Business planning... Here is what I have so far.


Oct 9, 2006
Brightwork Inc.

2008 Business Plan


Guidance in growth of the company & people within the company.

Maintaining & improving quality of workmanship, efficiency & organization.

To keep company & people within the company on task and focused on the goals we have set for ourselves.

To give ourselves a standard & timeline by which to measure success & progress.

To give everyone involved with the company an opportunity to grow within the company so that the company can grow with them.

Goals for 2008:

Refer to this document at least once a month & track progress.

Written work instructions for each technician task.

Instructions for operation of equipment including troubleshooting & clean up.

Procedures & corrective action.

Customer relations

Written work instructions for each secretarial task.

Phone scripts.

Record keeping procedures.


Written work instructions for each managerial task.

Timekeeping, and supervisory duties.

Progress reporting

After action reporting

Corrective action.

Written work instructions for each Marketing related task.

Setting a budget

Marketing Plan by Market Segment

Tracking & targeting

Web site development

Content development.


Written work instructions for each Sales related task.

Sales goals weekly, mothly, quarterly & annually

Job cost analysis

Written proposal preparation

Customer Relations

Follow up procedures

Equipment selection & revision.

Vehichle cost & capacity

Productivity & versatility of equipment

New purchase cost/benefit analysis

Service profitability analysis

Focused marketing of the 3 most profitable services

Goals for 2008 (Continued):

Standardized forms


Service agreements

Written proposals

After & corrective action reports


Monthly Profit & Loss Analysis broken down: Overall, By Service, By Vehichle

Break down of where the money went & came from.

Analysis of trends.

Product Selection & Inventory

Carpet cleaning production & spotting

Ceramic Tile & Stone cleaning & sealing

VCT Stripping & Refinishing

Purposed Time Line for Implementation & Delegation:

Jeremy -

Work Instructions: For all positions mentioned above completed & distributed by March 1st, 2008.

Product Selection & Inventory Management - Ongoing Progress reporting due quarterly

Generation of Standardized Forms - After & corrective Reports action due by March 1st.

Equipment Selection (with the aid of Matt &/or Greg) - Ongoing progress reporting due quarterly

Andrea -

Acounting: Tally, Average & Record all sales & expenses monthly.

Assist Alicia in marketing efforts through identifying prospect accounts.


Marketing: Identify decision makers, generate letters, save records accordingly.

Greg &/or Matt:

Consult with Jeremy on the topics of “Progress & Strategic Planning” on a regular basis. At a minimum of once per month.

Proof read & critique newly generated Standardized Forms.

Assist in Equipment Selection.

Sale of add on services & service bundles.

Development of the “next great idea” for our marketing materials.


Sales Goals

Annual Sale Goal: Gross sales of $75,000 in 2008

2 year goal: $120,000 in gross sales in 2009


Average Gross Quarterly Sales of $18,750

Average Gross Monthly Sales of $6,250

Average Gross Weekly Sales of $1,500 (50 weeks a year)

Average Daily Sales of $300 (5 day week)

Average hourly earnings of $37.50 (8 hour day)


Average Gross Quarterly Sales of $30,000

Average Gross Monthly Sales of $10,434.79 (11.5 months per year)

Average Gross Weekly Sales of $2,400 (50 weeks a year)

Average Daily Sales of $480.00 (5 day week)

Average hourly earnings of $60.00 (8 hour day)

Now the only question that remains is:

How do we make it inevitable that we meet & exceed these goals.










Marketing Plan


Annual Budget: $7,500.00

Quarterly Budget: $1,875.00

Monthly Budget: $625.00

Weekly Budget: $150.00

Daily Budget: $30.00

How do we make this limited budget work for us?

By maximizing the value of our marketing dollar.

By servicing the client in an exceptional manner & standing behind our work once completed. This will build trust in the brand & confidence in our service

By targeting our marketing efforts to accounts “worth servicing”. This means cherry picking accounts. Find the most profitable jobs & pursue them with a vengeance.

Look for people that are looking for us. Key indicators being square footage, the need for a clean appearance and the need for regular maintenance.

By focusing on a few market segments with similar needs so as to tailor the marketing specifically to them.

By pre-qualifying the prospects in a market segment. Make sure these are place we want to work in.

By identifying just whom at the prospective clients place of business needs to see the materials prior to sending them. This ensures (or at the least increases the chances of ) our materials reaching the decision maker.

By offering discounted service bundles to each and every customer. This maximizes the lifetime value of the customer while giving us predictable cash flow.

By marketing our most profitable services. Example: Stripping & refinishing VCT usually grosses about 45.00 per hour while burnishing usually grosses well over $100 per hour. Why strip a floor if it will never be burnished? Sell the follow on services or price the one time service much higher in order to maintain profitability.

In keeping with the above principles here is my plan:

Assuming a cost of $2.00 per piece for commercial sales packets (including labels, flier printing, gift certificate printing, letter preparation, paper & envelopes) and our budget of $7,500.00 : I purpose to spend roughly half of our budget on targeted sales letters. This should give us 1,875 letters to prospects at a cost of $3,750.00.

These letters generally pull above a 5% response rate. Which should bring in approximately 90 or so hot leads. Assuming an (low) average ticket of $225.00 & an (extended) 8 month repeat interval this should gross a conservative $30,000.

I would like to jump start the year with a small mailing of 200 pieces in February, and a large “mass mailing” in March of 1000 pieces. The remaining 675 letters to be sent out in quarterly mailings of 225 pieces in April, Mid-June & early October.

The remainder of the budget ($3,750.00) will cover expenses for demonstrations - gas, labor, cleaning solutions, etc.), postage for the left over post cards from '07, a website ($450.00), replenishing stocks of business cards & brochures and perhaps a print ad in a Louisville Area Periodical Publication or Radio. These avenues of marketing are less targeted & untested so the return on investment is unpredictable. However, they will reach more prospective clients and cast a wider net. Properly executed they should at least “break even”.

While interacting with the clients the opportunity to sell service bundles (service agreements), and add-ons (protector, upholstery cleaning, etc.) will present it's self. Capitalize on it! This is where we make the “easy money” & keep the client happy by protecting their investment.

A word of caution: Don't be pushy. Act in the clients best interests: Be their consultant. If we can not help them in an ideal manner refer them to someone who can. Make suggestions & recommendations that are good for their bottom line & ours. Don't over sell anything. That said, resist the temtation to bundle too much i nto one proposal. Sticker shock can kill a great deal in about 1 second. Sell them what they want when they want & need it. No more, no less.

I welcome any & all suggestions. In fact I purpose to “ear mark” up to $400 dollars for implementing your ideas immediately. However, I do ask that you have a complete plan in place prior to presenting it. That said, I will give 10% of the the profits traced directly to the campaign to the individual that comes up with our “next great idea”.

Notes & Suggestions:

Your Great Idea


Implementation Details:

Estimated Cost:

David Gelinas

Mar 20, 2007
Hi Jeremy

I just wanted to let you know I thought that your post and your business plan were very good. I think it gives all of us the opportunity to think about where we are and where we want to head and a vehicle to get there. As a means of cartelist I sent a copy to my partner so we can use what you have as a basis – Thanks.

David Gelinas
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