I am house broken and I play well with others.


Aug 1, 2008
St. Charles, IL USA
Chris Newman
Full Name-Chris Newman

Company Name- Service Source DBA Norm's Carpet Cleaning

Owner or employee-Owner

How long in the trade-1.5 yrs as a BDCC, 20 years in Facilities Management

City and state-St. Charles, Il.

Website-http://www.normscarpetcleaning.comIt is just a starter site that website just went live, please make comments.

Are you a member of a cleaning association?No

Are you a supplier or manufacturer?No

Services offered (carpet, rugs, uph, water damage, leather, repairs etc)-carpet, rugs,tile,uph,repairs

Main cleaning equipment owned-Chevy, Harley, White Magic, Prochem

How did you find Mikey's Board-I sat next to Art Kelly at an IICRC CC tech 101 class

How can we help you-I can not count the many times you already have helped me by answering questions I did not even know to ask. I am compeled to venture beyond the clean room for tech info on pimping my sweet Prochem Performer. I am doing a frame up restoration and want to do it right.

How can you help us-I will just sit quietly in the back of the room, unnoticed, then maybe you will not kick me?

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Welcome aboard. Now jump in and tell us why you stated your company and what your plans are.


Aug 1, 2008
St. Charles, IL USA
Chris Newman
Thank you Able, I get that all the time at my stock car racetrack! In the '70s I was called Alfred E., remember him?

Since I was a young boy I have always dreamed of cleaner carpets...ooops, that is a lie.

My last corporate job was with JP Morgan Chase. I was responsible for HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing repairs, ect for 500 of their retail branches in Illinois. I was a manager with 12 Engineers reporting to me. A great job, paid well, great bennies, and a crew of competent guys that made me look and feel great!

I found an investor willing to risk up to 1 mil. on a biz for me to run. I am in my early 40s and was looking to buy an existing business. I could not take the risk of a startup due to me supporting 2 teenagers, 2 houses, an ex wife, a girlfriend and her teenager. I was looking to buy a Handyman biz with 4 to 8 trucks running but did not find the right deal. We looked at dozens of businesses for sale.

My investor found Norm's Carpet Cleaning for sale on Craig’s List. Norm had been in biz since 1977 and ran it from the seat of his pants. It was for sale for over 3 years and ol Norm was anxious to retire. I interviewed the owner and left the meeting thinking there is NO WAY I WILL BE A RUG SUCKER! I am a FAA licensed Aircraft Mechanic, Licensed HVAC tech, ex union electrician, OSHA 501 Instructor, college educated, ect., what me suck rugs?

Well, 4 days later Norm called, cut his price in half, I wrote a check, signed my letter of resgination, and the deal was done. I convinced myself that CCing is a service biz, it does not matter as much what you do it as how you do it. This is the best investment I have ever made in my life!

I have done SFS and other training and am growing this biz. I just bought a 2nd truck and I am in the process of rebuilding an old Performer for my commercial rig. I have added a website, done my first marketing and am looking for employee #3. I will convert this company from an Owner Operator biz to an 8+ truck operation that I can run from the white sand beaches in the Caribbean! I am rolling the dice, running it up the flagpole to see who salutes it! This is MY chance to make it on my own and failure is not an option!

I thank you all for the knowledge you have shared, without expectations. I hope I can bring something to the table.

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
Great to here! I did read my Mad comics.. Sounds like you have the drive to do very well! My goal is to be a multi truck guy also, really is looking good this year so far... we will see.



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