Tom Conway Devpro Wand, board hype...


Oct 7, 2006
Simi Valley
Tom Meyer
or is it?

I purchased one at the same time Jim Martin did. Both he and I scoped out that wand all three days of the convention. We put it through all sorts of tests and compared them to the wands like the TI wand and Dangs Wand. It absolutely smoked them. I've been cleaning with a TI wand for years. I change out the jets at least once a year with a 9 flow and use a 570ss. Maybe my wand was just old and tired (like me) because the results are stellar. Like Jim said, Tom absolutely nailed it. I'm not going to say it's fun cleaning again, but it makes it so much easier and efficient. Its like going from a portable to a truck mount. You can clean with both but great results are easier to achieve with the right tools. I'll make some videos for Marty....

Larry Cobb

Oct 7, 2006
Dallas, Texas USA
Larry Cobb
Wands can make a big difference in cleaning results.
Swivels can make the job easier by maneuvering around corners and under beds.
The real question is comparing all 3 current swivel wands @ $749 Mytee, $995 Dang and $1700 for Devastator.
If you have 3 or 4 techs, which wand would you buy ?
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Kellie Hiler

Nov 8, 2015
Kellie Hiler
I would buy the devastator ones for all of my techs. Not just because of the performance but for their sakes to make the job easier on their bodies. When you give them nice equipment to work with as long as they are good technicians they will appreciate it. It shows an investment in them and in the business and in theory should make them care more as well .
Not to mention the fact that these ones will last a lot longer than the cheap ones so in the long run it's going to save you money.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
Wands can make a big difference in cleaning results.
Swivels can make the job easier by maneuvering around corners and under beds.
The real question is comparing all 3 current swivel wands @ $749 Mytee, $995 Dang and $1700 for Devastator.
If you have 3 or 4 techs, which wand would you buy ?

with no question....I would and I am going to buy another one of Tom's wands when or if I am ready to hire another employee.....after what I have seen this wand do for the last 4 days...I would be a fool to buy anything else...there is not a single wand out there on the market that can preform the way this one even trying to compare it to anything out there is a mute point.... ...Tom raised the bar...and it is going to be a hard one to beat..........

I was a avid rotary cleaner...I have yet to pull one off my truck.........


Supportive Member
Jan 18, 2013
Thomas Conway
Market adjustments are coming..
I'm not sure how things are gonna pan out, as far as price IDK. Just taking each day one at a time.
I said in the beginning the swivel was NOT my main focus. Performance was, I do believe without any doubt a Devastator wand and Filter will truly deliver performance out of mid sized TM's.
Also think about this a larger TM may be able to be turned down and still get amazing results, if this is true how much fuel, wear and tear be saved?


Feb 9, 2009
Bronx, New York
Frank Mendo
I don't think most board hype is necessarily a bad thing assuming you take into consideration which board it is coming from.

Rarely is a hyped product completely sh!t.

It would have to have something going for it to get a good hype out of it.

The more a product is hyped, the more closely it is scrutinized, which is certainly a value.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
I'm not sure how things are gonna pan out, as far as price IDK. Just taking each day one at a time.
I said in the beginning the swivel was NOT my main focus. Performance was, I do believe without any doubt a Devastator wand and Filter will truly deliver performance out of mid sized TM's.
Also think about this a larger TM may be able to be turned down and still get amazing results, if this is true how much fuel, wear and tear be saved?

the performance of that wand is totally amazing..and I don't think you could of dialed in more perfect then what you have...the way the air moves through the vacuum chamber and removes the crap out of the carpets... ...I have never seen a wand do this...
Normally when you wand clean and after a good pre really dont have much in your filters...I am still amazed at what is in my filters after I clean with this wand...
As I said at the show....the swivel is just a perk...its all about what the wand can deliver...but after using it for 3 or 4 days...I can say I could never go back to a straight wand again...its set to where the head does not flop around and stays straight but if you need it to is nice and smooth and turns with no effort at all...I am not into all the board hype crap and I really dont believe to much of what I here any more...and there is a ton of wands out there that no matter how hard people tried...when the smoke cleared and the dust settled.....its still nothing more then a wand...but your wand caught my attention before the show and one of the main reasons why I even went was to see for myself what it could do....and as I said should be very proud of what you accomplished...not to often in this industry does something come along that is a total game changer..but this wand definitely set the bar....

Kellie Hiler

Nov 8, 2015
Kellie Hiler
The Dev filter completely changed the performance and maintenance of my old White Magic. I just can't even begin to imagine how much the combo of that and the wand would've changed things! It is so true that they will make a winning combo.....quite revolutionary if you ask me!
Marty......I know, no one asked me! :p

Bob Pruitt

May 22, 2016
Robert Pruitt
If you have 3 or 4 techs, which wand would you buy ?
I want my Vans set ups to be the same so Dev Pro wands all around. The cleaning tools are a business cost... Like our other costs of doing business this is going to be depreciated or written off come tax time. If it saves 10 minutes per Tech on each job or even if the results are a LITTLE bit better/cleaner for each job the wand has made me money. The most valuable part of your business is your reputation...worth it to use the best tools.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
The Butler with the big blower and high heat is a monster... that's what I want! Dev Pro Wand, both Zippers, Tile spinners... oh man... It costs a lot of money to avoid being a hack. :rockon: Worth it.

You better do a lower back reality check there grampy..

From what I've gathered, you'll be on the truck the first year.

You may need to install a EZ vacuum relief crack on your waste
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Supportive Member
Jan 18, 2013
Thomas Conway
Now that the wand is starting to go out, and the feedback is coming you see why we had to wait and file our paperwork, I have been working on this wand sitting on it for what seemed forever, but I was told do not show until all paperwork is in order.

That being said....The compliments above are just so unbelievable to me, never in my life did I ever think this would be something that would come to me, I just try and do my best. Our lives were turned upside down when the economy took a crap, we lost everything I worked so hard to provide my family with. One night as I laid in bed in the house that I was soon to have to walk away from, My brain said well you can try to get back into carpet cleaning,
I hadn't lost my great credit score yet, and had a little cash saved and the next morning I made the trip up to Interlink in Medford, Oregon...they had just took in a used legend with @ 250 hours on it in traid.
Came home and started trying to get work...picked up a client....that in turn because of my work offered me a little home to house my family it isn't much but it was better than moving back into one of our parents home that is how down and out we were.

There is nothing more humbling than losing everything, nothing more crushing than looking at your wife and saying I can't keep us here, we have to go live with the parents. Saying I am a fighter and I am not giving up didn't really make anything any better.
My wife has stood by my side through all of this, she has watched and delt with all the crap...yes she is very very defensive and it shows as to the guys and gals that have met us, they KNOW she just wears it on her shoulders, and for her to see what others have just taken, really pisses her off. So if she comes across the wrong way it is not because she hateful, she is just tired of the dishonest, BS.

All I can say is I am so greatfully honored that the people have said the kind words and reviews and each day is moving in a positive way, and I am really excited that our hard work may provide my family a little better living to come.

Thanks, yeah he has hinted to a wand.....but Mikey has never just taken, he has been a true stand up guy never has he dipped his hand in the cookie jar, he has given ROCK SOLID ADVICE.....He has also become a pretty dam good long as he stays in Carson City, Nevada.
Looking forward to the future!

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