Hands-On Rug Washing Classes

J Scott W

Oct 16, 2006
Shelbyville TN
Jeffrey Scott Warrington
It official! The location and dates for the Hands-On Rug Cleaning for Your Market training events have been set. Doug Heiferman and Scott Warrington will be sharing their passion and knowledge about rug cleaning twice during 2016.

June 7th – 9th in Seattle WA and October 5th – 7th in Salem NH.

Students are invited to bring rugs to the class where they can clean the rugs with direction from experienced rug washers. Bring your problem rugs, rugs that stink, rugs that may bleed, shrink or present other issues. You will know that you can clean such rugs when you get home because you will have done it yourself.

The class covers many cleaning methods including hot water extraction, low moisture methods and full submersion pit washing. You will learn how to assemble your own rug washing facility. You will have experience with every step of the process including inspection, dusting machines, treatment of urine contamination; pit washing using the latest and most advanced tools including a centrifuge. A variety of drying system will be available.

A special bonus session on marketing will assist you to determine if a rug washing facility is viable in your market.

Early registration will save you $100 off the normal price of $695. In addition students will leave with $200 worth of their choice of rug cleaning products. Your net cost could be just $395! Make that back in one day.

For more details contact Wanja Anderson at 800 660-5803 extension 150; Daphne Livingston at 321 236-6427 extension 6427 or the Interlink Supply / Aramsco locations in Seattle 866 320-8244 or Salem 603 890-6400.
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