tile and grout


Jul 11, 2010
is there any tile and grout wand that would work with a 500 psi porty, i know every one use's high pressure but this is due to no real actual scrubbing is taking place basicly the pressure and chems are doing the work ( correct me if i'm wrong on that) in reality you can clean tile&grout with a mop and bucket and a scrub brush of some sort--of course that would be time consuming and could get messy--what if one were to use something like that multi wash crb machine from power flite, along with of course the right chems, then you could use any porty to rinse and suck just looking for a cheaper but effective way to do tile&grout without having to buy another porty like the mytee M12 with the high pressure 1200 psi pump already own the mytee M5 i know using something like that power flite multi wash and a porty would be more time consuming, but hey if ya could do just as good a job and t&g is not your main thing and only do it once in awhile and no really large area's why not

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Some grout will come perfectly clean @ 500 pis and some will over a 1000 to literally blast away deeply embedded soils.

When you run into your first Mop n Glow nightmare you'll wish you had 1500 psi...
You know that one where the maid has been applying that junk for years and there is a layer of filth between each...

If you want to be a professional Hard Surface Cleaning you n eed to be prepared.

You NEED a 175 with a Mal Grit Brush and sling ring.
You NEED a Turbo Hybrid or SX12 type tool.
You NEED a Gecko type tool.
You NEED an Airpath for same day sealing
You NEED to know how to colorseal.

and you NEED 1500 PSI.


Blue Monarch

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Lincoln, NE
Dirk Wingrove
Mikey P said:
You NEED a 175 with a Mal Grit Brush and sling ring.
You NEED a Turbo Hybrid or SX12 type tool.
You NEED a Gecko type tool.
You NEED an Airpath for same day sealing
You NEED to know how to colorseal.

and you NEED 1500 PSI.

I have to disagree with a few of your statements Mikey. In his situation I definitely agree on the need for a 175 with a Mal Grit Brush. You can basically beat the filth into submission with it. He also needs a turbo type tool. Other than that, the need goes bye bye IMO.

A gecko? Nah, you can make due with the turbo tilt and some hand detailing. Airpath? Cheap ass fan will do just fine. Color sealing? Only if you'll cry yourself to sleep every night for leaving money on the table. It certainly isn't a need though.

I will add one more NEED. The ability to win over a customer no matter what. You have to have the ability to prepare them for blown out grout and be happy about it. Even at 500psi, it's going to happen.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I take it you have not seen how fast a AP fan will dry a hard floor right Dirk?

I also take it you have never used a Gecko type tool for corners, steps and under counters too low for a Turbo...

I want to add one more NEED.

Grout and caulking repair skills

Bee Busy

Aug 19, 2010
Folsom CA
Bee Busy
while I always recommend high pressure. he can get it done with 500 psi, a good alkaline, hydrochloric acid, rags, kneepads, gloves, long & hand grout brush, a cheap floor fan and a full face respirator.

Blue Monarch

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Lincoln, NE
Dirk Wingrove
Oh, I've seen 'em Mikey. Just was thinkin maybe he has a NEED to put food on the table before putting an airpath in the arsenal.

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