Bonzer Rip-off


The Timminator
Feb 4, 2016
Matt w.
I would like to say something and this is not out to be taken the wrong way. Erik is a cleaner, and while he cleaned he thought long and hard about how to make his job easier, and he came up with the first Zipper... Now as I understand it....He then was approached by Cintas and they offered him big money????
Now any of you out pushing a wand.....would you have not done the same thing? We are carpet cleaners and if someone came to you and said will give you x amount for product...really think about this, Erik was not rich, he was out cleaning carpet at all hours, and what money he did have I'm sure he was sinking tons back into this tool. So for Erik at the time was like OMG this is it! I am actually gonna make some money.
Now that is in the past, Erik is still a carpet cleaner and being that he is still a carpet cleaner he also understands that we work hard for our money, and to put this tool in the stores would make this tool close to what 2800-3000.00 so that the Distributors can make there cut on the tool. I am not knocking distributors but for small production guys it is very hard to make a tool and still make it affordable to the public.
I understand distribs want to sell the tool but if it puts the tool to to high of a price tag it is not really right to black ball someone for that, it really isnt fair and I know this is the world we live in but dam a guy shouldn't be shit on for trying to better the industry, his family, and other carpet cleaners by trying to keep the tool as reasonable in cost as possible.
In all honesty I wish Roto Vac would just look at this whole deal and just ask is this really worth it, is this tool really gonna make us that much money. For the backlash that is being given...but the internet crowd is pretty small I understand.
The reason I say this is they are pricing it at a lower cost yes and they will put them in stores....but is that target market going to fork out 1500.00 for this vs a 360I or just a regular aw29 or a cheaper 14-15" wand.
The video RV made at the CAD when guys were trying the Bonzer no pun intended do you think they would spend the 1500.00 for it? Or the other little guy in the other video cleaning the pit dinner. Do you really think that guy is gonna fork out 1500.00 on this tool?
The zipper is a LOVE/HATE kinda tool, I love the Zipper but I don't have the work for it, my company is just not setup in the kinda work it was built for, and it is built perfect for it, I bought the Zipper for two accounts that I had, they have replaced carpet in both with hard flooring. so I ended up selling my zipper to help me with some funds for my own projects. The weight of the Zipper is very important, anything lighter and the vac hose would rule the tool and you will end up fighting with it.
I wish Erik the best, I wish RotoVac the best, and I wish this would just come to some light and both parties would find some way to work this out.
This thread should end with this comment right here. Nothing better could be said than what Tom has pointed out.

Ed Valentine

Jun 18, 2013
Milan, MI
Ed Valentine
My personal advice, and experience to Erik would be this: You will never stop Copy Cats from riding your coat tails when they see an opportunity to steal your ideas and innovations, period. I know this because we also had, as a perfect example, a Patent on our POWER BOOSTER System which we introduced to our industry back in 1977.
(Fast Forward) This idea was copied by a "mighty bad company" out there who promoted it (among other of our ideas) who as I recall, had to redesign it several times because it wasn't up to spec's. Then came Cintas who purchased approx 6 of their units.

More than half of them failed within several weeks. Then we got a call for HELP! Since then we have sold many, many of the "original" POWER BOOSTERS and they have loved them ever since.

Bottom line, what I want to convey is this: FOCUS on what you have developed and continue to refine it because the Copy-Cats will not be able to keep up. They are only selling widgets and not taking any pride (as the original developer does) in this particular item.

Don't worry about any copy-cats, Erik.

Lint Basket

Feb 27, 2013
Centerville UT.
Scott Mckay
John Olson, your post does try to paint a picture of Erik that I do not agree with. Like being a picked on nerd in the corner that can't defend himself.

I've watched this unfold and I have to say I'm very impressed at how Erik has stayed professional and really never fed the fire (except when Mikey snapped a photo of him with a sideways look when trying the bonzer in Atlanta). He finally posts something for legal purpose and you seem to jump his shit.

Everyone stands up for Erik for one reason above all else. He is one of us.

I've watched Erik at the trade shows years ago (before Cintas) pimping his product trying to get his name out at the Aerotech booth. I can't say I would have not made a deal with Cintas either? Was Aerotech wrong too? Thats big money and big business.

Your idea sounds good that he should be using distributors to move his product. Just because it sounds good doesn't mean the dollars add up. Just like Aerotech can't use a distributor on a truck that already costs $100,000.00. I think this is a niche enough business that Erik can distribute his own product and uphold his patent if it can be upheld.

As for your claim of this board staying true to the truth. I would say I've been waiting for Mikey to say the opposite of what you want him to say. The free speach Mikey days are over but his heart is still true he just has to stay politically correct when he is in dealings with all the above on so many levels (besides just this board). So I get that too. And even a little Mikey calling things how they are is still better then any of us can do. He still sees it how it is.


Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
What does that have to do with anything I stated in this thread?

but the very simple answer is because they like Erik. That can really be the ONLY reason since most own knockoffs of other products.


There is no legal reason for this thread. If I thought there was I would remove it.
Either Erik's patent can be defended or it can't everything else here is just bulletin board gibberish.
If it can't be defended RV will go on to sell to there primary market which is the 99% of cleaners who have never been on a cc forum or fb group.


Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
No...that is Mikey saying that an attorney wrote least part of it anyway..............but since you are so well informed perhaps you could explain to the crowd here what legal purpose it serves.

It isn't service of any sort. It doesn't actually establish anything. So what then?

At most it is the publication of something that was actually filed/served............but again....publishing it here serves no legal purpose.


Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011

He said that Erik's attorney wrote that.
He said that he assumes the legal battle has begun.

Neither of those mean that posting it on an internet forum has some "legal purpose".

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Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
"Your Honor,

We have proof right here that our opinion was clearly stated on Case closed !"


and Lockhart ...I didnt post this thread........Erik did


Everyday is Saturday.
Sep 20, 2008
Fort Worth , Texas
Fred stop it, if you are going to add controversy for the sake of adding controversy at least keep playing along, we are still on the playground you know.

And all of this attention or spotlight on the better product(zipper) and the trinket(bonzo) will be online for all perspective customers to see for the rest of time, so i feel appreciative that you have done zipper wand a great service AND I THANK YOU FOR THIS!!


Lint Basket

Feb 27, 2013
Centerville UT.
Scott Mckay
Of coarse that has legal purpose. If it is in fact written by Eriks lawyer.

It's called posture/positioning/perception

You mess with the bull you get the horns.

Lawyers are clever creatures. They understand how to get there message across and not get it deleted by the all mighty Fred.

Ed Valentine

Jun 18, 2013
Milan, MI
Ed Valentine
This thread should be closed and I'm going to report it to the highest authority!

Talking about Eriks........................................"Zipper"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Didn't think this was a Porno site!!!!

Name Held by Request


Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
Of coarse that has legal purpose. If it is in fact written by Eriks lawyer.

It's called posture/positioning/perception

You mess with the bull you get the horns.

Lawyers are clever creatures. They understand how to get there message across and not get it deleted by the all mighty Fred.

Of coUrse...
..get thEIr message accross...

Good thing we're carpet suckers and not grammar nazis.
*cries in English*
Last edited:
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
I just got Magic Wand's catalog, which has the Zipper, so looks like some distributors will have them soon.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
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