rant/ad he had in cleanfax a few months back, its pretty clear the guy is unhindged, if someone else made a cuff that was better than joes, even if they where both of equal quality everyone would buy from the other guy. my newer leaky cuffs are on my backup unit,

james, why no comment on the copying of greenies glides???????????????? since I parse words, you are parseing my questions.

wiz where is your wash pit??

Steve , its all academic anyway isnt it ?? Ken mentored Greenie , Greenie learned and took off on his own - did he " copy " or " steal " from Ken ??? Doesnt matter , Point is , Joe sells glides and they rock - at only 99 bucks .


Bill Soukoreff said:
Now Cooper, tell the truth, is this not way more real and fun than the "you are the greatest; no, I insist you the greatest; OK we all are the greatest, I wonder the other board can't see how great we are?" board?

Bill , thats why m&m's come in differrent flavors - they have members that love them , and likewise with MB . It looks like a win win situation for everyone.

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
James Cooper said:
[quote="steve g":370zyyxf]wonder if james could be bristor incognito?? for all you bristor lovers check out joes psychopathic rant/ad he had in cleanfax a few months back, its pretty clear the guy is unhindged, if someone else made a cuff that was better than joes, even if they where both of equal quality everyone would buy from the other guy. my newer leaky cuffs are on my backup unit,

james, why no comment on the copying of greenies glides???????????????? since I parse words, you are parseing my questions.

wiz where is your wash pit??

Steve , its all academic anyway isnt it ?? Ken mentored Greenie , Greenie learned and took off on his own - did he " copy " or " steal " from Ken ??? Doesnt matter , Point is , Joe sells glides and they rock - at only 99 bucks .[/quote:370zyyxf]

don't even try to compare what joe did to greenie, greenie designed all his own glides, I think he still tweaks on his designs even now. taking a design and copying it directly and reselling it is what joe did. wonder what joes reaction would be if someone took one of his cuffs, had it copied exactly and resold it????

james you don't have very many posts aside from this thread, and you also did not deny being joe, so if it walks like and ass hole and it talks like and asshole it must be an asshole


steve g said:
[quote="James Cooper":2o65v9zl][quote="steve g":2o65v9zl]wonder if james could be bristor incognito?? for all you bristor lovers check out joes psychopathic rant/ad he had in cleanfax a few months back, its pretty clear the guy is unhindged, if someone else made a cuff that was better than joes, even if they where both of equal quality everyone would buy from the other guy. my newer leaky cuffs are on my backup unit,

james, why no comment on the copying of greenies glides???????????????? since I parse words, you are parseing my questions.

wiz where is your wash pit??

Steve , its all academic anyway isnt it ?? Ken mentored Greenie , Greenie learned and took off on his own - did he " copy " or " steal " from Ken ??? Doesnt matter , Point is , Joe sells glides and they rock - at only 99 bucks .[/quote:2o65v9zl]

don't even try to compare what joe did to greenie, greenie designed all his own glides, I think he still tweaks on his designs even now. taking a design and copying it directly and reselling it is what joe did. wonder what joes reaction would be if someone took one of his cuffs, had it copied exactly and resold it????

james you don't have very many posts aside from this thread, and you also did not deny being joe, so if it walks like and ass hole and it talks like and asshole it must be an asshole[/quote:2o65v9zl]

Cmon Steve , you're better than that - look , do an ip trace or better yet talk to the big guy - he's the one that has to ok sign ups here /

As far as glides go , look around Steve - Magic wand Co. is selling glides , Mytee is selling glides , Hell , I bought a milling machine and made my own . Its not that complicated .

Now as far as anyone stealing anything , there aint but one company sueing in court over patent infringment and thats Harris research . And that one there is in doubt . So dont get so bent about the little things , just be thankful that there are so many choices out there for everyone to take advantage of .

And just for you , I aint Joe B.


Bob Foster said:
James, you seem to have no appreciation for many tangible and intangible things.

Here a a few points:

1. You don't get why a Greenhorn wand is worth more than a near competitive unit.

2. You put up pictures of the EZ TMs and don't appreciate that it has poorly applied spray paint, crappy welding, substandard or inappropriate critical components and their haphazard configuration.

3. You commented that you saw nothing wrong with the portable that was posted yet it was full of substandard components and poorly assembled.

4. Even though many people have mentioned first hand their negative experiences in their dealings with Bristor the Ballistic you still believe he deserves our business.

5. Even though many people have mentioned first hand their negative experiences in their dealings with the Teflon Don of Con you still believe he deserves our business.

Ok Bob , lets go point by point

1. I can appreciate that not everyone can turn a wrench , or not everyone has time or desire to tinker. However some folks can - and for those that can assemble a few key components and make a trip to a machine shop , they will save money. For those that cant , well , they pay the extra money.

2. Yes , on the tm going out Nick had some overspray . BFD , the guy saved about 7000.00 or more and last I checked a paint job cant clean a carpet - besides , these pictures were not the finished product , as you could see from the photos , it was still in the shop and being worked on .

As far as the welding , Im simply amazed that you could see any of the welds form the photos , so I guess you were there and inspected them ?? I dont think that is very likely , more likely is that you are pulling your statements directly from your rear end . I think a better thing to do is ask the end users of Nicks machines to fairly gauge the quality and the durablity of his machines , not a distributor that is also in the market to sell tms , thus giving the thumbs down on a guy just because he can sell a tm for prices you cant be competive with .

Once again same components the big boys are useing , tuthill , kohler , and comet pumps - whats substandard Bob ??

3. Again , on the recoil , why dont you tell me what Ed uses for vacs , and pumps ?? It seems like after 20 some odd years and countless satisfied customers , he must be doing soemthing right - how many have you assembled , let alone sold Bob ??

