Google is constantly changing

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
I was reading today where a new update from Google may very well effect how websites are "seen" by Google.

Generally, Google doesn't see "websites" they see "webpages". That's kind of generally speaking but it basically means that every page in your site can rate differently in the searches etc.

Anyway, with a new update they may take the entire site into consideration while looking at any 1 page.

This means that if one page is crap, it could bring down the ranking of the other pages for the entire site.

From what I read, it's not something that will happen (or has happened) to every site. But apparently it could be happening.

What does this mean for you?

It means clean up your entire site. Don't let any pages lag in quality or attention.
If you have a "rogue" page off in the middle of nowhere with nothing linking to it from your other pages...either get rid of it or fix it ( I would fix it).

Anyway, this is just something I read from Site Pro. Doesn't mean it's the gospel but it IS common sense that you need to have an entirely healthy site with no broken links, no spammy pages and plenty of great content.

Hope this helps.

PS. And it helps to make it perty and easy to navigate for your customer conversion rates as well.


Jan 21, 2011
Google is always changing, it's imposable to keep up with every change. Always a good idea not to have dead pages, and bad links.

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