anything to complament yellow book advertising


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2008
Jefferson City missouri
Jon Coret
In my area this will be the first year for me advertising in both major phonebooks. My ads arent that big but are big enough to be noticed. This year I have decided to follow the theme of making quality cleaning affordable. I know my rich custys could always afford it but I thought by advertising that in my ad it might at least prompt a few calls for estimates. I know I am certanly not the cheapest cleaner in my area but I know I do a darn fine job , plus because I am not as busy as the bigger guys I can provide the one on one attention that alot of custys like. anyway back to the subject, is there anything I can do to compliment my yellowpage ad to make it more effective? I was thinking of accepting canned food donations in exchange for a small discount and drop it off at the salvation army

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Not a big fan of phone books. I think most people are hitting the internet these days.
Do you have a website? If not, get one. That should be your main focus for "traditional" advertising. By that I mean something people can see to check you out. Used to be phonebooks was really all they had to check us out.

If you can post your yellow page ad here, we will critic it.

If you haven't signed with the books yet, I would say look into internet advertising first.

You can get the same kind of ad except on someones computer instead of their driveway.

All the yellow page books (pick the biggest company) have online ads and can usually help you with a website.


Aug 22, 2008
Lawrence, KS
Mike Hughes
My successful Yellow page ads have a low shot of a nicely furnished carpeted livingroom as a background. Don’t try to cram to much information on the ad. List your core services. I would definitely list repairs / re-stretch. Try to emphasize the services or business practices that are missing in your competitors ads. Look at phone books from big cities for ideas. The ads in bigger demographics are very expensive and they are there because they work.

I would not buy any internet advertising form the phone book companies. it’s a rip off in my opinion. A nice web site is a good idea but, in the Mid-West people still use the yellow pages most of the time.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
It's probably different in Kansas so there really isn't an arguement here.

The internet yellowpages works here...and it works well.
Can't speak for the Kansas's out there.

One thing that I think Matt said. It's usually the ads fault, not the advertiser.
A well written ad will go a long way in most venues.

I have said work on emotions. Not too scary or even too cute but you have to have some sort of something to get the housewife's attention.

Problem is, most carpet cleaners have the same attempt at effecting people.

Try something new that doesn't go overboard and make them think you're an idiot.

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