4. Wow , back to Joe B . already ?? Ok Bob , want to start a poll here to ask how many folks here use his cuffs ??? Nuff said .

5. Now the big one , Ken Harris . Ken creates a lot of his own problems . He is a small operater and has never had the financing to consistanly deliver top notch service . Lots of great ideas , but never the capital . But I can say this , for almost a year I asked if anyone had any outstanding order with Ken to come froward and Ken would take care of it - and he did - and all of them related to merchandise they were not happy with . He sent out new stuff , folks were appreciative , end of story .

No rip offs , no stolen cash , regardless of the endless stories perpetuated by folks like yourself Bob. But if you do know of any I can pass on the message and get them taken care of too.

Does that about do it Bob , or do you have more ??


No John,you just whined like my governor would say"Girleyman" Nucklehead out


Bob , its ok . Im just leting you know I have seen and EZ and I have run one . They are not 20,000 machines ( unless you want to spend the dough ) . They are affordable machines that can perform as well as machines that costs thousands more BUT they have the same basic power plants and components .

Chris , I dont know about Cooke except they had a business deal between dealers . If Cook felt he didnt get what he was entitled to he has legal recourse . I certainly dont know all the particulars , and Im betting you dont either. Besides , I focused on taking care of the end users , guys like you and me that go out each day and bust there humps to provide for their families .

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
"I think a better thing to do is ask the end users of Nicks machines to fairly gauge the quality and the durablity of his machines"

umm, Coop, I know a couple dudes that own them.
(not counting Lee Stockwell, who i believe pret' near re-engineered the two he bought to make them reliable)

I have personally seen one EZ
Maybe they saved thousands of dollars, but also got MUCH less of a machine.
EZs DON'T have a reputation for reliability when the owners are willing to talk candidly.
OR..they've never had anything else to judge by and take Nick's work that it's "normal" and "no big deal" to replace couplers every 500 hours.
Or junk HXs are "normal"

as far as klepto ken, you know and i know he would of NEVER made good on his dirty deals if you hadn't of made it a condition for him to stay on Nick's board and hawk his wares.
I appreciate your efforts to help those that were wronged, but klepto will always be a scoundrel and liar



Oct 22, 2007
Sparks NV
Chris Hagen
Not that I want to get in the middle of this pissing match but i wanted to give my inupt. I do know somwone that has an EZ machine and he has had problems since day 1. Scratch that, he had problems with the deal even before he got his TM. I have seen the welds up close and they aren't what I would want to see if I was spending thousands on it. Poor quality. As far as Joe B goes, In the few dealings I've had with him he has lied to me a couple of times. Granted they were small issues but he still lied and for that I chose not to do business with him. My 2 cents.


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
I would and do pay more for products from sales people and companies I can trust.

I would pay double for a greenglide over a Joe Glide

I would spend more at my local distributor for the products I could get online cheaper.

If a few hundred dollars extra a year is going to break me I shouldn't be running my business.

Ken Snow may be hurtin for a couple hundred in his pocket but not me.

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Kevin P said:
No John,you just whined like my governor would say"Girleyman" Nucklehead out

Kevin wtf are you talking about and when did I pisss in your cheerios? maybe you should put the pipe down and find someone else to mis-read and argue with

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
James, I will give you credit that you tried to make things right for Ken's customers. I also think that you work hard most of the time to think the better of people, in other words to try and be more positive.

But what some of us are trying to say is that we think you have been wrong on a couple of your calls. I big measure of what people would think of you here would be gauged on how you handle what some people have said, with considerable evidence and experience, that contradicts your point of view.


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
It is amazingly hard for most folks to communicate their negative experiences with internet salesmen/sociopaths, for some reason that has always escaped me, so I just wanted to say to Chris, thanks for telling us of your experience.

Greenie and Lisa have never lied to me and have always bent over backwards to supply me with excellent service and quality products. When you deal with them, there's no drama, double talk, or any reason for confusion. It's simply amazing at how hard some folks make it to do business with them.


Oct 7, 2006
Coops is the mother Teresa of the carpet cleaner's world but he is also one sumbitch stubborn, Georgia Cracker.
At least that is my opinion and I believe that is something that I am entitled to.


Your right John, sometimes I wish I had something to smoke,anyway just relax and get the pipe out yourself,and we will call this history.


I'll take the stubborn sumbitch comment , but Mother Teresa ?? I fully excepted A - hole , but I guess you guys have mellowed out .

Good to see you guys are recognizing theres more than one side of the coin in everything.

Mike Brummitt got his Tm from Nick , overdue and way behind the time line Nick thought , but at no charge for the build.

Now who was it that thought I was wrong ???
Oct 8, 2006

What you did to help Ken's victims was great but there is one MAJOR flaw in what you did. You provided an avenue for Ken to find more victims you did not cure Ken from being a LIAR and a THIEF.


Again Chris , to be a theif you have to have stolen something . He may be guilty of sending out shoddy merchandise , but you also have to realize that with wands sometimes they aint all alike so the fit can be affected , or its also possible folks can order the wrong glide . Now notice I did say he may have sent out shoddy merchandise.

Whatever the case may be , the point is I dont know of anyone that has not gotten merchandise sent when it has been ordered . And I doubt you do either. So once again , this theif label you insist on throwing isnt very accurate is it ??

Now as far as the liar comment , All I can say is I mandated he take care of any claims from folks that had a been concerning glide orders , and he did . Now does Ken stretch the truth .......


You still speaking out your arse ?? If you have some info concerning folks that have paid for merchandise and not recieved it by all means let everyone know . Thats what these boards are all about , And I will be 100 percent behind you in calling a spade a spade .
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